on the whole page.
+ left += chartContainer.offsetLeft + svgOffset.left - 2*chartContainer.scrollLeft;
+ top += chartContainer.offsetTop + svgOffset.top - 2*chartContainer.scrollTop;
+ }
+ if (snapDistance && snapDistance > 0) {
+ top = Math.floor(top/snapDistance) * snapDistance;
+ }
+ nv.tooltip.calcTooltipPosition([left,top], gravity, distance, container);
+ return nvtooltip;
+ }
+ nvtooltip.nvPointerEventsClass = nvPointerEventsClass;
+ nvtooltip.content = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return content;
+ content = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ //Returns tooltipElem...not able to set it.
+ nvtooltip.tooltipElem = function() {
+ return tooltipElem;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.contentGenerator = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return contentGenerator;
+ if (typeof _ === 'function') {
+ contentGenerator = _;
+ }
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.data = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return data;
+ data = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.gravity = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return gravity;
+ gravity = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.distance = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return distance;
+ distance = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.snapDistance = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return snapDistance;
+ snapDistance = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.classes = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return classes;
+ classes = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.chartContainer = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return chartContainer;
+ chartContainer = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.position = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return position;
+ position.left = (typeof _.left !== 'undefined') ? _.left : position.left;
+ position.top = (typeof _.top !== 'undefined') ? _.top : position.top;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.fixedTop = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return fixedTop;
+ fixedTop = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.enabled = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return enabled;
+ enabled = _;
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.valueFormatter = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return valueFormatter;
+ if (typeof _ === 'function') {
+ valueFormatter = _;
+ }
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ nvtooltip.headerFormatter = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return headerFormatter;
+ if (typeof _ === 'function') {
+ headerFormatter = _;
+ }
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ //id() is a read-only function. You can't use it to set the id.
+ nvtooltip.id = function() {
+ return id;
+ };
+ return nvtooltip;
+ };
+ //Original tooltip.show function. Kept for backward compatibility.
+ // pos = [left,top]
+ nv.tooltip.show = function(pos, content, gravity, dist, parentContainer, classes) {
+ //Create new tooltip div if it doesn't exist on DOM.
+ var container = document.createElement('div');
+ container.className = 'nvtooltip ' + (classes ? classes : 'xy-tooltip');
+ var body = parentContainer;
+ if ( !parentContainer || parentContainer.tagName.match(/g|svg/i)) {
+ //If the parent element is an SVG element, place tooltip in the element.
+ body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
+ }
+ container.style.left = 0;
+ container.style.top = 0;
+ container.style.opacity = 0;
+ // Content can also be dom element
+ if (typeof content !== 'string')
+ container.appendChild(content);
+ else
+ container.innerHTML = content;
+ body.appendChild(container);
+ //If the parent container is an overflow
with scrollbars, subtract the scroll offsets.
+ if (parentContainer) {
+ pos[0] = pos[0] - parentContainer.scrollLeft;
+ pos[1] = pos[1] - parentContainer.scrollTop;
+ }
+ nv.tooltip.calcTooltipPosition(pos, gravity, dist, container);
+ };
+ //Looks up the ancestry of a DOM element, and returns the first NON-svg node.
+ nv.tooltip.findFirstNonSVGParent = function(Elem) {
+ while(Elem.tagName.match(/^g|svg$/i) !== null) {
+ Elem = Elem.parentNode;
+ }
+ return Elem;
+ };
+ //Finds the total offsetTop of a given DOM element.
+ //Looks up the entire ancestry of an element, up to the first relatively positioned element.
+ nv.tooltip.findTotalOffsetTop = function ( Elem, initialTop ) {
+ var offsetTop = initialTop;
+ do {
+ if( !isNaN( Elem.offsetTop ) ) {
+ offsetTop += (Elem.offsetTop);
+ }
+ } while( Elem = Elem.offsetParent );
+ return offsetTop;
+ };
+ //Finds the total offsetLeft of a given DOM element.
