- Enforce a configured passcode policy on Android devices.
- Once this profile is applied, the device
- owners won't be able to modify the password settings on their devices.
This configurations can be used to restrict certain settings on an Android device.
- Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding users will
- not be able to modify these settings on their devices.
- Encryption Settings
This configuration can be used to encrypt data on an Android device,
- when the device is locked and make it readable when the passcode is entered.
- Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding users will
- not be able to modify these settings on their devices.
- Wi-Fi Settings
This configurations can be used to configure Wi-Fi access on an Android device.
- Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding
- users will not be able to modify these settings on their devices.
- Global Proxy Settings
This configurations can be used to set a network-independent global HTTP
- proxy on an Android device. Once this configuration profile is installed on a device,
- all the network traffic will be routed through the proxy server.
- VPN Settings
Configure the OpenVPN settings on Android devices. In order to enable this,
- device needs to have "OpenVPN for Android" application installed.
- Always On VPN Settings
Configure an always-on VPN connection through a specific VPN client application.
- Certificate Install Settings
Configure the certificate install settings on Android devices.
- Work-Profile Configurations
The configurations below can be applied to the devices where the agent
- is running in Android Work-Profile.
- COSU Profile Configuration
This policy can be used to configure the profile of COSU Devices.
- Application Restrictions
This configuration can be used to create a black list or white list of applications.
- Runtime Permission Policy
This configuration can be used to set a runtime permission policy to an Android Device.
- System Update Policy (COSU)
This configuration can be used to set a passcode policy to an Android Device.
- Once this configuration profile is installed on a device,
- corresponding users will not be able to modify these settings on their devices.
- Enrollment Application Install
This configuration can be used to install applications during Android device enrollment.
+ );
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ }
-export default withConfigContext(Form.create({name: 'add-policy'})(ConfigureProfile));
\ No newline at end of file
+export default withConfigContext(Form.create()(ConfigureProfile));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/device-mgt/io.entgra.device.mgt.ui/react-app/src/components/Policies/SelectPlatform.js b/components/device-mgt/io.entgra.device.mgt.ui/react-app/src/components/Policies/SelectPlatform.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..feeed26f04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/device-mgt/io.entgra.device.mgt.ui/react-app/src/components/Policies/SelectPlatform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2019, Entgra (pvt) Ltd. (http://entgra.io) All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Entgra (pvt) Ltd. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
+ * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import React from "react";
+import axios from "axios";
+import {Card, Col, Icon, message, notification, Row, Typography} from "antd";
+import TimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'
+// Load locale-specific relative date/time formatting rules.
+import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en'
+import {withConfigContext} from "../../context/ConfigContext";
+const {Text} = Typography;
+let config = null;
+let apiUrl;
+class SelectPlatform extends React.Component {
+ constructor(props) {
+ super(props);
+ config = this.props.context;
+ TimeAgo.addLocale(en);
+ this.state = {
+ data: [],
+ pagination: {},
+ loading: false,
+ selectedRows: []
+ };
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this.fetchUsers();
+ }
+ onClickCard = (data) =>{
+ console.log(data);
+ this.props.onClickType();
+ };
+ //fetch data from api
+ fetchUsers = (params = {}) => {
+ const config = this.props.context;
+ this.setState({loading: true});
+ // get current page
+ const currentPage = (params.hasOwnProperty("page")) ? params.page : 1;
+ const extraParams = {
+ offset: 10 * (currentPage - 1), //calculate the offset
+ limit: 10,
+ };
+ const encodedExtraParams = Object.keys(extraParams)
+ .map(key => key + '=' + extraParams[key]).join('&');
+ apiUrl = window.location.origin + config.serverConfig.invoker.uri +
+ config.serverConfig.invoker.deviceMgt +
+ "/device-types";
+ //send request to the invokerss
+ axios.get(apiUrl).then(res => {
+ if (res.status === 200) {
+ const pagination = {...this.state.pagination};
+ this.setState({
+ loading: false,
+ data: JSON.parse(res.data.data),
+ pagination,
+ });
+ }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ if (error.hasOwnProperty("response") && error.response.status === 401) {
+ //todo display a popop with error
+ message.error('You are not logged in');
+ window.location.href = window.location.origin + '/entgra/login';
+ } else {
+ notification["error"]({
+ message: "There was a problem",
+ duration: 0,
+ description:"Error occurred while trying to load device types.",
+ });
+ }
+ this.setState({loading: false});
+ });
+ };
+ handleTableChange = (pagination, filters, sorter) => {
+ const pager = {...this.state.pagination};
+ pager.current = pagination.current;
+ this.setState({
+ pagination: pager,
+ });
+ this.fetch({
+ results: pagination.pageSize,
+ page: pagination.current,
+ sortField: sorter.field,
+ sortOrder: sorter.order,
+ ...filters,
+ });
+ };
+ render() {
+ const {data, pagination, loading, selectedRows} = this.state;
+ const { Meta } = Card;
+ const itemCard = data.map((data) =>
+ }
+ >
+ );
+ return (
+ {itemCard}
+ );
+ }
+export default withConfigContext(SelectPlatform);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/device-mgt/io.entgra.device.mgt.ui/react-app/src/components/Policies/configuration.js b/components/device-mgt/io.entgra.device.mgt.ui/react-app/src/components/Policies/configuration.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ea8062b4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/device-mgt/io.entgra.device.mgt.ui/react-app/src/components/Policies/configuration.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2084 @@
+const jsonResponse = {
+ "PolicyConfigurations": {
+ "androidPolicy": {
+ "Policy": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Passcode Policy",
+ "Panel": [
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Allow Simple Value",
