@ -5,55 +5,11 @@
// license : MIT
// license : MIT
// www.jszen.com
// www.jszen.com
( function ( factory ) {
( function ( $ )
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define . amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define ( [ 'jquery' , 'moment' ] , factory ) ;
} else if ( typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ) {
// CommonJS. Register as a module
module . exports = factory ( require ( 'jquery' ) , require ( 'moment' ) ) ;
} else {
// Browser globals
factory ( jQuery , moment ) ;
} ( function ( $ , moment )
$ . dateRangePickerLanguages =
$ . dateRangePickerLanguages =
'az' :
'selected' : 'Seçildi:' ,
'day' : ' gün' ,
'days' : ' gün' ,
'apply' : 'tətbiq' ,
'week-1' : '1' ,
'week-2' : '2' ,
'week-3' : '3' ,
'week-4' : '4' ,
'week-5' : '5' ,
'week-6' : '6' ,
'week-7' : '7' ,
'month-name' : [ 'yanvar' , 'fevral' , 'mart' , 'aprel' , 'may' , 'iyun' , 'iyul' , 'avqust' , 'sentyabr' , 'oktyabr' , 'noyabr' , 'dekabr' ] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Qı sayollar' ,
'past' : 'Keçmiş' ,
'following' : 'Növbəti' ,
'previous' : ' ' ,
'prev-week' : 'Öncəki həftə' ,
'prev-month' : 'Öncəki ay' ,
'prev-year' : 'Öncəki il' ,
'next' : ' ' ,
'next-week' : 'Növbəti həftə' ,
'next-month' : 'Növbəti ay' ,
'next-year' : 'Növbəti il' ,
'less-than' : 'Tarix aralı ğı %d gündən çox olmamalı dı r' ,
'more-than' : 'Tarix aralı ğı %d gündən az olmamalı dı r' ,
'default-more' : '%d gündən çox bir tarix seçin' ,
'default-single' : 'Tarix seçin' ,
'default-less' : '%d gündən az bir tarix seçin' ,
'default-range' : '%d və %d gün aralı ğı nda tarixlər seçin' ,
'default-default' : 'Tarix aralı ğı seçin'
} ,
'cn' :
'cn' :
'selected' : '已选择:' ,
'selected' : '已选择:' ,
@ -93,14 +49,14 @@
'day' : 'Den' ,
'day' : 'Den' ,
'days' : 'Dny' ,
'days' : 'Dny' ,
'apply' : 'Zavřít' ,
'apply' : 'Zavřít' ,
'week-1' : ' p o',
'week-1' : ' P o',
'week-2' : ' ú t',
'week-2' : ' Ú t',
'week-3' : ' s t',
'week-3' : ' S t',
'week-4' : ' č t',
'week-4' : ' Č t',
'week-5' : ' p á',
'week-5' : ' P á',
'week-6' : ' s o',
'week-6' : ' S o',
'week-7' : ' n e',
'week-7' : ' N e',
'month-name' : [ ' leden', 'únor' , 'březen' , 'duben' , 'květen' , 'červen' , 'červenec' , 'srpen' , 'září' , 'říjen' , 'listopad' , 'p rosinec'] ,
'month-name' : [ ' Leden', 'Únor' , 'Březen' , 'Duben' , 'Květen' , 'Červen' , 'Červenec' , 'Srpen' , 'Září' , 'Říjen' , 'Listopad' , 'P rosinec'] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Zkratky' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Zkratky' ,
'past' : 'po' ,
'past' : 'po' ,
'following' : 'následující' ,
'following' : 'následující' ,
@ -126,16 +82,15 @@
'day' : 'Day' ,
'day' : 'Day' ,
'days' : 'Days' ,
'days' : 'Days' ,
'apply' : 'Apply' ,
'apply' : 'Apply' ,
'week-1' : ' mo ',
'week-1' : ' MO ',
'week-2' : ' tu ',
'week-2' : ' TU ',
'week-3' : ' we ',
'week-3' : ' WE ',
'week-4' : ' th ',
'week-4' : ' TH ',
'week-5' : ' fr ',
'week-5' : ' FR ',
'week-6' : ' sa ',
'week-6' : ' SA ',
'week-7' : ' su ',
'week-7' : ' SU ',
'month-name' : [ ' january', 'february' , 'march' , 'april' , 'may' , 'june' , 'july' , 'august' , 'september' , 'october' , 'november' , 'december '] ,
'month-name' : [ ' JANUARY', 'FEBRUARY' , 'MARCH' , 'APRIL' , 'MAY' , 'JUNE' , 'JULY' , 'AUGUST' , 'SEPTEMBER' , 'OCTOBER' , 'NOVEMBER' , 'DECEMBER '] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Shortcuts' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Shortcuts' ,
'custom-values' : 'Custom Values' ,
'past' : 'Past' ,
'past' : 'Past' ,
'following' : 'Following' ,
'following' : 'Following' ,
'previous' : 'Previous' ,
'previous' : 'Previous' ,
@ -160,14 +115,14 @@
'day' : 'Giorno' ,
'day' : 'Giorno' ,
'days' : 'Giorni' ,
'days' : 'Giorni' ,
