"overview_actionLabel":"Download a virtual device",
"overview_actionLabel":"Create a virtual device",
"Virtual Agent that simulates an actual firealarm"
"Virtual Agent that simulates an actual firealarm"
"overview_description":"Download our Virtual Agent and try-it out for close to real simulation of the FireAlarm Device-Type",
"overview_description":"Download our Virtual Agent and try-it out for close to real simulation of the FireAlarm Device-Type",
"setupGuide_description":"Extract the downloaded agent and run startservice.sh to start agent",
"quickStartupSteps_stepDescription":["Download the Virtual Agent","Run the 'startservice.sh' script","Provide the push-interval and network-interface"],
"quickStartupSteps_stepDescription":["Download the Virtual Agent","Run the 'startservice.sh' script","Provide the push-interval and network-interface"],