+ //Looks up the entire ancestry of an element, up to the first relatively positioned element.
+ nv.tooltip.findTotalOffsetLeft = function ( Elem, initialLeft) {
+ var offsetLeft = initialLeft;
+ do {
+ if( !isNaN( Elem.offsetLeft ) ) {
+ offsetLeft += (Elem.offsetLeft);
+ }
+ } while( Elem = Elem.offsetParent );
+ return offsetLeft;
+ };
+ //Global utility function to render a tooltip on the DOM.
+ //pos = [left,top] coordinates of where to place the tooltip, relative to the SVG chart container.
+ //gravity = how to orient the tooltip
+ //dist = how far away from the mouse to place tooltip
+ //container = tooltip DIV
+ nv.tooltip.calcTooltipPosition = function(pos, gravity, dist, container) {
+ var height = parseInt(container.offsetHeight),
+ width = parseInt(container.offsetWidth),
+ windowWidth = nv.utils.windowSize().width,
+ windowHeight = nv.utils.windowSize().height,
+ scrollTop = window.pageYOffset,
+ scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset,
+ left, top;
+ windowHeight = window.innerWidth >= document.body.scrollWidth ? windowHeight : windowHeight - 16;
+ windowWidth = window.innerHeight >= document.body.scrollHeight ? windowWidth : windowWidth - 16;
+ gravity = gravity || 's';
+ dist = dist || 20;
+ var tooltipTop = function ( Elem ) {
+ return nv.tooltip.findTotalOffsetTop(Elem, top);
+ };
+ var tooltipLeft = function ( Elem ) {
+ return nv.tooltip.findTotalOffsetLeft(Elem,left);
+ };
+ switch (gravity) {
+ case 'e':
+ left = pos[0] - width - dist;
+ top = pos[1] - (height / 2);
+ var tLeft = tooltipLeft(container);
+ var tTop = tooltipTop(container);
+ if (tLeft < scrollLeft) left = pos[0] + dist > scrollLeft ? pos[0] + dist : scrollLeft - tLeft + left;
+ if (tTop < scrollTop) top = scrollTop - tTop + top;
+ if (tTop + height > scrollTop + windowHeight) top = scrollTop + windowHeight - tTop + top - height;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ left = pos[0] + dist;
+ top = pos[1] - (height / 2);
+ var tLeft = tooltipLeft(container);
+ var tTop = tooltipTop(container);
+ if (tLeft + width > windowWidth) left = pos[0] - width - dist;
+ if (tTop < scrollTop) top = scrollTop + 5;
+ if (tTop + height > scrollTop + windowHeight) top = scrollTop + windowHeight - tTop + top - height;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ left = pos[0] - (width / 2) - 5;
+ top = pos[1] + dist;
+ var tLeft = tooltipLeft(container);
+ var tTop = tooltipTop(container);
+ if (tLeft < scrollLeft) left = scrollLeft + 5;
+ if (tLeft + width > windowWidth) left = left - width/2 + 5;
+ if (tTop + height > scrollTop + windowHeight) top = scrollTop + windowHeight - tTop + top - height;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ left = pos[0] - (width / 2);
+ top = pos[1] - height - dist;
+ var tLeft = tooltipLeft(container);
+ var tTop = tooltipTop(container);
+ if (tLeft < scrollLeft) left = scrollLeft + 5;
+ if (tLeft + width > windowWidth) left = left - width/2 + 5;
+ if (scrollTop > tTop) top = scrollTop;
+ break;
+ case 'none':
+ left = pos[0];
+ top = pos[1] - dist;
+ var tLeft = tooltipLeft(container);
+ var tTop = tooltipTop(container);
+ break;
+ }
+ container.style.left = left+'px';
+ container.style.top = top+'px';
+ container.style.opacity = 1;
+ container.style.position = 'absolute';
+ return container;
+ };
+ //Global utility function to remove tooltips from the DOM.