'apply' : 'Chiudi' ,
'apply' : 'Chiudi' ,
'week-1' : ' lu ',
'week-1' : ' LU ',
'week-2' : ' ma ',
'week-2' : ' MA ',
'week-3' : ' me ',
'week-3' : ' ME ',
'week-4' : ' gi ',
'week-4' : ' GI ',
'week-5' : ' ve ',
'week-5' : ' VE ',
'week-6' : ' sa ',
'week-6' : ' SA ',
'week-7' : ' do ',
'week-7' : ' DO ',
'month-name' : [ ' gennaio', 'febbraio' , 'marzo' , 'aprile' , 'maggio' , 'giugno' , 'luglio' , 'agosto' , 'settembre' , 'ottobre' , 'novembre' , 'dicembre '] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Scorciatoie' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Scorciatoie' ,
'past' : 'Scorso' ,
'past' : 'Scorso' ,
'following' : 'Successivo' ,
'following' : 'Successivo' ,
@ -193,14 +148,14 @@
'day' : 'Dia' ,
'day' : 'Dia' ,
'days' : 'Dias' ,
'days' : 'Dias' ,
'apply' : 'Cerrar' ,
'apply' : 'Cerrar' ,
'week-1' : ' lu ',
'week-1' : ' LU ',
'week-2' : ' ma ',
'week-2' : ' MA ',
'week-3' : ' mi ',
'week-3' : ' MI ',
'week-4' : ' ju ',
'week-4' : ' JU ',
'week-5' : ' vi ',
'week-5' : ' VI ',
'week-6' : ' sa ',
'week-6' : ' SA ',
'week-7' : ' do ',
'week-7' : ' DO ',
'month-name' : [ ' enero', 'febrero' , 'marzo' , 'abril' , 'mayo' , 'junio' , 'julio' , 'agosto' , 'septiembre' , 'octubre' , 'noviembre' , 'diciembre '] ,
'month-name' : [ ' ENERO', 'FEBRERO' , 'MARZO' , 'ABRIL' , 'MAYO' , 'JUNIO' , 'JULIO' , 'AGOSTO' , 'SEPTIEMBRE' , 'OCTUBRE' , 'NOVIEMBRE' , 'DICIEMBRE '] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Accesos directos' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Accesos directos' ,
'past' : 'Pasado' ,
'past' : 'Pasado' ,
'following' : 'Siguiente' ,
'following' : 'Siguiente' ,
@ -226,14 +181,14 @@
'day' : 'Tag' ,
'day' : 'Tag' ,
'days' : 'Tage' ,
'days' : 'Tage' ,
'apply' : 'Schließen' ,
'apply' : 'Schließen' ,
'week-1' : ' mo ',
'week-1' : ' MO ',
'week-2' : ' di ',
'week-2' : ' DI ',
'week-3' : ' mi ',
'week-3' : ' MI ',
'week-4' : ' do ',
'week-4' : ' DO ',
'week-5' : ' fr ',
'week-5' : ' FR ',
'week-6' : ' sa ',
'week-6' : ' SA ',
'week-7' : ' so ',
'week-7' : ' SO ',
'month-name' : [ ' januar', 'februar' , 'märz' , 'april' , 'mai' , 'juni' , 'juli' , 'august' , 'september' , 'oktober' , 'november' , 'dezember '] ,
'month-name' : [ ' JANUAR', 'FEBRUAR' , 'MÄRZ' , 'APRIL' , 'MAI' , 'JUNI' , 'JULI' , 'AUGUST' , 'SEPTEMBER' , 'OKTOBER' , 'NOVEMBER' , 'DEZEMBER '] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Schnellwahl' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Schnellwahl' ,
'past' : 'Vorherige' ,
'past' : 'Vorherige' ,
'following' : 'Folgende' ,
'following' : 'Folgende' ,
@ -259,14 +214,14 @@
'day' : 'День' ,
'day' : 'День' ,
'days' : 'Дней' ,
'days' : 'Дней' ,
'apply' : 'Закрыть' ,
'apply' : 'Закрыть' ,
'week-1' : ' пн ',
'week-1' : ' ПН ',
'week-2' : ' вт ',
'week-2' : ' В Т ',
'week-3' : ' с р ',
'week-3' : ' С Р ',
'week-4' : ' чт ',
'week-4' : ' ЧТ ',
'week-5' : ' пт ',
'week-5' : ' ПТ ',
'week-6' : ' с б ',
'week-6' : ' СБ ',
'week-7' : ' вс ',
'week-7' : ' В С ',
'month-name' : [ ' январь', 'февраль' , 'март' , 'апрель' , 'май' , 'июнь' , 'июль' , 'август' , 'сентябрь' , 'октябрь' , 'ноябрь' , 'декабрь '] ,
'month-name' : [ ' ЯНВАРЬ', 'ФЕВРАЛЬ' , 'М А Р Т ' , 'АПРЕЛЬ' , 'МАЙ' , 'ИЮНЬ' , 'ИЮЛЬ' , 'АВГУСТ' , 'СЕНТЯБРЬ' , 'ОКТЯБРЬ' , 'НОЯБРЬ' , 'ДЕКАБРЬ '] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Быстрый выбор' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Быстрый выбор' ,
'past' : 'Прошедшие' ,
'past' : 'Прошедшие' ,
'following' : 'Следующие' ,
'following' : 'Следующие' ,
@ -292,14 +247,14 @@
'day' : 'Jour' ,
'day' : 'Jour' ,
'days' : 'Jours' ,
'days' : 'Jours' ,
'apply' : 'Fermer' ,
'apply' : 'Fermer' ,
'week-1' : ' lu ',
'week-1' : ' LU ',
'week-2' : ' ma ',
'week-2' : ' MA ',
'week-3' : ' me ',
