Merge pull request 'Check tenant IDs of cached queries before sending to Grafana' (#42) from navodzoysa/device-mgt-core:issue-9711 into master

Reviewed-on: community/device-mgt-core#42
Pahansith Gunathilake 2 years ago
commit f5de55c4ab

@ -68,8 +68,23 @@ public class GrafanaQueryServiceImpl implements GrafanaQueryService {
int datasourceId = datasourceIdJson.getAsInt();
CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.getInstance();
String encodedQuery = cacheManager.getEncodedQueryCache().getIfPresent(rawSql);
if (cacheManager.getEncodedQueryCache().getIfPresent(rawSql) != null) {
queryObj.addProperty(GrafanaConstants.RAW_SQL_KEY, encodedQuery);
if (encodedQuery != null && !encodedQuery.isEmpty()) {
// Checks if the tenant ID in the cached query (encodedQuery) is matching the current tenant ID
// taken from Carbon Context and if it's not matching then the query is modified with the current
// tenant ID and then added to the cache
if (encodedQuery.contains(GrafanaConstants.ENCODED_QUERY_TENANT_ID_KEY)) {
String encodedQueryTenantId = GrafanaPreparedQueryBuilder.getEncodedQueryTenantId(encodedQuery);
boolean isMatchingTenantId = GrafanaPreparedQueryBuilder.isMatchingTenantId(encodedQueryTenantId);
if (isMatchingTenantId) {
queryObj.addProperty(GrafanaConstants.RAW_SQL_KEY, encodedQuery);
} else {
String modifiedEncodedQuery = GrafanaPreparedQueryBuilder.modifyEncodedQuery(encodedQuery);
CacheManager.getInstance().getEncodedQueryCache().put(rawSql, modifiedEncodedQuery);
queryObj.addProperty(GrafanaConstants.RAW_SQL_KEY, modifiedEncodedQuery);
} else {
queryObj.addProperty(GrafanaConstants.RAW_SQL_KEY, encodedQuery);
Datasource datasource = cacheManager.getDatasourceAPICache().getIfPresent(datasourceId);

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public class GrafanaPreparedQueryBuilder {
private static final String VAR_PARAM_TEMPLATE = "$param";
private static final String GRAFANA_QUOTED_VAR_REGEX = "('\\$(\\d|\\w|_)+')|('\\$\\{.*?\\}')|(\"\\$(\\d|\\w|_)+\")|(\"\\$\\{.*?\\}\")";
private static final String GRAFANA_VAR_REGEX = "(\\$(\\d|\\w|_)+)|(\\$\\{.*?\\})";
private static final String ENCODED_QUERY_TENANT_ID_REGEX = "TENANT_ID\\s=\\s('[^']+'|-?[1-9]\\d*|0)";
public static PreparedQuery build(String queryTemplate, String rawQuery) throws QueryMisMatch {
@ -125,6 +126,60 @@ public class GrafanaPreparedQueryBuilder {
return new PreparedQuery(preparedQueryBuilder.toString(), parameters);
* Get the tenant ID used in the cached query with the matching regex pattern which are integers that
* may or may not have surrounding single quotes and could have a minus sign (e.g., '-1234')
* @param encodedQuery the cached query
* @return returns the tenant ID extracted from the cached query
public static String getEncodedQueryTenantId(String encodedQuery) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ENCODED_QUERY_TENANT_ID_REGEX);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(encodedQuery);
String encodedQueryTenantId = "";
while (matcher.find()) {
encodedQueryTenantId =;
if (encodedQueryTenantId != null && !encodedQueryTenantId.isEmpty()) {
return unQuoteString(encodedQueryTenantId);
* Checks if passed tenant ID is matching with tenant ID from Carbon Context
* @param encodedQueryTenantId the tenant ID
* @return true if tenant IDs match otherwise false
public static boolean isMatchingTenantId(String encodedQueryTenantId) {
if (encodedQueryTenantId != null && !encodedQueryTenantId.isEmpty()) {
return GrafanaUtil.getTenantId() == Integer.parseInt(encodedQueryTenantId);
return false;
* Modify the tenant ID used in the cached query to the current tenant ID taken from Carbon Context
* with the matching regex pattern which are integers that may or may not have surrounding single quotes and
* could have a minus sign (e.g., '-1234')
* @param encodedQuery the cached query
* @return returns the modified query with the current tenant ID
public static String modifyEncodedQuery(String encodedQuery) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ENCODED_QUERY_TENANT_ID_REGEX);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(encodedQuery);
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(encodedQuery.length());
String encodedQueryTenantId = "";
while (matcher.find()) {
encodedQueryTenantId =;
if (encodedQueryTenantId != null && !encodedQueryTenantId.isEmpty()) {
matcher.appendReplacement(stringBuffer, Matcher.quoteReplacement(
GrafanaConstants.ENCODED_QUERY_TENANT_ID_KEY + " " + GrafanaUtil.getTenantId()));
return stringBuffer.toString();
private static String[] splitByComma(String str) {
// Using regex to avoid splitting by comma inside quotes
return str.split("(\\s|\\t)*,(\\s|\\t)*(?=(?:[^'\"]*['|\"][^'\"]*['|\"])*[^'\"]*$)");
@ -194,5 +249,4 @@ public class GrafanaPreparedQueryBuilder {
private static String singleQuoteString(String str) {
return "'" + str + "'";

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public class GrafanaConstants {
public static final int IFRAME_URL_DASHBOARD_UID_INDEX = 1;
public static final String TENANT_ID_VAR_NAME = "tenantId";
public static final String ENCODED_QUERY_TENANT_ID_KEY = "TENANT_ID =";
public static final String VAR_PREFIX = "$";
public static final String TENANT_ID_VAR = VAR_PREFIX + TENANT_ID_VAR_NAME;
public static final String QUERY_PARAM_VAR_PREFIX = "var-";