+ nv.tooltip.cleanup = function() {
+ // Find the tooltips, mark them for removal by this class (so others cleanups won't find it)
+ var tooltips = document.getElementsByClassName('nvtooltip');
+ var purging = [];
+ while(tooltips.length) {
+ purging.push(tooltips[0]);
+ tooltips[0].style.transitionDelay = '0 !important';
+ tooltips[0].style.opacity = 0;
+ tooltips[0].className = 'nvtooltip-pending-removal';
+ }
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ while (purging.length) {
+ var removeMe = purging.pop();
+ removeMe.parentNode.removeChild(removeMe);
+ }
+ }, 500);
+ };
+Gets the browser window size
+Returns object with height and width properties
+ */
+nv.utils.windowSize = function() {
+ // Sane defaults
+ var size = {width: 640, height: 480};
+ // Earlier IE uses Doc.body
+ if (document.body && document.body.offsetWidth) {
+ size.width = document.body.offsetWidth;
+ size.height = document.body.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ // IE can use depending on mode it is in
+ if (document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat' &&
+ document.documentElement &&
+ document.documentElement.offsetWidth ) {
+ size.width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
+ size.height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ // Most recent browsers use
+ if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight) {
+ size.width = window.innerWidth;
+ size.height = window.innerHeight;
+ }
+ return (size);
+Binds callback function to run when window is resized
+ */
+nv.utils.windowResize = function(handler) {
+ if (window.addEventListener) {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', handler);
+ } else {
+ nv.log("ERROR: Failed to bind to window.resize with: ", handler);
+ }
+ // return object with clear function to remove the single added callback.
+ return {
+ callback: handler,
+ clear: function() {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', handler);
+ }
+ }
+Backwards compatible way to implement more d3-like coloring of graphs.
+If passed an array, wrap it in a function which implements the old behavior
+Else return what was passed in
+nv.utils.getColor = function(color) {
+ //if you pass in nothing, get default colors back
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ return nv.utils.defaultColor();
+ //if passed an array, wrap it in a function
+ } else if(color instanceof Array) {
+ return function(d, i) { return d.color || color[i % color.length]; };
+ //if passed a function, return the function, or whatever it may be
+ //external libs, such as angularjs-nvd3-directives use this
+ } else {
+ //can't really help it if someone passes rubbish as color
+ return color;
+ }
+Default color chooser uses the index of an object as before.
+ */
+nv.utils.defaultColor = function() {
+ var colors = d3.scale.category20().range();
+ return function(d, i) {
+ return d.color || colors[i % colors.length]
+ };
+Returns a color function that takes the result of 'getKey' for each series and
+looks for a corresponding color from the dictionary
+nv.utils.customTheme = function(dictionary, getKey, defaultColors) {
+ // use default series.key if getKey is undefined
+ getKey = getKey || function(series) { return series.key };
+ defaultColors = defaultColors || d3.scale.category20().range();
+ // start at end of default color list and walk back to index 0
+ var defIndex = defaultColors.length;
+ return function(series, index) {
+ var key = getKey(series);
+ if (typeof dictionary[key] === 'function') {
+ return dictionary[key]();
+ } else if (dictionary[key] !== undefined) {
+ return dictionary[key];
+ } else {
+ // no match in dictionary, use a default color
+ if (!defIndex) {
+ // used all the default colors, start over
+ defIndex = defaultColors.length;
+ }
+ defIndex = defIndex - 1;
+ return defaultColors[defIndex];
+ }
+ };
+From the PJAX example on d3js.org, while this is not really directly needed
+it's a very cool method for doing pjax, I may expand upon it a little bit,
+open to suggestions on anything that may be useful
+nv.utils.pjax = function(links, content) {
+ var load = function(href) {
+ d3.html(href, function(fragment) {
+ var target = d3.select(content).node();
+ target.parentNode.replaceChild(
+ d3.select(fragment).select(content).node(),
+ target);
+ nv.utils.pjax(links, content);
+ });
+ };
+ d3.selectAll(links).on("click", function() {
+ history.pushState(this.href, this.textContent, this.href);
+ load(this.href);
+ d3.event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ d3.select(window).on("popstate", function() {
+ if (d3.event.state) {
+ load(d3.event.state);
+ }
+ });
+For when we want to approximate the width in pixels for an SVG:text element.