'week-3' : ' ME ',
'week-4' : ' je ',
'week-4' : ' JE ',
'week-5' : ' ve ',
'week-5' : ' VE ',
'week-6' : ' sa ',
'week-6' : ' SA ',
'week-7' : ' di ',
'week-7' : ' DI ',
'month-name' : [ ' janvier', 'février' , 'mars' , 'avril' , 'mai' , 'juin' , 'juillet' , 'août' , 'septembre' , 'octobre' , 'novembre' , 'décembre '] ,
'month-name' : [ ' JANVIER', 'FÉVRIER' , 'MARS' , 'AVRIL' , 'MAI' , 'JUIN' , 'JUILLET' , 'AOÛT' , 'SEPTEMBRE' , 'OCTOBRE' , 'NOVEMBRE' , 'DÉCEMBRE '] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Raccourcis' ,
'shortcuts' : 'Raccourcis' ,
'past' : 'Passé' ,
'past' : 'Passé' ,
'following' : 'Suivant' ,
'following' : 'Suivant' ,
@ -318,42 +273,16 @@
'default-less' : 'Merci de choisir une intervalle inférieure %d jours' ,
'default-less' : 'Merci de choisir une intervalle inférieure %d jours' ,
'default-range' : 'Merci de choisir une intervalle comprise entre %d et %d jours' ,
'default-range' : 'Merci de choisir une intervalle comprise entre %d et %d jours' ,
'default-default' : 'Merci de choisir une date'
'default-default' : 'Merci de choisir une date'
} ,
'hu' :
'selected' : 'Kiválasztva:' ,
'day' : 'Nap' ,
'days' : 'Nap' ,
'apply' : 'Ok' ,
'week-1' : 'h' ,
'week-2' : 'k' ,
'week-3' : 'sz' ,
'week-4' : 'cs' ,
'week-5' : 'p' ,
'week-6' : 'sz' ,
'week-7' : 'v' ,
'month-name' : [ 'január' , 'február' , 'március' , 'április' , 'május' , 'június' , 'július' , 'augusztus' , 'szeptember' , 'október' , 'november' , 'december' ] ,
'shortcuts' : 'Gyorsválasztó' ,
'past' : 'Múlt' ,
'following' : 'Következő' ,
'previous' : 'Előző' ,
'prev-week' : 'Hét' ,
'prev-month' : 'Hónap' ,
'prev-year' : 'Év' ,
'next' : 'Következő' ,
'next-week' : 'Hét' ,
'next-month' : 'Hónap' ,
'next-year' : 'Év' ,
'less-than' : 'A kiválasztás nem lehet több %d napnál' ,
'more-than' : 'A kiválasztás nem lehet több %d napnál' ,
'default-more' : 'Válassz ki egy időszakot ami hosszabb mint %d nap' ,
'default-single' : 'Válassz egy napot' ,
'default-less' : 'Válassz ki egy időszakot ami rövidebb mint %d nap' ,
'default-range' : 'Válassz ki egy %d - %d nap hosszú időszakot' ,
'default-default' : 'Válassz ki egy időszakot'
} ;
} ;
if ( window [ 'moment' ] === undefined )
if ( window [ 'console' ] && console [ 'warn' ] ) console . warn ( 'Please import moment.js before daterangepicker.js' ) ;
return ;
$ . fn . dateRangePicker = function ( opt )
$ . fn . dateRangePicker = function ( opt )
if ( ! opt ) opt = { } ;
if ( ! opt ) opt = { } ;
@ -394,13 +323,8 @@
container : 'body' ,
container : 'body' ,
alwaysOpen : false ,
alwaysOpen : false ,
singleDate : false ,
singleDate : false ,
lookBehind : false ,
batchMode : false ,
batchMode : false ,
duration : 200 ,
duration : 200
stickyMonths : false ,
dayDivAttrs : [ ] ,
dayTdAttrs : [ ] ,
applyBtnClass : ''
} , opt ) ;
} , opt ) ;
opt . start = false ;
opt . start = false ;
@ -433,14 +357,14 @@
// expose some api
// expose some api
$ ( this ) . data ( 'dateRangePicker' ,
$ ( this ) . data ( 'dateRangePicker' ,
setDateRange : function ( d1 , d2 ,silent )
setDateRange : function ( d1 , d2 )
if ( typeof d1 == 'string' && typeof d2 == 'string' )
if ( typeof d1 == 'string' && typeof d2 == 'string' )
d1 = moment ( d1 , opt . format ) . toDate ( ) ;
d1 = moment ( d1 , opt . format ) . toDate ( ) ;
d2 = moment ( d2 , opt . format ) . toDate ( ) ;
d2 = moment ( d2 , opt . format ) . toDate ( ) ;
setDateRange ( d1 , d2 ,silent );
setDateRange ( d1 , d2 );
} ,
} ,
clear : clearSelection ,
clear : clearSelection ,
close : closeDatePicker ,
close : closeDatePicker ,
@ -461,6 +385,15 @@
return this ;
return this ;
function init _datepicker ( )
function init _datepicker ( )
var self = this ;
var self = this ;
@ -473,6 +406,9 @@
$ ( this ) . data ( 'date-picker-opened' , true ) ;
