<p class="grey margin-top">Get your device ready</p>
<p class="grey margin-top">Start connecting to the WSO2 IoT Server by creating your own VirtualFireAlarm</p>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">01</span> Set up your RaspberryPi device as shown in the
schematic below and get the FireAlarm setup.</li>
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">02</span> Connect a monitor to your RaspberryPi via the
HDMI cable to get a UI view of the device.</li>
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">03</span> Get the RaspberryPi to connect to the internet
(via Ethernet or Wifi) and note its IP_ADDRESS</li>
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">01</span> Download your VirtualFireAlarm from the [Download] button above.</li>
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">02</span> Unzip the downloaded Agent.</li>
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">03</span> Move into the unzipped Agent folder in the terminal.</li>
<li class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">03</span> Start your Agent by running the startup script via the command: [sh startup.sh]</li>