+Most common instance is when the element is in a display:none; container.
+Forumla is : text.length * font-size * constant_factor
+nv.utils.calcApproxTextWidth = function (svgTextElem) {
+ if (typeof svgTextElem.style === 'function'
+ && typeof svgTextElem.text === 'function') {
+ var fontSize = parseInt(svgTextElem.style("font-size").replace("px",""));
+ var textLength = svgTextElem.text().length;
+ return textLength * fontSize * 0.5;
+ }
+ return 0;
+Numbers that are undefined, null or NaN, convert them to zeros.
+nv.utils.NaNtoZero = function(n) {
+ if (typeof n !== 'number'
+ || isNaN(n)
+ || n === null
+ || n === Infinity
+ || n === -Infinity) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return n;
+Add a way to watch for d3 transition ends to d3
+d3.selection.prototype.watchTransition = function(renderWatch){
+ var args = [this].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 1));
+ return renderWatch.transition.apply(renderWatch, args);
+Helper object to watch when d3 has rendered something
+nv.utils.renderWatch = function(dispatch, duration) {
+ if (!(this instanceof nv.utils.renderWatch)) {
+ return new nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ }
+ var _duration = duration !== undefined ? duration : 250;
+ var renderStack = [];
+ var self = this;
+ this.models = function(models) {
+ models = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);
+ models.forEach(function(model){
+ model.__rendered = false;
+ (function(m){
+ m.dispatch.on('renderEnd', function(arg){
+ m.__rendered = true;
+ self.renderEnd('model');
+ });
+ })(model);
+ if (renderStack.indexOf(model) < 0) {
+ renderStack.push(model);
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.reset = function(duration) {
+ if (duration !== undefined) {
+ _duration = duration;
+ }
+ renderStack = [];
+ };
+ this.transition = function(selection, args, duration) {
+ args = arguments.length > 1 ? [].slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
+ if (args.length > 1) {
+ duration = args.pop();
+ } else {
+ duration = _duration !== undefined ? _duration : 250;
+ }
+ selection.__rendered = false;
+ if (renderStack.indexOf(selection) < 0) {
+ renderStack.push(selection);
+ }
+ if (duration === 0) {
+ selection.__rendered = true;
+ selection.delay = function() { return this; };
+ selection.duration = function() { return this; };
+ return selection;
+ } else {
+ if (selection.length === 0) {
+ selection.__rendered = true;
+ } else if (selection.every( function(d){ return !d.length; } )) {
+ selection.__rendered = true;
+ } else {
+ selection.__rendered = false;
+ }
+ var n = 0;
+ return selection
+ .transition()
+ .duration(duration)
+ .each(function(){ ++n; })
+ .each('end', function(d, i) {
+ if (--n === 0) {
+ selection.__rendered = true;
+ self.renderEnd.apply(this, args);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ this.renderEnd = function() {
+ if (renderStack.every( function(d){ return d.__rendered; } )) {
+ renderStack.forEach( function(d){ d.__rendered = false; });
+ dispatch.renderEnd.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+Takes multiple objects and combines them into the first one (dst)
+example: nv.utils.deepExtend({a: 1}, {a: 2, b: 3}, {c: 4});
+gives: {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}
+nv.utils.deepExtend = function(dst){
+ var sources = arguments.length > 1 ? [].slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
+ sources.forEach(function(source) {
+ for (key in source) {
+ var isArray = dst[key] instanceof Array;
+ var isObject = typeof dst[key] === 'object';