$ ( this ) . data ( 'date-picker-opened' , true ) ;
box = createDom ( ) . hide ( ) ;
box = createDom ( ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( opt . container ) . append ( box ) ;
$ ( opt . container ) . append ( box ) ;
@ -491,20 +427,12 @@
var defaultTime = opt . defaultTime ? opt . defaultTime : new Date ( ) ;
var defaultTime = opt . defaultTime ? opt . defaultTime : new Date ( ) ;
if ( opt . lookBehind ) {
if ( opt . startDate && compare _month ( defaultTime , opt . startDate ) < 0 ) defaultTime = nextMonth ( moment ( opt . startDate ) . toDate ( ) ) ;
if ( opt . endDate && compare _month ( defaultTime , opt . endDate ) > 0 ) defaultTime = moment ( opt . endDate ) . toDate ( ) ;
showMonth ( prevMonth ( defaultTime ) , 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( defaultTime , 'month2' ) ;
} else {
if ( opt . startDate && compare _month ( defaultTime , opt . startDate ) < 0 ) defaultTime = moment ( opt . startDate ) . toDate ( ) ;
if ( opt . startDate && compare _month ( defaultTime , opt . startDate ) < 0 ) defaultTime = moment ( opt . startDate ) . toDate ( ) ;
if ( opt . endDate && compare _month ( nextMonth ( defaultTime ) , opt . endDate ) > 0 ) defaultTime = prevMonth ( moment ( opt . endDate ) . toDate ( ) ) ;
if ( opt . endDate && compare _month ( nextMonth ( defaultTime ) , opt . endDate ) > 0 ) defaultTime = prevMonth ( moment ( opt . endDate ) . toDate ( ) ) ;
showMonth ( defaultTime , 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( defaultTime , 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( nextMonth ( defaultTime ) , 'month2' ) ;
showMonth ( nextMonth ( defaultTime ) , 'month2' ) ;
if ( opt . time . enabled ) {
if ( opt . time . enabled ) {
if ( ( opt . startDate && opt . endDate ) || ( opt . start && opt . end ) ) {
if ( ( opt . startDate && opt . endDate ) || ( opt . start && opt . end ) ) {
@ -519,6 +447,8 @@
var defaultTopText = '' ;
var defaultTopText = '' ;
if ( opt . singleDate )
if ( opt . singleDate )
defaultTopText = lang ( 'default-single' ) ;
defaultTopText = lang ( 'default-single' ) ;
@ -534,6 +464,8 @@
box . find ( '.default-top' ) . html ( defaultTopText . replace ( /\%d/ , opt . minDays ) . replace ( /\%d/ , opt . maxDays ) ) ;
box . find ( '.default-top' ) . html ( defaultTopText . replace ( /\%d/ , opt . minDays ) . replace ( /\%d/ , opt . maxDays ) ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( )
setTimeout ( function ( )
initiated = true ;
initiated = true ;
@ -548,57 +480,24 @@
box . find ( '.next' ) . click ( function ( )
box . find ( '.next' ) . click ( function ( )
if ( ! opt . stickyMonths ) gotoNextMonth ( this ) ;
var isMonth2 = $ ( this ) . parents ( 'table' ) . hasClass ( 'month2' ) ;
else gotoNextMonth _stickily ( this )
} ) ;
function gotoNextMonth ( self ) {
var isMonth2 = $ ( self ) . parents ( 'table' ) . hasClass ( 'month2' ) ;
var month = isMonth2 ? opt . month2 : opt . month1 ;
var month = isMonth2 ? opt . month2 : opt . month1 ;
month = nextMonth ( month ) ;
month = nextMonth ( month ) ;
if ( ! opt . singleDate && ! isMonth2 && compare _month ( month , opt . month2 ) >= 0 || isMonthOutOfBounds ( month ) ) return ;
if ( ! opt . singleDate && ! isMonth2 && compare _month ( month , opt . month2 ) >= 0 || isMonthOutOfBounds ( month ) ) return ;
showMonth ( month , isMonth2 ? 'month2' : 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( month , isMonth2 ? 'month2' : 'month1' ) ;
showGap ( ) ;
showGap ( ) ;
} ) ;
function gotoNextMonth _stickily ( self ) {
var nextMonth1 = nextMonth ( opt . month1 ) ;
var nextMonth2 = nextMonth ( opt . month2 ) ;
if ( isMonthOutOfBounds ( nextMonth2 ) ) return ;
if ( ! opt . singleDate && compare _month ( nextMonth1 , nextMonth2 ) >= 0 ) return ;
