Connect (Quickstart)
Internet of Things Foundation Quickstart connection
+ 01 Click on the "Create DEB" button above to get the download link for the FireAlarm setup files
+ (The following commands can be issued by directly typing into the terminal of the device or by an "ssh" login from a remote PC)
+ 02 Download the FireAlarm setup files using the following command: "curl -k <url_link_received_from_the_above_step> > Agent.zip"
+ This will download a zip file named "Agent.zip"
+ 03 Run the following commands to successfuly install the package and get the service running:
+ unzip Agent.zip -d Agent
+ cd Agent
+ sudo chmod 755 startservice.sh
+ sudo ./startservice.sh
+ 04 Follow the installation instructions and complete installation. Upon completion the Agent would have started automatically