+ var srcObj = typeof source[key] === 'object';
+ if (isObject && !isArray && srcObj) {
+ nv.utils.deepExtend(dst[key], source[key]);
+ } else {
+ dst[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+state utility object, used to track d3 states in the models
+nv.utils.state = function(){
+ if (!(this instanceof nv.utils.state)) {
+ return new nv.utils.state();
+ }
+ var state = {};
+ var _self = this;
+ var _setState = function(){};
+ var _getState = function(){ return {}; };
+ var init = null;
+ var changed = null;
+ this.dispatch = d3.dispatch('change', 'set');
+ this.dispatch.on('set', function(state){
+ _setState(state, true);
+ });
+ this.getter = function(fn){
+ _getState = fn;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.setter = function(fn, callback) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ callback = function(){};
+ }
+ _setState = function(state, update){
+ fn(state);
+ if (update) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ };
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.init = function(state){
+ init = init || {};
+ nv.utils.deepExtend(init, state);
+ };
+ var _set = function(){
+ var settings = _getState();
+ if (JSON.stringify(settings) === JSON.stringify(state)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var key in settings) {
+ if (state[key] === undefined) {
+ state[key] = {};
+ }
+ state[key] = settings[key];
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ this.update = function(){
+ if (init) {
+ _setState(init, false);
+ init = null;
+ }
+ if (_set.call(this)) {
+ this.dispatch.change(state);
+ }
+ };
+Snippet of code you can insert into each nv.models.* to give you the ability to
+do things like:
+ showXAxis: true,
+ tooltips: true
+To enable in the chart:
+chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+nv.utils.optionsFunc = function(args) {
+ nv.deprecated('nv.utils.optionsFunc');
+ if (args) {
+ d3.map(args).forEach((function(key,value) {
+ if (typeof this[key] === "function") {
+ this[key](value);
+ }
+ }).bind(this));
+ }
+ return this;
+numTicks: requested number of ticks
+data: the chart data
+returns the number of ticks to actually use on X axis, based on chart data
+to avoid duplicate ticks with the same value
+nv.utils.calcTicksX = function(numTicks, data) {
+ // find max number of values from all data streams
+ var numValues = 1;
+ var i = 0;
+ for (i; i < data.length; i += 1) {
+ var stream_len = data[i] && data[i].values ? data[i].values.length : 0;
+ numValues = stream_len > numValues ? stream_len : numValues;
+ }
+ nv.log("Requested number of ticks: ", numTicks);
+ nv.log("Calculated max values to be: ", numValues);
+ // make sure we don't have more ticks than values to avoid duplicates
+ numTicks = numTicks > numValues ? numTicks = numValues - 1 : numTicks;
+ // make sure we have at least one tick
+ numTicks = numTicks < 1 ? 1 : numTicks;
+ // make sure it's an integer
+ numTicks = Math.floor(numTicks);
+ nv.log("Calculating tick count as: ", numTicks);
+ return numTicks;
+returns number of ticks to actually use on Y axis, based on chart data
+nv.utils.calcTicksY = function(numTicks, data) {
+ // currently uses the same logic but we can adjust here if needed later
+ return nv.utils.calcTicksX(numTicks, data);
+Add a particular option from an options object onto chart
+Options exposed on a chart are a getter/setter function that returns chart
+on set to mimic typical d3 option chaining, e.g. svg.option1('a').option2('b');
+option objects should be generated via Object.create() to provide
+the option of manipulating data via get/set functions.
