@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
import time, commands
import time
import ConfigParser, os
import ConfigParser, os
import random
import random
import running_mode
import running_mode
@ -111,16 +111,32 @@ def initGPIOModule():
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get the wlan0 interface via which the RPi is connected
# Get the IP-Address of the interface via which the RPi is connected
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def getDeviceIP():
def getDeviceIP():
rPi_IP = commands.getoutput("ip route list | grep 'src '").split()
# for POSIX system like MacOS and Linux
rPi_IP = rPi_IP[rPi_IP.index('src') + 1]
if os.name != "nt":
if len(rPi_IP) <= 16:
import commands
rPi_IP = commands.getoutput("ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | grep -v | awk '{print $2}'").split('\n')
if len(rPi_IP) > 0:
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "IOT_UTILS: IP Address of RaspberryPi: " + rPi_IP
print "IOT_UTILS: IP Addresses of RaspberryPi: " + str(rPi_IP)
print "IOT_UTILS: IP Address used for HTTP Server: " + rPi_IP[0]
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
return rPi_IP
return rPi_IP[0]
# for windows systems
from subprocess import check_output
rPi_IP = check_output("for /f \"tokens=14\" %a in ('ipconfig ^| findstr \"IPv4\" ^| findstr /v \"\"') do echo %a", shell=True).decode()
rPi_IP = rPi_IP.replace('\r', '')
rPi_IP = rPi_IP.split('\n')
for IPs in rPi_IP:
if IPs != '' and len(aps) < 16:
print("IOT_UTILS: IP Address used for HTTP Server: " + IPs)
return IPs
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~