@ -117,8 +117,6 @@ public class ApplicationStorageManagerImpl implements ApplicationStorageManager
return applicationRelease;
} catch (IOException e) {
@ -126,7 +124,32 @@ public class ApplicationStorageManagerImpl implements ApplicationStorageManager
"IO Exception while saving the screens hots for the " + "application " + applicationId, e);
} catch (ApplicationStorageManagementException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("Application Management DAO exception while trying to"
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("Application Management DAO exception while trying to "
+ "update the screen-shot count for the application " + applicationId + " for the tenant id "
+ tenantId, e);
public ApplicationRelease updateImageArtifacts(int applicationId, String uuid, InputStream iconFileStream,
InputStream bannerFileStream, List<InputStream> screenShotStreams)
throws ResourceManagementException, ApplicationManagementException {
int tenantId = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(true);
try {
ApplicationRelease applicationRelease = validateApplicationRelease(uuid);
applicationRelease = uploadImageArtifacts(applicationId, applicationRelease, iconFileStream, bannerFileStream, screenShotStreams);
return applicationRelease;
} catch (ApplicationStorageManagementException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("Application Storage exception while trying to"
+ " update the screen-shot count for the application " + applicationId + " for the tenant "
+ tenantId, e);
} catch (ApplicationManagementException e) {
throw new ApplicationManagementException("Application Management DAO exception while trying to"
+ " update the screen-shot count for the application " + applicationId + " for the tenant "
+ tenantId, e);
@ -167,100 +190,125 @@ public class ApplicationStorageManagerImpl implements ApplicationStorageManager
public InputStream getReleasedArtifacts(String applicationUUID, String versionName)
throws ApplicationStorageManagementException {
// todo this should be validate application release
Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
String artifactPath = storagePath + application.getId() + File.separator + versionName;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("ApplicationRelease artifacts are searched in the location " + artifactPath);
public ApplicationRelease updateReleaseArtifacts(int applicationId, String applicationUuid, InputStream binaryFile)
throws ResourceManagementException {
File binaryFile = new File(artifactPath);
int tenantId = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId(true);
if (!binaryFile.exists()) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("Binary file does not exist for this release");
} else {
try {
return new FileInputStream(artifactPath);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
"Binary file does not exist for the version " + versionName + " for the application ", e);
ApplicationRelease applicationRelease = null;
try {
applicationRelease = validateApplicationRelease(applicationUuid);
applicationRelease = uploadReleaseArtifacts(applicationId, applicationRelease,binaryFile);
return applicationRelease;
} catch (ApplicationManagementException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("Application Management exception while trying to"
+ " update the Application artifact for the application " + applicationId + " for the tenant "
+ tenantId, e);
public void deleteApplicationArtifacts(String applicationUUID) throws ApplicationStorageManagementException {
public InputStream getReleasedArtifacts(String applicationUUID, String versionName)
throws ApplicationStorageManagementException {
return null;
// todo this should be validate application release
Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
String artifactDirectoryPath = storagePath + application.getId();
File artifactDirectory = new File(artifactDirectoryPath);
// Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
// String artifactPath = storagePath + application.getId() + File.separator + versionName;
// if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
// log.debug("ApplicationRelease artifacts are searched in the location " + artifactPath);
// }
// File binaryFile = new File(artifactPath);
// if (!binaryFile.exists()) {
// throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("Binary file does not exist for this release");
// } else {
// try {
// return new FileInputStream(artifactPath);
// } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
// "Binary file does not exist for the version " + versionName + " for the application ", e);
// }
// }
if (artifactDirectory.exists()) {
public void deleteApplicationArtifacts(String applicationUUID) throws ApplicationStorageManagementException {
// todo this should be validate application release
// Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
