@ -731,7 +731,18 @@ public final class DeviceManagerUtil {
int osVersionsLength = osVersions.length;
* <h1>Following loop will work for the value generation</h1>
* <h1>Equation explanation</h1>
* <p>
Eg: {@code osVersion == "5.1.1"} will generate an array of {@code ["5","1","1"]}
Following loop for the above result can be broken down as below
* Iteration 1 : {@code Math.pow} result = 5 00000 00000, {@code sum} = 5 00000 00000
* Iteration 2 : {@code Math.pow} result = 1 00000, {@code sum} = 5 00001 00000
* Iteration 3 : {@code Math.pow} result = 1, {@code sum} = 5 00001 00001
To generate the above results I have multiplied the array values with powers of 10.
The constraints used to generate the power of 10 is explained below,
* </p>
* <p>
{@code Constants.NUM_OF_OS_VERSION_POSITIONS - (i + 1)} was done in-order to identify
which position of the OS version is been used for generation process, so correct number
@ -762,7 +773,19 @@ public final class DeviceManagerUtil {
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(".");
* <h1>Following loop will break the generated value into parts and will recreate the OS version</h1>
* <h1>Equation explanation</h1>
* <p>
Eg: {@code osVersionValue == "5 00001 00001"}
Following loop will divide to break down the above number to regenerate the os version
* Iteration 1 : {@code osVersion} = 5 , {@code osVersionValue} = 00001 00001
* Iteration 2 : {@code osVersion} = 1 , {@code osVersionValue} = 00001
* Iteration 3 : {@code osVersion} = 1 , {@code osVersionValue} = 0
Final array = {@code ["5","1","1"]}
To generate the above results I have divided the generated value with powers of 10.
The constraints used to generate the power of 10 is explained below,
* </p>
* <p>
{@code 10, (i - 1) * Constants.NUM_OF_OS_VERSION_DIGITS} this will break the generated value
creating each OS version position in following order main OS version, minor OS version,