showMonth ( nextMonth1 , 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( nextMonth2 , 'month2' ) ;
box . find ( '.prev' ) . click ( function ( )
box . find ( '.prev' ) . click ( function ( )
if ( ! opt . stickyMonths ) gotoPrevMonth ( this ) ;
var isMonth2 = $ ( this ) . parents ( 'table' ) . hasClass ( 'month2' ) ;
else gotoPrevMonth _stickily ( this ) ;
} ) ;
function gotoPrevMonth ( self ) {
var isMonth2 = $ ( self ) . parents ( 'table' ) . hasClass ( 'month2' ) ;
var month = isMonth2 ? opt . month2 : opt . month1 ;
var month = isMonth2 ? opt . month2 : opt . month1 ;
month = prevMonth ( month ) ;
month = prevMonth ( month ) ;
//if (isMonth2 && month.getFullYear()+''+month.getMonth() <= opt.month1.getFullYear()+''+opt.month1.getMonth()) return;
//if (isMonth2 && month.getFullYear()+''+month.getMonth() <= opt.month1.getFullYear()+''+opt.month1.getMonth()) return;
if ( isMonth2 && compare _month ( month , opt . month1 ) <= 0 || isMonthOutOfBounds ( month ) ) return ;
if ( isMonth2 && compare _month ( month , opt . month1 ) <= 0 || isMonthOutOfBounds ( month ) ) return ;
showMonth ( month , isMonth2 ? 'month2' : 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( month , isMonth2 ? 'month2' : 'month1' ) ;
showGap ( ) ;
showGap ( ) ;
} ) ;
function gotoPrevMonth _stickily ( self ) {
var prevMonth1 = prevMonth ( opt . month1 ) ;
var prevMonth2 = prevMonth ( opt . month2 ) ;
if ( isMonthOutOfBounds ( prevMonth1 ) ) return ;
if ( ! opt . singleDate && compare _month ( prevMonth2 , prevMonth1 ) <= 0 ) return ;
showMonth ( prevMonth2 , 'month2' ) ;
showMonth ( prevMonth1 , 'month1' ) ;
box . bind ( 'click' , function ( evt )
box . bind ( 'click' , function ( evt )
@ -628,19 +527,6 @@
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
box . find ( '[custom]' ) . click ( function ( )
var valueName = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'custom' ) ;
opt . start = false ;
opt . end = false ;
box . find ( '.day.checked' ) . removeClass ( 'checked' ) ;
opt . setValue . call ( selfDom , valueName ) ;
checkSelectionValid ( ) ;
showSelectedInfo ( true ) ;
showSelectedDays ( ) ;
if ( opt . autoClose ) closeDatePicker ( ) ;
} ) ;
box . find ( '[shortcut]' ) . click ( function ( )
box . find ( '[shortcut]' ) . click ( function ( )
var shortcut = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'shortcut' ) ;
var shortcut = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'shortcut' ) ;
@ -810,21 +696,19 @@
// set initiated to avoid triggerring datepicker-change event
// set initiated to avoid triggerring datepicker-change event
initiated = false ;
initiated = false ;
if ( defaults . length >= 2 ) {
if ( defaults . length >= 2 ) {
setDateRange ( moment ( defaults [ 0 ] , _ _ _format , moment . locale ( opt . language ) ). toDate ( ) , moment ( defaults [ 1 ] , _ _ _format , moment . locale ( opt . language ) ) . toDate ( ) ) ;
setDateRange ( moment ( defaults [ 0 ] , _ _ _format ). toDate ( ) , moment ( defaults [ 1 ] , _ _ _format ) . toDate ( ) ) ;
else if ( defaults . length == 1 && opt . singleDate ) {
else if ( defaults . length == 1 && opt . singleDate ) {
setSingleDate ( moment ( defaults [ 0 ] , _ _ _format , moment . locale ( opt . language ) ). toDate ( ) ) ;
setSingleDate ( moment ( defaults [ 0 ] , _ _ _format ). toDate ( ) ) ;
initiated = true ;
initiated = true ;
box . slideDown ( animationTime , function ( ) {
box . slideDown ( animationTime ) ;
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-opened' , { relatedTarget : box } ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-open' , { relatedTarget : box } ) ;
function renderTime ( name , date ) {
function renderTime ( name , date ) {