// String artifactDirectoryPath = storagePath + application.getId();
// File artifactDirectory = new File(artifactDirectoryPath);
// if (artifactDirectory.exists()) {
// StorageManagementUtil.deleteDir(artifactDirectory);
// }
public void deleteApplicationReleaseArtifacts(String applicationUUID, String version)
throws ApplicationStorageManagementException {
// todo this should be validate application release
Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
String artifactPath = storagePath + application.getId() + File.separator + version;
File artifact = new File(artifactPath);
if (artifact.exists()) {
// Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
// String artifactPath = storagePath + application.getId() + File.separator + version;
// File artifact = new File(artifactPath);
// if (artifact.exists()) {
// StorageManagementUtil.deleteDir(artifact);
// }
public void deleteAllApplicationReleaseArtifacts(String applicationUUID) throws
ApplicationStorageManagementException {
// todo this should be validate application release
try {
List<ApplicationRelease> applicationReleases = DataHolder.getInstance().getApplicationReleaseManager()
for (ApplicationRelease applicationRelease : applicationReleases) {
deleteApplicationReleaseArtifacts(applicationUUID, applicationRelease.getVersion());
} catch (ApplicationManagementException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
"Application Management Exception while getting releases " + "for the application "
+ applicationUUID, e);
// validateApplication(applicationUUID);
// try {
// List<ApplicationRelease> applicationReleases = DataHolder.getInstance().getApplicationReleaseManager()
// .getReleases(applicationUUID);
// for (ApplicationRelease applicationRelease : applicationReleases) {
// deleteApplicationReleaseArtifacts(applicationUUID, applicationRelease.getVersion());
// }
// } catch (ApplicationManagementException e) {
// throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
// "Application Management Exception while getting releases " + "for the application "
// + applicationUUID, e);
// }
public ImageArtifact getImageArtifact(String applicationUUID, String name, int count) throws
ApplicationStorageManagementException {
return null;
// todo this should be validate application release
Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
String imageArtifactPath = storagePath + application.getId() + File.separator + name.toLowerCase();
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.IMAGE_ARTIFACTS[2])) {
imageArtifactPath += count;
File imageFile = new File(imageArtifactPath);
if (!imageFile.exists()) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
"Image artifact " + name + " does not exist for the " + "application with UUID " + applicationUUID);
} else {
try {
return StorageManagementUtil.createImageArtifact(imageFile, imageArtifactPath);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
"File not found exception while trying to get the image artifact " + name + " for the "
+ "application " + applicationUUID, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("IO Exception while trying to detect the image "
+ "artifact " + name + " for the application " + applicationUUID, e);
// Application application = validateApplication(applicationUUID);
// validateImageArtifactNames(name);
// String imageArtifactPath = storagePath + application.getId() + File.separator + name.toLowerCase();
// if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.IMAGE_ARTIFACTS[2])) {
// imageArtifactPath += count;
// }
// File imageFile = new File(imageArtifactPath);
// if (!imageFile.exists()) {
// throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
// "Image artifact " + name + " does not exist for the " + "application with UUID " + applicationUUID);
// } else {
// try {
// return StorageManagementUtil.createImageArtifact(imageFile, imageArtifactPath);
// } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException(
// "File not found exception while trying to get the image artifact " + name + " for the "
// + "application " + applicationUUID, e);
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new ApplicationStorageManagementException("IO Exception while trying to detect the image "
// + "artifact " + name + " for the application " + applicationUUID, e);
// }
// }
@ -311,7 +359,8 @@ public class ApplicationStorageManagerImpl implements ApplicationStorageManager
throw new ApplicationManagementException("Application UUID is null. Application UUID is a required "
+ "parameter to get the relevant application.");
ApplicationRelease applicationRelease = DataHolder.getInstance().getApplicationReleaseManager().getRelease();
ApplicationRelease applicationRelease = DataHolder.getInstance().getApplicationReleaseManager().
if (applicationRelease == null) {
throw new NotFoundException(
"Application with UUID " + applicationUuid + " does not exist.");