+ "tooltip": "Permits repeating, ascending and descending character sequences",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "allowSimple"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Require alphanumeric value",
+ "tooltip": "Mandates to contain both letters and numbers",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "requireAlphanumeric"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Minimum passcode length",
+ "tooltip": "Minimum number of characters allowed in a passcode",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "04",
+ "05",
+ "06",
+ "07",
+ "08",
+ "09",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ "14",
+ "15"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "minLength",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Minimum number of complex characters",
+ "tooltip": "Minimum number of complex or non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a passcode",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "01",
+ "02",
+ "03",
+ "04",
+ "05"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "minComplexChars"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Maximum passcode age in days",
+ "tooltip": "Number of days after which a passcode must be changed",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be in between 1-to-730 days or 0 for none",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "^(?:0|[1-9]|[1-9][1-9]|[0-6][0-9][0-9]|7[0-2][0-9]|730)$",
+ "validationMsg": "Should be in between 1-to-730 days or 0 for none",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "maxPINAgeInDays"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Passcode history",
+ "tooltip": "Number of consequent unique passcodes to be used before reuse",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be in between 1-to-50 passcodes or 0 for none",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "^(?:0|[1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|50)$",
+ "validationMsg": "Should be in between 1-to-50 passcodes or 0 for none",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "pinHistory"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Maximum number of failed attempts",
+ "tooltip": "The maximum number of incorrect password entries allowed. If the correct password is not entered within the allowed number of attempts, the data on the device will be erased.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "03",
+ "04",
+ "05",
+ "06",
+ "07",
+ "08",
+ "09",
+ "10"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "maxFailedAttempts"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Passcode policy for work profile",
+ "_type": "title"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enabled Work profile passcode",
+ "tooltip": "Enabled Work profile passcode.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "switch": {
+ "_linkedKey": "workProfilePasscode"
+ },
+ // "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyWPExist",
+ "subPanel": [
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Allow Simple Value",
+ "tooltip": "Permits repeating, ascending and descending character sequences",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyAllowSimpleWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Require alphanumeric value",
+ "tooltip": "Mandates to contain both letters and numbers",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyRequireAlphanumericWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Minimum passcode length",
+ "tooltip": "Minimum number of characters allowed in a passcode",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "04",
+ "05",
+ "06",
+ "07",
+ "08",
+ "09",
+ "10",
+ "11",
+ "12",
+ "13",
+ "14",
+ "15"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyMinLengthWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Minimum number of complex characters",
+ "tooltip": "Minimum number of complex or non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a passcode",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "01",
+ "02",
+ "03",
+ "04",
+ "05"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyMinComplexCharsWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Maximum passcode age in days",
+ "tooltip": "Number of days after which a passcode must be changed",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be in between 1-to-730 days or 0 for none"
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyMaxPasscodeAgeInDaysWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Passcode history",
+ "tooltip": "Number of consequent unique passcodes to be used before reuse",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be in between 1-to-50 passcodes or 0 for none"
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyPasscodeHistoryWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Maximum number of failed attempts",
+ "tooltip": "The maximum number of incorrect password entries allowed. If the correct password is not entered within the allowed number of attempts, the data on the device will be erased.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "03",
+ "04",
+ "05",
+ "06",
+ "07",
+ "08",
+ "09",
+ "10"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyMaxFailedAttemptsWP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "_key": "workProfilePasscode",
+ "_show": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true,
+ "title": "Passcode Policy",
+ "description": "Enforce a configured passcode policy on Android devices. Once this profile is applied, the device owners won't be able to modify the password settings on their devices.",
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "CAMERA",
+ "Name": "Restrictions",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Restrictions",
+ "description": "This configurations can be used to restrict certain settings on an Android device. Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding users will not be able to modify these settings on their devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Allow use of camera",
+ "tooltip": "Enables the usage of device camera",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "CAMERA"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Below Restrictions are valid only when the Agent is work-profile owner or device owner.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow configuring VPN",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from configuring VPN.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow configuring app control",
+ "tooltip": "Restricts users from modifying applications in the device's settings or launchers.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow cross profile copy paste",