box . find ( "." + name + " input[type=range].hour-range" ) . val ( moment ( date ) . hours ( ) ) ;
box . find ( "." + name + " input[type=range].hour-range" ) . val ( moment ( date ) . hours ( ) ) ;
box . find ( "." + name + " input[type=range].minute-range" ) . val ( moment ( date ) . minutes ( ) ) ;
box . find ( "." + name + " input[type=range].minute-range" ) . val ( moment ( date ) . minutes ( ) ) ;
@ -835,8 +719,8 @@
opt [ name ] = parseInt (
opt [ name ] = parseInt (
moment ( parseInt ( date ) )
moment ( parseInt ( date ) )
. startOf ( 'day' )
. startOf ( 'day' )
. add ( moment ( opt [ name + "Time" ] ) . format ( "HH" ) , 'h' )
. add ( 'h' , moment ( opt [ name + "Time" ] ) . format ( "HH" ) )
. add ( moment ( opt [ name + "Time" ] ) . format ( "mm" ) , 'm' ) . valueOf ( )
. add ( 'm' , moment ( opt [ name + "Time" ] ) . format ( "mm" ) ) . valueOf ( )
) ;
) ;
@ -867,8 +751,8 @@
m = timePoint . format ( "mm" ) ;
m = timePoint . format ( "mm" ) ;
opt [ name ] = timePoint
opt [ name ] = timePoint
. startOf ( 'day' )
. startOf ( 'day' )
. add ( hour || h , "h" )
. add ( "h" , hour || h )
. add ( minute || m , "m" )
. add ( "m" , minute || m )
. valueOf ( ) ;
. valueOf ( ) ;
checkSelectionValid ( ) ;
checkSelectionValid ( ) ;
@ -1049,7 +933,7 @@
function showSelectedInfo ( forceValid , silent )
function showSelectedInfo ( )
box . find ( '.start-day' ) . html ( '...' ) ;
box . find ( '.start-day' ) . html ( '...' ) ;
box . find ( '.end-day' ) . html ( '...' ) ;
box . find ( '.end-day' ) . html ( '...' ) ;
@ -1084,7 +968,7 @@
box . find ( '.apply-btn' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
box . find ( '.apply-btn' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
var dateRange = getDateString ( new Date ( opt . start ) ) + opt . separator + getDateString ( new Date ( opt . end ) ) ;
var dateRange = getDateString ( new Date ( opt . start ) ) + opt . separator + getDateString ( new Date ( opt . end ) ) ;
opt . setValue . call ( selfDom , dateRange , getDateString ( new Date ( opt . start ) ) , getDateString ( new Date ( opt . end ) ) ) ;
opt . setValue . call ( selfDom , dateRange , getDateString ( new Date ( opt . start ) ) , getDateString ( new Date ( opt . end ) ) ) ;
if ( initiated && ! silent )
if ( initiated )
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-change' ,
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-change' ,
@ -1094,17 +978,13 @@
} ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( forceValid )
box . find ( '.apply-btn' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
box . find ( '.apply-btn' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
box . find ( '.apply-btn' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
function setDateRange ( date1 , date2 ,silent )
function setDateRange ( date1 , date2 )
if ( date1 . getTime ( ) > date2 . getTime ( ) )
if ( date1 . getTime ( ) > date2 . getTime ( ) )
@ -1126,31 +1006,10 @@
opt . start = date1 . getTime ( ) ;
opt . start = date1 . getTime ( ) ;
opt . end = date2 . getTime ( ) ;
opt . end = date2 . getTime ( ) ;
if ( opt. stickyMonths || ( compare_day ( date1 , date2 ) > 0 && compare _month ( date1 , date2 ) == 0 ) )
if ( compare_day ( date1 , date2 ) > 0 && compare _month ( date1 , date2 ) == 0 )
if ( opt . lookBehind ) {
date1 = prevMonth ( date2 ) ;
} else {
date2 = nextMonth ( date1 ) ;
date2 = nextMonth ( date1 ) ;
if ( opt . stickyMonths && compare _month ( date2 , opt . endDate ) > 0 ) {
date1 = prevMonth ( date1 ) ;
date2 = prevMonth ( date2 ) ;
if ( ! opt . stickyMonths ) {
if ( compare _month ( date1 , date2 ) == 0 )
if ( opt . lookBehind ) {
date1 = prevMonth ( date2 ) ;
} else {
date2 = nextMonth ( date1 ) ;
if ( opt . time . enabled ) {
if ( opt . time . enabled ) {
renderTime ( "time1" , date1 ) ;