+nv.utils.initOption = function(chart, name) {
+ // if it's a call option, just call it directly, otherwise do get/set
+ if (chart._calls && chart._calls[name]) {
+ chart[name] = chart._calls[name];
+ } else {
+ chart[name] = function (_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return chart._options[name];
+ chart._options[name] = _;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ }
+Add all options in an options object to the chart
+nv.utils.initOptions = function(chart) {
+ var ops = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(chart._options || {});
+ var calls = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(chart._calls || {});
+ ops = ops.concat(calls);
+ for (var i in ops) {
+ nv.utils.initOption(chart, ops[i]);
+ }
+Inherit options from a D3 object
+d3.rebind makes calling the function on target actually call it on source
+Also use _d3options so we can track what we inherit for documentation and chained inheritance
+nv.utils.inheritOptionsD3 = function(target, d3_source, oplist) {
+ target._d3options = oplist.concat(target._d3options || []);
+ oplist.unshift(d3_source);
+ oplist.unshift(target);
+ d3.rebind.apply(this, oplist);
+Remove duplicates from an array
+nv.utils.arrayUnique = function(a) {
+ return a.sort().filter(function(item, pos) {
+ return !pos || item != a[pos - 1];
+ });
+Keeps a list of custom symbols to draw from in addition to d3.svg.symbol
+Necessary since d3 doesn't let you extend its list -_-
+Add new symbols by doing nv.utils.symbols.set('name', function(size){...});
+nv.utils.symbolMap = d3.map();
+Replaces d3.svg.symbol so that we can look both there and our own map
+ */
+nv.utils.symbol = function() {
+ var type,
+ size = 64;
+ function symbol(d,i) {
+ var t = type.call(this,d,i);
+ var s = size.call(this,d,i);
+ if (d3.svg.symbolTypes.indexOf(t) !== -1) {
+ return d3.svg.symbol().type(t).size(s)();
+ } else {
+ return nv.utils.symbolMap.get(t)(s);
+ }
+ }
+ symbol.type = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return type;
+ type = d3.functor(_);
+ return symbol;
+ };
+ symbol.size = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return size;
+ size = d3.functor(_);
+ return symbol;
+ };
+ return symbol;
+Inherit option getter/setter functions from source to target
+d3.rebind makes calling the function on target actually call it on source
+Also track via _inherited and _d3options so we can track what we inherit
+for documentation generation purposes and chained inheritance
+nv.utils.inheritOptions = function(target, source) {
+ // inherit all the things
+ var ops = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source._options || {});
+ var calls = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source._calls || {});
+ var inherited = source._inherited || [];
+ var d3ops = source._d3options || [];
+ var args = ops.concat(calls).concat(inherited).concat(d3ops);
+ args.unshift(source);
+ args.unshift(target);
+ d3.rebind.apply(this, args);
+ // pass along the lists to keep track of them, don't allow duplicates
+ target._inherited = nv.utils.arrayUnique(ops.concat(calls).concat(inherited).concat(ops).concat(target._inherited || []));
+ target._d3options = nv.utils.arrayUnique(d3ops.concat(target._d3options || []));
+Runs common initialize code on the svg before the chart builds
+nv.utils.initSVG = function(svg) {
+ svg.classed({'nvd3-svg':true});
+};nv.models.axis = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var axis = d3.svg.axis();
+ var scale = d3.scale.linear();
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 75 //only used for tickLabel currently
+ , height = 60 //only used for tickLabel currently
+ , axisLabelText = null
+ , showMaxMin = true //TODO: showMaxMin should be disabled on all ordinal scaled axes
+ , highlightZero = true
+ , rotateLabels = 0
+ , rotateYLabel = true
+ , staggerLabels = false
+ , isOrdinal = false
+ , ticks = null
+ , axisLabelDistance = 0
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('renderEnd')
+ , axisRendered = false
+ , maxMinRendered = false
+ ;
+ axis
+ .scale(scale)
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickFormat(function(d) { return d })