+ "tooltip": "Device owners are restricted from copying items that are copied to the clipboard from the managed profile to the parent profile or vice-versa.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow debugging",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from accessing debug logs.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow install apps",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from installing applications.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow install from unknown sources",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from installing applications from unknown origin.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow modify accounts",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from modifying user accounts.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow outgoing beam",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from using NFC bump.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow location sharing",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from sharing their geo-location.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow uninstall apps",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from uninstalling applications.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow parent profile app linking",
+ "tooltip": "Allows apps in the parent profile to access or handle web links from the managed profile.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": " Below restrictions will be applicable when the agent is the device owner and Android version 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow set wallpaper",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from setting wallpapers.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow set user icon",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from changing their icon.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow remove managed profile",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from removing the managed profile.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow autofill",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from using autofill services.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow bluetooth",
+ "tooltip": "Bluetooth is disallowed on the device.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow bluetooth sharing",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from Bluetooth sharing on the device.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow remove user",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from removing user itself.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": " Below Restrictions are valid only when the Agent is the device owner.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow SMS",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from sending SMS messages.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Ensure verifying apps",
+ "tooltip": "Ensure app verification.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable auto timing",
+ "tooltip": "Enables the auto time feature that is in the device's Settings > Data & Time.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disable screen capture",
+ "tooltip": "Screen capturing would be disable.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow volume adjust",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from adjusting device volume.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow cell broadcast",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from configuring cell broadcast.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow configuring bluetooth",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from configuring bluetooth.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow configuring mobile networks",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from configuring mobile network.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow configuring tethering",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from configuring tethering.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow configuring WIFI",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from configuring Wifi.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow safe boot",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted to enter safe boot mode.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow outgoing calls",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from taking calls.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow mount physical media",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from mounting the device as physical media.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow create window",
+ "tooltip": "Restricts device owners from opening new windows beside the app windows.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow factory reset",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from performing factory reset.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow remove user",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from removing user.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow add user",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from creating new users.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow network reset",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from resetting network.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow USB file transfer",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from transferring files via USB.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow unmute microphone",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from unmuting the microphone.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Below restrictions will be applied on devices with Android version 6.0 Marshmallow onwards only.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disable status bar",
+ "tooltip": "Checking this will disable the status bar.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Disallow data roaming",
+ "tooltip": "Users are restricted from using cellular data when roaming.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable device backup service",
+ "tooltip": "Device backup service wil be enabled.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Encryption Settings",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Encryption Settings",
+ "description": "This configuration can be used to encrypt data on an Android device, when the device" +
+ " is locked and make it readable when the passcode is entered. Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, " +
