{{#zone "main"}}

Raspberry Pi

Connect your Raspberry Pi device to the WSO2 IoT Server.


Hardware Requirements

Raspberry Pi


Get your device ready

01 Mount the Ethernet / Wifi shield on the Arduino Uno device.
02 Mount the Ethernet / Wifi shield on the Arduino Uno device.
03 Mount the Ethernet / Wifi shield on the Arduino Uno device.

Connect (Quickstart)

Internet of Things Foundation Quickstart connection

01 Use the following command to download the installer from GitHub:
02 Download the Sketch installer from the Arduino website http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
03 Install the Sketch program
04 Use the Sketch program to open the samples code samples/quickstart/quickstart.ino
05 View the lower part of the Sketch pad window to check that the COM connection is shown as active
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