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var scale0;
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-axis').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-axis');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g')
+ if (ticks !== null)
+ axis.ticks(ticks);
+ else if (axis.orient() == 'top' || axis.orient() == 'bottom')
+ axis.ticks(Math.abs(scale.range()[1] - scale.range()[0]) / 100);
+ //TODO: consider calculating width/height based on whether or not label is added, for reference in charts using this component
+ g.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'axis').call(axis);
+ scale0 = scale0 || axis.scale();
+ var fmt = axis.tickFormat();
+ if (fmt == null) {
+ fmt = scale0.tickFormat();
+ }
+ var axisLabel = g.selectAll('text.nv-axislabel')
+ .data([axisLabelText || null]);
+ axisLabel.exit().remove();
+ switch (axis.orient()) {
+ case 'top':
+ axisLabel.enter().append('text').attr('class', 'nv-axislabel');
+ var w;
+ if (scale.range().length < 2) {
+ w = 0;
+ } else if (scale.range().length === 2) {
+ w = scale.range()[1];
+ } else {
+ w = scale.range()[scale.range().length-1]+(scale.range()[1]-scale.range()[0]);
+ }
+ axisLabel
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('x', w/2);
+ if (showMaxMin) {
+ var axisMaxMin = wrap.selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin')
+ .data(scale.domain());
+ axisMaxMin.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nv-axisMaxMin').append('text');
+ axisMaxMin.exit().remove();
+ axisMaxMin
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero(scale(d)) + ',0)'
+ })
+ .select('text')
+ .attr('dy', '-0.5em')
+ .attr('y', -axis.tickPadding())
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .text(function(d,i) {
+ var v = fmt(d);
+ return ('' + v).match('NaN') ? '' : v;
+ });
+ axisMaxMin.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'min-max top')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero(scale.range()[i]) + ',0)'
+ });
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'bottom':
+ var xLabelMargin = axisLabelDistance + 36;
+ var maxTextWidth = 30;
+ var xTicks = g.selectAll('g').select("text");
+ if (rotateLabels%360) {
+ //Calculate the longest xTick width
+ xTicks.each(function(d,i){
+ var width = this.getBoundingClientRect().width;
+ if(width > maxTextWidth) maxTextWidth = width;
+ });
+ //Convert to radians before calculating sin. Add 30 to margin for healthy padding.
+ var sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotateLabels*Math.PI/180));
+ var xLabelMargin = (sin ? sin*maxTextWidth : maxTextWidth)+30;
+ //Rotate all xTicks
+ xTicks
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i,j) { return 'rotate(' + rotateLabels + ' 0,0)' })
+ .style('text-anchor', rotateLabels%360 > 0 ? 'start' : 'end');
+ }
+ axisLabel.enter().append('text').attr('class', 'nv-axislabel');
+ var w;
+ if (scale.range().length < 2) {
+ w = 0;
+ } else if (scale.range().length === 2) {
+ w = scale.range()[1];
+ } else {
+ w = scale.range()[scale.range().length-1]+(scale.range()[1]-scale.range()[0]);
+ }
+ axisLabel
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .attr('y', xLabelMargin)
+ .attr('x', w/2);
+ if (showMaxMin) {
+ //if (showMaxMin && !isOrdinal) {
+ var axisMaxMin = wrap.selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin')
+ //.data(scale.domain())
+ .data([scale.domain()[0], scale.domain()[scale.domain().length - 1]]);
+ axisMaxMin.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nv-axisMaxMin').append('text');
+ axisMaxMin.exit().remove();
+ axisMaxMin
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero((scale(d) + (isOrdinal ? scale.rangeBand() / 2 : 0))) + ',0)'
+ })
+ .select('text')
+ .attr('dy', '.71em')
+ .attr('y', axis.tickPadding())
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i,j) { return 'rotate(' + rotateLabels + ' 0,0)' })
+ .style('text-anchor', rotateLabels ? (rotateLabels%360 > 0 ? 'start' : 'end') : 'middle')
+ .text(function(d,i) {
+ var v = fmt(d);
+ return ('' + v).match('NaN') ? '' : v;
+ });
+ axisMaxMin.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'min-max bottom')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero((scale(d) + (isOrdinal ? scale.rangeBand() / 2 : 0))) + ',0)'