+ "corresponding users will not be able to modify these settings on their devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Un-check following checkbox in case you do not need the device to be encrypted.",
+ "_type": "paragraph",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable storage-encryption",
+ "tooltip": "Having this checked would enable Storage-encryption in the device.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Wi-Fi Settings",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Wi-Fi Settings",
+ "description": "This configurations can be used to configure Wi-Fi access on an Android device. " +
+ "Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding users will not be able to modify these settings on their devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Please note that * sign represents required fields of data.",
+ "_type": "paragraph",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Service Set Identifier (SSID) *",
+ "tooltip": "Identification of the wireless network to be configured.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be 1-to-30 characters long",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "^.{1,30}$",
+ "validationMsg": "Should be 1-to-30 characters long",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "maxPINAgjghgheInDays"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Security *",
+ "tooltip": "Minimum number of complex or non-alphanumeric characters allowed in a passcode",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "WEP",
+ "WPA/WPA 2 PSK",
+ "802.1x EAP",
+ ],
+ "SubPanel":[
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Password *",
+ "tooltip": "Password for the wireless network.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": ""
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "none",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "EAP Method",
+ "tooltip": "EAP Method of the wireless network to be configured.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "PEAP",
+ "TLS",
+ "TTLS",
+ "PWD",
+ "SIM",
+ "AKA"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "minCompzzlexChars"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Phase 2 Authentication",
+ "tooltip": "Phase 2 authentication of the wireless network to be configured.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "PAP",
+ "MCHAP",
+ "MCHAPV2",
+ "GTC"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "minComplzzexChars"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Identify",
+ "tooltip": "Identify of the wireless network to be configured.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be 1 to 30 characters long"
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Anonymous Identity",
+ "tooltip": "Identity of the wireless network to be configured.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be 1 to 30 characters long"
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "CA Certificate",
+ "tooltip": "CA Certificate for the wireless network.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": ""
+ },
+ "_type": "upload",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Password *",
+ "tooltip": "Password for the wireless network.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": ""
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "EAP",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "minCompzzdlexChars"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Global Proxy Settings",
+ "Panel": [
+ {
+ "title": "Global Proxy Settings",
+ "description": "This configurations can be used to set a network-independent global HTTP proxy on an " +
+ "Android device. Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, all the network traffic will " +
+ "be routed through the proxy server.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "This profile requires the agent application to be the device owner.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "This proxy is only a recommendation and it is possible that some apps will ignore it.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Please note that * sign represents required fields of data.",
+ "_type": "paragraph",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Proxy Configuration Type",
+ "tooltip": "Select the configuration type.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Radio": [
+ "Manual",
+ "Auto"
+ ],
+ "SubPanel":[
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Proxy Host *",
+ "tooltip": "Host name/IP address of the proxy server.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "^(0|[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]{1,3})\\.(0|[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]{1,3})\\.(0|[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]{1,3})\\.(0|[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]{1,3})$",
+ "validationMsg": "Please enter valid IP address",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Proxy Port *",
+ "tooltip": "Target port for the proxy server.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Target port 0 - 65535",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "^(?:0|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-5][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|6[0-4][0-9][0-9][0-9]|65[0-4][0-9][0-9]|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$",
+ "validationMsg": "Please enter valid port",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Proxy Exclusion List",
+ "tooltip": "Add host names to this separated by commas to prevent them" +
+ "from routing through the proxy server. The hostname entries can be wildcards such as" +
+ "*.example.com",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Example : localhost, *.example.com",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "Manual",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Proxy PAC File URL *",
+ "tooltip": "URL for the proxy auto config PAC script",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "http://exampleproxy.com/proxy.pac",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXsdsdXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "Auto",
+ "_show": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "radioGroup",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPT_STORAGE" //toDo change id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Virtual Private Network",
+ "Panel": [
+ {
+ "title": "VPN Settings",
+ "description": "Configure the OpenVPN settings on Android devices. In order to enable this, device needs to have \"OpenVPN for Android\" application installed.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "OpenVPN Server Config file",
+ "tooltip": "OpenVPN configurations ovpn file.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": ""