renderTime ( "time1" , date1 ) ;
renderTime ( "time2" , date2 ) ;
renderTime ( "time2" , date2 ) ;
@ -1158,7 +1017,7 @@
showMonth ( date1 , 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( date1 , 'month1' ) ;
showMonth ( date2 , 'month2' ) ;
showMonth ( date2 , 'month2' ) ;
showGap ( ) ;
showGap ( ) ;
showSelectedInfo ( false , silent ) ;
showSelectedInfo ( ) ;
autoclose ( ) ;
autoclose ( ) ;
@ -1261,10 +1120,9 @@
$ ( box ) . slideUp ( opt . duration , function ( )
$ ( box ) . slideUp ( opt . duration , function ( )
$ ( self ) . data ( 'date-picker-opened' , false ) ;
$ ( self ) . data ( 'date-picker-opened' , false ) ;
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-closed' , { relatedTarget : box } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-close' , { relatedTarget : box } );
$ ( self ) . trigger ( 'datepicker-close' );
function compare _month ( m1 , m2 )
function compare _month ( m1 , m2 )
@ -1328,13 +1186,13 @@
html += ' < / d i v > \
html += ' < / d i v > \
< div class = "error-top" > error < / d i v > \
< div class = "error-top" > error < / d i v > \
< div class = "default-top" > default < / d i v > \
< div class = "default-top" > default < / d i v > \
< input type = "button" class = "apply-btn disabled '+ getApplyBtn Class() +'" value = "'+lang('apply')+'" / > \
< input type = "button" class = "apply-btn disabled '+ getHide Class() +'" value = "'+lang('apply')+'" / > \
< / d i v > '
< / d i v > '
+ '<div class="month-wrapper">'
+ '<div class="month-wrapper">'
+ '<table class="month1" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><thead><tr class="caption"><th style="width:27px;"><span class="prev"><</span></th><th colspan="5" class="month-name">January, 2011</th><th style="width:27px;"> ' + ( opt . singleDate || ! opt . stickyMonths ? ' <span class="next">></span>': '' ) + ' </th></tr><tr class="week-name">'+ getWeekHead ( ) + '</thead><tbody></tbody></table>'
+ '<table class="month1" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><thead><tr class="caption"><th style="width:27px;"><span class="prev"><</span></th><th colspan="5" class="month-name">January, 2011</th><th style="width:27px;"> <span class="next">></span></th></tr><tr class="week-name">'+ getWeekHead ( ) + '</thead><tbody></tbody></table>'
if ( ! opt . singleDate ) {
if ( ! opt . singleDate ) {
html += '<div class="gap">' + getGapHTML ( ) + '</div>'
html += '<div class="gap">' + getGapHTML ( ) + '</div>'
+ '<table class="month2" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><thead><tr class="caption"><th style="width:27px;"> ' + ( ! opt . stickyMonths ? ' <span class="prev"><</span>': '' ) + ' </th><th colspan="5" class="month-name">January, 2011</th><th style="width:27px;"><span class="next">></span></th></tr><tr class="week-name">'+ getWeekHead ( ) + '</thead><tbody></tbody></table>'
+ '<table class="month2" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><thead><tr class="caption"><th style="width:27px;"> <span class="prev"><</span></th><th colspan="5" class="month-name">January, 2011</th><th style="width:27px;"><span class="next">></span></th></tr><tr class="week-name">'+ getWeekHead ( ) + '</thead><tbody></tbody></table>'
html += '<div style="clear:both;height:0;font-size:0;"></div>'
html += '<div style="clear:both;height:0;font-size:0;"></div>'
@ -1347,10 +1205,9 @@
+ '<div style="clear:both;height:0;font-size:0;"></div>'
+ '<div style="clear:both;height:0;font-size:0;"></div>'
+ '</div>' ;
+ '</div>' ;
html += '<div class="footer">' ;
if ( opt . showShortcuts )
if ( opt . showShortcuts )
html += '<div class=" shortcuts "><b>'+ lang ( 'shortcuts' ) + '</b>' ;
html += '<div class=" footer "><b>'+ lang ( 'shortcuts' ) + '</b>' ;
var data = opt . shortcuts ;
