@ -419,26 +419,32 @@ public class DeviceInformationManagerImpl implements DeviceInformationManager {
public void deleteDeviceLocation(Device device) throws DeviceDetailsMgtException {
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Deleting device location for device: " + device.getId());
DeviceLocation deviceLocation = deviceDetailsDAO.getDeviceLocation(device.getId(),
if (deviceLocation != null) {
deviceDetailsDAO.deleteDeviceLocation(device.getId(), device.getEnrolmentInfo().getId());
} else {
throw new DeviceDetailsMgtException("Device location not found.");
log.error("Device location not found for device: " + device.getId());
throw new DeviceDetailsMgtException("Device location not found for device: " + device.getId());
} catch (TransactionManagementException e) {
throw new DeviceDetailsMgtException("Transactional error occurred while deleting the device location " + "information.", e);
log.error("Transactional error occurred while deleting the device location information. Device ID: " + device.getId(), e);
throw new DeviceDetailsMgtException("Transactional error occurred while deleting the device location " +
"information.", e);
} catch (DeviceDetailsMgtDAOException e) {
log.error("Error occurred while deleting the device location information. Device ID: " + device.getId(), e);
throw new DeviceDetailsMgtException("Error occurred while deleting the device location information.", e);
} finally {
public void addDeviceLocations(Device device, List<DeviceLocation> deviceLocations) throws DeviceDetailsMgtException {
try {