+ },
+ "_type": "upload",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXXXvccvXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "cxcx1",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Always On VPN Settings",
+ "description": "Configure an always-on VPN connection through a specific VPN client application.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Below configurations are valid only when the Agent is work-profile owner or device owner.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "VPN Client Application Package Name* ",
+ "tooltip": "Package name of the VPN client application to be configured.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid package name",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXczxczxXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1zxz",
+ "_show": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ENCRYPT_STsdsadORAGE",
+ "Name": "Certificates Install",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Certificate Install Settings",
+ "description": "Configure the certificate install settings on Android devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Added Certificate List",
+ "tooltip": "Add a certificate.",
+ "Optional": {
+ },
+ "_type": "inputTable",
+ "_id": "ENCRYcbchdPT_STORAGE"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ENCRYPT_STOssdsRAGE",
+ "Name": "Work-Profile Configurations",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Work-Profile Configurations",
+ "description": "Configure these settings to manage the applications in the work profile.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Profile Name",
+ "tooltip": "Name of the Work-Profile created by IOT Server Agent.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXXczxczxXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable System Apps",
+ "tooltip": "The set of system apps needed to be added to the work-profile.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be exact package names separated by commas. Ex: com.google.android.apps.maps, com.google.android.calculator",
+ "Row": 4
+ },
+ "_type": "textArea",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPT_STxcxORAGcxcxcE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Hide System Apps",
+ "tooltip": "The set of system apps needed to be hide in the work-profile.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be exact package names separated by commas. Ex: com.google.android.apps.maps, com.google.android.calculator",
+ "Row": 4
+ },
+ "_type": "textArea",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPccxT_STORAGcxcxcE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Unhide System Apps",
+ "tooltip": "The set of system apps needed to be unhide in the work-profile.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be exact package names separated by commas. Ex: com.google.android.apps.maps, com.google.android.calculator",
+ "Row": 4
+ },
+ "_type": "textArea",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPccxT_STORAGcxcxcE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable Google PlayStore Apps",
+ "tooltip": "The set of apps needed to be installed from Google PlayStore to work-profile.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be exact package names separated by commas. Ex: com.google.android.apps.maps, com.google.android.calculator",
+ "Row": 4
+ },
+ "_type": "textArea",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPccxT_STORAGcxcxcE"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "COSU Profile Configurations",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "COSU Profile Configurations",
+ "description": "This policy can be used to configure the profile of COSU Devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Restrict Device Operation Time",
+ "tooltip": "",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "subPanel":[
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Start Time",
+ "tooltip": "Start time for the device",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "12:00 Midnight",
+ "12:30 AM",
+ "01:00 AM",
+ "01:30 AM",
+ "02:00 AM",
+ "02:30 AM",
+ "03:00 AM",
+ "03:30 AM",
+ "04:00 AM",
+ "04:30 AM",
+ "05:00 AM",
+ "05:30 AM",
+ "06:00 AM",
+ "06:30 AM",
+ "07:00 AM",
+ "07:30 AM",
+ "08:00 AM",
+ "08:30 AM",
+ "09:00 AM",
+ "09:30 AM",
+ "10:00 AM",
+ "10:30 AM",
+ "11:00 AM",
+ "11:30 AM",
+ "12:00 Noon",
+ "12:30 PM",
+ "01:00 PM",
+ "01:30 PM",
+ "02:00 PM",
+ "02:30 PM",
+ "03:00 PM",
+ "03:30 PM",
+ "04:00 PM",
+ "04:30 PM",
+ "05:00 PM",
+ "05:30 PM",
+ "06:00 PM",
+ "06:30 PM",
+ "07:00 PM",
+ "07:30 PM",
+ "08:00 PM",
+ "08:30 PM",
+ "09:00 PM",
+ "09:30 PM",
+ "10:00 PM",
+ "10:30 PM",
+ "11:00 PM",
+ "11:30 PM"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "passcodePolicyMinLengthWP"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "End Time",
+ "tooltip": "Lock-down time for the device",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "12:00 Midnight",
+ "12:30 AM",
+ "01:00 AM",
+ "01:30 AM",
+ "02:00 AM",
+ "02:30 AM",
+ "03:00 AM",
+ "03:30 AM",
+ "04:00 AM",
+ "04:30 AM",
+ "05:00 AM",
+ "05:30 AM",
+ "06:00 AM",
+ "06:30 AM",
+ "07:00 AM",
+ "07:30 AM",
+ "08:00 AM",
+ "08:30 AM",
+ "09:00 AM",
+ "09:30 AM",
+ "10:00 AM",
+ "10:30 AM",
+ "11:00 AM",
+ "11:30 AM",
+ "12:00 Noon",
+ "12:30 PM",
+ "01:00 PM",
+ "01:30 PM",
+ "02:00 PM",
+ "02:30 PM",
+ "03:00 PM",
+ "03:30 PM",
+ "04:00 PM",
+ "04:30 PM",
+ "05:00 PM",
+ "05:30 PM",
+ "06:00 PM",
+ "06:30 PM",
+ "07:00 PM",
+ "07:30 PM",
+ "08:00 PM",
+ "08:30 PM",
+ "09:00 PM",
+ "09:30 PM",
+ "10:00 PM",
+ "10:30 PM",
+ "11:00 PM",
+ "11:30 PM"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "ENDTIME"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Device will be operable only during the above period.",
+ "_type": "alert"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "RestrictDeviceOperationTime",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPT_STOcxcxcRAGE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Device Global Configuration",
+ "tooltip": "",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "subPanel": {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Launcher background image",
+ "tooltip": "This is the image that will be displayed in kiosk background.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid URL of jpg or jpeg or png",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXsdsdXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Company logo to display",
+ "tooltip": "Company logo to display",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid URL ending with .jpg, .png, .jpeg",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXsdsdXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Company name",
