<p class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">01</span> <b>Click on the <i>'Create DEB'</i> button above to get the download link for the Digital Display setup files</b></p>
<p class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">02</span> <i>(The following commands can be issued by directly typing into the terminal of the device or by an <b>'ssh'<b> login from a remote PC)</i></p>
<p class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">02</span> <i>(The following commands can be issued by directly typing into the terminal of the device or by an <b>'ssh'</b> login from a remote PC)</i></p>
<p class="padding-top-double"><span class="circle">03</span> <b>Download the Digital Display setup files using the following command: 'curl -k < url_link_received_from_the_above_step >> Agent.zip'</b><br/><i>This will download a zip file named 'Agent.zip'</i></p>