This commit fixes the unable to parse the DN issue

Currently when a DN cannot be parsed if the DN is not in RFC2253 format. This commit fixeds this issue.
Madawa Soysa 7 years ago
parent 9cbc4a5da3
commit 72a09bf90b

@ -323,22 +323,28 @@ public class CertificateGenerator {
CertificateResponse lookUpCertificate = null;
KeyStoreReader keyStoreReader = new KeyStoreReader();
if (distinguishedName != null && !distinguishedName.isEmpty()) {
if (distinguishedName.contains("/CN=")) {
String[] dnSplits = distinguishedName.split("/CN=");
String commonNameExtracted = dnSplits[dnSplits.length - 1];
lookUpCertificate = keyStoreReader.getCertificateBySerial(commonNameExtracted);
} else {
LdapName ldapName;
try {
ldapName = new LdapName(distinguishedName);
} catch (InvalidNameException e) {
throw new KeystoreException(
"Invalid name exception while trying to create a LDAP name using the distinguished name ", e);
"Invalid name exception while trying to create a LDAP name using the distinguished name ",
for (Rdn relativeDistinuguishedNames : ldapName.getRdns()) {
if (relativeDistinuguishedNames.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("CN")) {
System.err.println("CN is: " + relativeDistinuguishedNames.getValue());
for (Rdn relativeDistinguishedNames : ldapName.getRdns()) {
if (relativeDistinguishedNames.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("CN")) {
lookUpCertificate = keyStoreReader
return lookUpCertificate;