+ "tooltip": "Company name",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Name to appear on the agent",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXsdsdXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is single application mode",
+ "tooltip": "Is single application mode.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "Efdgdg"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is idle media enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is idle media enabled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "subPanel": [
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Selected initial app in Enrollment Application Install" +
+ " policy config will be selected for single application mode.",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is application built for Kiosk",
+ "tooltip": "Is single mode app built for Kisosk. Enable if lock task method is called in the " +
+ "application",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "Efdgdg"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "SingleAppMode",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "ENCRsdfsdfdAGE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is idle media enabled ",
+ "tooltip": "Is idle media enabled ",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "subPanel": [
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Media to display while idle",
+ "tooltip": "Media to display while the device is idle",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid URL ending with .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .mp4, .3gp, .wmv, .mkv",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXsdsdXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Idle graphic begin after(seconds)",
+ "tooltip": "Idle graphic begin after the defined seconds",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Idle timeout in seconds",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "XXXXXXXsdsdXXXXX" //toDo add id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "idleMediaEnabled",
+ "_show": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "ENCsdsdsORAGE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is multi-user device",
+ "tooltip": "Is multi-user device.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "subPanel": [
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Is login needed for user switch",
+ "tooltip": "Permits repeating, ascending and descending character sequences",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isLoginRequired"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": " Provide comma separated package name or web clip details for applications.\n" +
+ "eg: com.google.android.apps.maps, {\"identity\":\"http:entgra.io/\",\"title\":\"entgra-webclip\"}",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Primary User Apps ",
+ "tooltip": "Primary User is the user to which the device is enrolled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Applications",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "primaryUserApps" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Added Certificate List",
+ "tooltip": "Add a certificate.",
+ "Optional": {
+ },
+ "_type": "inputTable",
+ "_id": "ENCRYcbchdPT_STORAGE"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "idleMediaEnabled",
+ "_show": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isMultiUserDevice"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Device display orientation",
+ "tooltip": "Device display orientation",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "Auto",
+ "Portrait",
+ "Landscape",
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "minCompzzdlexChars"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable Browser Properties",
+ "tooltip": "Browser Properties",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false,
+ "subPanel": [
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Primary URL ",
+ "tooltip": "Primary URL",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid URL",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "primaryURL" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Enable browser address bar",
+ "tooltip": "Enables address bar of the browser",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isAddressBarEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is allow to go back on a page",
+ "tooltip": "Allow to go back in a page",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "showBackController"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is it allowed to go forward in browser",
+ "tooltip": "Is it allowed to go forward in a web page",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isForwardControllerEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is home button enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is home button enabled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isHomeButtonEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is page reload enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is page reload enabled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isReloadEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Only allowed to visit the primary url",
+ "tooltip": "Only allowed to visit the primary url",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "lockToPrimaryURL"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is javascript enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is javascript enabled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isJavascriptEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is copying to visit the primary url",
+ "tooltip": "Is copying to visit the primary url",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isTextCopyEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is downloading files enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is downloading files enabled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isDownloadsEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is Kiosk limited to one webapp",
+ "tooltip": "Is Kiosk limited to one webapp.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isLockedToBrowser"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is form auto-fill enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is form auto-fill enabled.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isFormAutoFillEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is content access enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Enables or disable content URL access within WebView. Content URL" +
