You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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this is the configuration file for the carbon event broker component. this configuration file configures the various subsystems of the event
broker compoent and parameters.
<eventBrokerConfig xmlns="">
<eventBroker name="carbonEventBroker" class = "org.wso2.carbon.event.core.internal.CarbonEventBrokerFactory">
<!-- topic manager implemenation class.-->
<topicManager name="TopicManager" class="org.wso2.carbon.event.core.internal.topic.registry.RegisistryTopicManagerFactory">
<!-- root node of the topic tree -->
<!-- subscriptionmnager implementaion. subscription manager persits the
subscriptions at the registry. users can configure the topics root node and the topicIndex path -->
<subscriptionManager name="subscriptionManager"
<!-- delivery manager inmplementation. delivary manager does actual delivary part of the event broker -->
<deliveryManager name="deliveryManager"
<matchingManager name="matchingManager"
<!-- delivary manager inmplementation. delivary manager does actual delivary part of the event broker -->
<!-- <deliveryManager name="deliveryManager"
type="local"> -->
<!-- <remoteMessageBroker>
</remoteMessageBroker> -->
<!-- </deliveryManager> -->
<!-- when publising an event event broker uses a seperate thread pool with an executor. following parameters configure different parameters of that -->