var data = opt . shortcuts ;
if ( data )
if ( data )
@ -1410,40 +1267,21 @@
html += ' <span class="custom-shortcut"><a href="javascript:;" shortcut="custom">' + sh . name + '</a></span>' ;
html += ' <span class="custom-shortcut"><a href="javascript:;" shortcut="custom">' + sh . name + '</a></span>' ;
html += '</div>' ;
// Add Custom Values Dom
if ( opt . showCustomValues )
html += '<div class="customValues"><b>' + ( opt . customValueLabel || lang ( 'custom-values' ) ) + '</b>' ;
if ( opt . customValues )
html += '</div>' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < opt . customValues . length ; i ++ )
var val = opt . customValues [ i ] ;
html += ' <span class="custom-value"><a href="javascript:;" custom="' + val . value + '">' + val . name + '</a></span>' ;
html += '</div>' ;
html += '</div></div>' ;
return $ ( html ) ;
return $ ( html ) ;
function get ApplyBtn Class( )
function get Hide Class( )
klass = ''
if ( opt . autoClose === true ) {
if ( opt . autoClose === true ) {
klass += ' hide';
return ' hide';
if ( opt . applyBtnClass !== '' ) {
return '' ;
klass += ' ' + opt . applyBtnClass ;
return klass ;
function getWeekHead ( )
function getWeekHead ( )
@ -1498,32 +1336,6 @@
return html . join ( '' ) ;
return html . join ( '' ) ;
function attributesCallbacks ( initialObject , callbacksArray , today )
var resultObject = jQuery . extend ( true , { } , initialObject ) ;
callbacksArray . forEach ( function ( cbAttr , cbAttrIndex , cbAttrArray ) {
var addAttributes = cbAttr ( this ) ;
for ( var attr in addAttributes ) {
if ( resultObject . hasOwnProperty ( attr ) ) {
resultObject [ attr ] += addAttributes [ attr ] ;
} else {
resultObject [ attr ] = addAttributes [ attr ] ;
} , today ) ;
attrString = '' ;
for ( var attr in resultObject ) {
if ( resultObject . hasOwnProperty ( attr ) ) {
attrString += attr + '="' + resultObject [ attr ] + '" ' ;
return attrString ;
function createMonthHTML ( d )
function createMonthHTML ( d )
var days = [ ] ;
var days = [ ] ;
@ -1551,7 +1363,7 @@
var toMonth = d . getMonth ( ) ;
var toMonth = d . getMonth ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 40 ; i ++ )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 40 ; i ++ )
var today = moment ( d ) . add ( i , 'days' ) . toDate ( ) ;
var today = moment ( d ) . add ( i , 'days' ) . toDate ( ) ;
var valid = true ;
var valid = true ;
if ( opt . startDate && compare _day ( today , opt . startDate ) < 0 ) valid = false ;
if ( opt . startDate && compare _day ( today , opt . startDate ) < 0 ) valid = false ;
if ( opt . endDate && compare _day ( today , opt . endDate ) > 0 ) valid = false ;
if ( opt . endDate && compare _day ( today , opt . endDate ) > 0 ) valid = false ;
@ -1577,14 +1389,7 @@
today . tooltip = _r [ 2 ] || '' ;
today . tooltip = _r [ 2 ] || '' ;
if ( today . tooltip != '' ) today . extraClass += ' has-tooltip ' ;
if ( today . tooltip != '' ) today . extraClass += ' has-tooltip ' ;
html . push ( '<td><div time="' + today . time + '" title="' + today . tooltip + '" class="day ' + today . type + ' ' + today . extraClass + ' ' + ( today . valid ? 'valid' : 'invalid' ) + ' ' + ( highlightToday ? 'real-today' : '' ) + '">' + today . day + '</div></td>' ) ;
todayDivAttr = {
time : today . time ,
title : today . tooltip ,
'class' : 'day ' + today . type + ' ' + today . extraClass + ' ' + ( today . valid ? 'valid' : 'invalid' ) + ' ' + ( highlightToday ? 'real-today' : '' )
} ;
html . push ( '<td ' + attributesCallbacks ( { } , opt . dayTdAttrs , today ) + '><div ' + attributesCallbacks ( todayDivAttr , opt . dayDivAttrs , today ) + '>' + today . day + '</div></td>' ) ;
html . push ( '</tr>' ) ;
html . push ( '</tr>' ) ;
@ -1624,4 +1429,4 @@
} ;
} ;
} ) );
} ) (jQuery );