+ "access allows WebView to load content from a content provider installed in the system.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isContentAccessEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is file access allowed",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether javascript running in the context of a file schema URL should be" +
+ "allowed to access content from other file scheme URLs.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isFileAccessAllowed"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is allowed universal access from file URLs",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL should be allowed" +
+ "to access content from any origin",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isAllowedUniversalAccessFromFileURLs"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is application cache enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Is application cache enabled",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isAppCacheEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Application cache file path",
+ "tooltip": "Sets the path to the Application Cache files. In order for the Application Caches API" +
+ "to be enabled, this method must be called with a path to which the application can write",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid path",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "appCachePath"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Application cache mode",
+ "tooltip": "Overrides the way the cache is used. The way the cache is used is based on the navigation" +
+ "type. For a normal page load, the cache is checked and content is re-validated as needed. " +
+ "When navigating back, content is not revalidated, instead the content is just retrieved from the cache." +
+ "This method allows the client to override this behavior by specifying one of LOAD_DEFAULT," +
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "cacheMode"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Should load images",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser should load image resources (through network and cached)." +
+ "Note that this method controls loading of all images, including those embedded using the data URI" +
+ "scheme.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isLoadsImagesAutomatically"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Block image loads via network",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser should not load image resources from the network" +
+ "(resources accessed via http and https URI schemes)",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isBlockNetworkImage"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Block all resource loads from network",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser should not load any resources from the network.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isBlockNetworkLoads"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Support zooming",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser should support zooming using its on-screen zoom" +
+ "controls and gestures",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isSupportZoomEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Show on-screen zoom controllers",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser should display on-screen zoom controls. Gesture based controllers" +
+ "are still available",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isDisplayZoomControls"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Text zoom percentage",
+ "tooltip": "Sets the text zoom of the page in percent",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a positive number",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "textZoom"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Default font size",
+ "tooltip": "Sets the default font size",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a positive number between 1 and 72",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "defaultFontSize"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Default text encoding name",
+ "tooltip": "Sets the default text encoding name to use when decoding html pages",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should a valid text encoding",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "defaultTextEncodingName"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is database storage API enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the database storage API is enabled.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isDatabaseEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is DOM storage API enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the DOM storage API is enabled.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isDomStorageEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is Geo-location enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether Geo-location API is enabled.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "geolocationEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Can JavaScript open windows",
+ "tooltip": "JavaScript can open window automatically or not. This applies to the JavaScript" +
+ "function window.open()",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": false
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Does media playback requires user consent",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser requires a user gesture to play media. If false, the browser" +
+ "can play media without user consent",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Is safe browsing enabled",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether safe browsing in enabled. Safe browsing allows browser to protect against malware and" +
+ " phishing attacks by verifying the links.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isSafeBrowsingEnabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Use wide view port",
+ "tooltip": "Sets whether the browser should enable support for the viewport HTML meta tag or should" +
+ "use a wide viewport. When the value of the setting is false, the layout width is always set to the " +
+ "width of the browser control in device-independent (CSS) pixels. When the value is true and the" +
+ "page contains the viewport meta tag, the value of the width specified in th tag is used. If the page" +
+ "does not contain the tag or does not provide a width, then a wide viewport will be used",
+ "Optional": {
+ "checked": true
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "isUseWideViewPort"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Browser user agent string",
+ "tooltip": "Sets the WebView's user-agent string",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Placeholder": "Should be a valid user agent string",
