define stream dataOut (id string, latitude double, longitude double, timeStamp long, type string ,speed float, heading float, eventId string, state string, information string);
define stream dataOut (id string, latitude double, longitude double, timeStamp long, type string ,speed float, heading float, eventId string, state string, information string);
from dataIn[geo:within(longitude,latitude,"$geoFenceGeoJSON")==true and id == $deviceId]#geodashboard:subscribe()
from dataIn[geo:within(longitude,latitude,"$geoFenceGeoJSON")==true and id == "$deviceId"]#geodashboard:subscribe()
select id , latitude, longitude,timeStamp, type, speed, heading ,eventId , "ALERTED" as state, "This device is in $areaName restricted area!!!" as information
select id , latitude, longitude,timeStamp, type, speed, heading ,eventId , "ALERTED" as state, "This device is in $areaName restricted area!!!" as information
insert into dataOut;
insert into dataOut;
from dataIn[geo:within(longitude,latitude,"$geoFenceGeoJSON")!=true and id == $deviceId]
from dataIn[geo:within(longitude,latitude,"$geoFenceGeoJSON")!=true and id == "$deviceId"]
select id , latitude, longitude,timeStamp, type, speed, heading ,eventId , "NORMAL" as state, "" as information
select id , latitude, longitude,timeStamp, type, speed, heading ,eventId , "NORMAL" as state, "" as information
define stream dataIn (id string, latitude double, longitude double, timeStamp long, type string, speed float, heading float, eventId string, state string, information string );
define stream dataIn (id string, latitude double, longitude double, timeStamp long, type string, speed float, heading float, eventId string, state string, information string );
define stream alertsOut ( id string, state string, information string, timeStamp long, latitude double, longitude double );
define stream alertsOut ( id string, state string, information string, timeStamp long, latitude double, longitude double,type string);
define stream dataOut ( id string, latitude double, longitude double, timeStamp long, type string, speed float, heading float, state string, information string, notify bool );
define stream dataOut ( id string, latitude double, longitude double, timeStamp long, type string, speed float, heading float, state string, information string, notify bool );