+ "rules":{
+ "regex": "",
+ "validationMsg": "",
+ "required": false
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "input",
+ "_id": "userAgentString" //toDo add id
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Mixed content mode",
+ "tooltip": "Configures the browser's behavior when a secure origin attempts to load a resource" +
+ "from an insecure origin",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "mixedContentMode"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "idleMediaEnabled",
+ "_show": true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "ENCsdsdcxzcxsORAGE"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Global configurations related to device.",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "DeviceGlobalConfiguration",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ },
+ "_type": "checkbox",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPT_STOxcxcRAGE"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Application Restrictions",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Application Restriction Setting",
+ "description": "This configuration can be used to encrypt data on an Android device, when the device is locked and make it " +
+ "readable when the passcode is entered. Once this configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding users" +
+ " will not be able to modify these settings on their devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Select type",
+ "tooltip": "Select a type to proceed",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "None",
+ "Black List",
+ "White List"
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "restrictionType"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Restricted Application List",
+ "tooltip": "Add an application to restrict.",
+ "Optional": {
+ },
+ "_type": "inputTable",
+ "_id": "RestrictedApplicationList"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Runtime Permission Policy (COSU)",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Runtime Permission Policy (COSU / Work Profile)",
+ "description": "This configuration can be used to set a runtime permission policy to an Android Device.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Select type",
+ "tooltip": "Select a type to proceed",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "defaultPermissionType"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Set app-specific runtime permissions",
+ "tooltip": "Add an application and set permission policy for a specific permission it need.",
+ "Optional": {
+ },
+ "_type": "inputTable",
+ "_id": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Already granted or denied permissions are not affected by this policy.",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Permissions can be granted or revoked only for applications built with a Target SDK Version of Android Marshmallow or later.",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "System_Update_Policy",
+ "Name": "System Update Policy (COSU)",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "System Update Policy (COSU)",
+ "description": "This configuration can be used to set a passcode policy to an Android Device. Once this" +
+ " configuration profile is installed on a device, corresponding users will not be able to modify " +
+ "these settings on their devices.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "System Update",
+ "tooltip": "Type of the System Update to be set by the Device Owner.",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Radio": [
+ "Automatic",
+ "Postpone",
+ "Window"
+ ],
+ "SubPanel":[
+ {
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "Below configuration of start time and end time are valid only when window option is selected.",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Start Time",
+ "tooltip": "Window start time for system update",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "12:00 AM",
+ "01:00 AM",
+ "02:00 AM",
+ "03:00 AM",
+ "04:00 AM",
+ "05:00 AM",
+ "06:00 AM",
+ "07:00 AM",
+ "08:00 AM",
+ "09:00 AM",
+ "10:00 AM",
+ "11:00 AM",
+ "12:00 Noon",
+ "01:00 PM",
+ "02:00 PM",
+ "03:00 PM",
+ "04:00 PM",
+ "05:00 PM",
+ "06:00 PM",
+ "07:00 PM",
+ "08:00 PM",
+ "09:00 PM",
+ "10:00 PM",
+ "11:00 PM",
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "cosuSystemUpdatePolicyWindowStartTime"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "End Time",
+ "tooltip": "Window end time for system update",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "12:00 AM",
+ "01:00 AM",
+ "02:00 AM",
+ "03:00 AM",
+ "04:00 AM",
+ "05:00 AM",
+ "06:00 AM",
+ "07:00 AM",
+ "08:00 AM",
+ "09:00 AM",
+ "10:00 AM",
+ "11:00 AM",
+ "12:00 Noon",
+ "01:00 PM",
+ "02:00 PM",
+ "03:00 PM",
+ "04:00 PM",
+ "05:00 PM",
+ "06:00 PM",
+ "07:00 PM",
+ "08:00 PM",
+ "09:00 PM",
+ "10:00 PM",
+ "11:00 PM",
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "cosuSystemUpdatePolicyWindowEndTime"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "Manual",
+ "_show": true
+ }, ]
+ },
+ "_type": "radioGroup",
+ "_id": "ENCRYPT_STORAGE" //toDo change id
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "Enrollment_Application_Install",
+ "Name": "Enrollment Application Install",
+ "Panel": [{
+ "title": "Enrollment Application Install",
+ "description": "This configuration can be used to install applications during Android device enrollment.",
+ "PanelItem": [
+ {
+ "Label": "This configuration will be applied only during Android device enrollment.",
+ "_type": "alert",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Select Enrollment Applications.",
+ "_type": "selectTable",
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "Work profile global user configurations",
+ "_type": "title"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "App Auto Update Policy",
+ "tooltip": "The Auto-update policy for apps installed on the device",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "When Connected to WiFi",
+ "Auto Update Anytime",
+ "Ask User to Update",
+ "Disable Auto Update",
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "autoUpdatePolicy"
+ },
+ {
+ "Label": "App Availability to a User",
+ "tooltip": "The availability granted to the user for the specified app",
+ "Optional": {
+ "Option": [
+ "All Approved Apps For Enterprise",
+ "All Apps From Playstore",
+ "Only Whitelisted Apps",
+ ]
+ },
+ "_type": "select",
+ "_id": "productSetBehavior"
+ },
+ ],
+ "_key": "1",
+ "_show": true
+ }]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+export default jsonResponse;
\ No newline at end of file
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