+ });
+ }
+ if (staggerLabels)
+ xTicks
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(0,' + (i % 2 == 0 ? '0' : '12') + ')'
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'right':
+ axisLabel.enter().append('text').attr('class', 'nv-axislabel');
+ axisLabel
+ .style('text-anchor', rotateYLabel ? 'middle' : 'begin')
+ .attr('transform', rotateYLabel ? 'rotate(90)' : '')
+ .attr('y', rotateYLabel ? (-Math.max(margin.right,width) + 12) : -10) //TODO: consider calculating this based on largest tick width... OR at least expose this on chart
+ .attr('x', rotateYLabel ? (scale.range()[0] / 2) : axis.tickPadding());
+ if (showMaxMin) {
+ var axisMaxMin = wrap.selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin')
+ .data(scale.domain());
+ axisMaxMin.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nv-axisMaxMin').append('text')
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ axisMaxMin.exit().remove();
+ axisMaxMin
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(0,' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero(scale(d)) + ')'
+ })
+ .select('text')
+ .attr('dy', '.32em')
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('x', axis.tickPadding())
+ .style('text-anchor', 'start')
+ .text(function(d,i) {
+ var v = fmt(d);
+ return ('' + v).match('NaN') ? '' : v;
+ });
+ axisMaxMin.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'min-max right')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(0,' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero(scale.range()[i]) + ')'
+ })
+ .select('text')
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'left':
+ /*
+ //For dynamically placing the label. Can be used with dynamically-sized chart axis margins
+ var yTicks = g.selectAll('g').select("text");
+ yTicks.each(function(d,i){
+ var labelPadding = this.getBoundingClientRect().width + axis.tickPadding() + 16;
+ if(labelPadding > width) width = labelPadding;
+ });
+ */
+ axisLabel.enter().append('text').attr('class', 'nv-axislabel');
+ axisLabel
+ .style('text-anchor', rotateYLabel ? 'middle' : 'end')
+ .attr('transform', rotateYLabel ? 'rotate(-90)' : '')
+ .attr('y', rotateYLabel ? (-Math.max(margin.left,width) + 25 - (axisLabelDistance || 0)) : -10)
+ .attr('x', rotateYLabel ? (-scale.range()[0] / 2) : -axis.tickPadding());
+ if (showMaxMin) {
+ var axisMaxMin = wrap.selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin')
+ .data(scale.domain());
+ axisMaxMin.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nv-axisMaxMin').append('text')
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ axisMaxMin.exit().remove();
+ axisMaxMin
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(0,' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero(scale0(d)) + ')'
+ })
+ .select('text')
+ .attr('dy', '.32em')
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('x', -axis.tickPadding())
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
+ .text(function(d,i) {
+ var v = fmt(d);
+ return ('' + v).match('NaN') ? '' : v;
+ });
+ axisMaxMin.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'min-max right')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(0,' + nv.utils.NaNtoZero(scale.range()[i]) + ')'
+ })
+ .select('text')
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ axisLabel.text(function(d) { return d });
+ if (showMaxMin && (axis.orient() === 'left' || axis.orient() === 'right')) {
+ //check if max and min overlap other values, if so, hide the values that overlap
+ g.selectAll('g') // the g's wrapping each tick
+ .each(function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).select('text').attr('opacity', 1);
+ if (scale(d) < scale.range()[1] + 10 || scale(d) > scale.range()[0] - 10) { // 10 is assuming text height is 16... if d is 0, leave it!
+ if (d > 1e-10 || d < -1e-10) // accounts for minor floating point errors... though could be problematic if the scale is EXTREMELY SMALL
+ d3.select(this).attr('opacity', 0);
+ d3.select(this).select('text').attr('opacity', 0); // Don't remove the ZERO line!!
+ }
+ });
+ //if Max and Min = 0 only show min, Issue #281
+ if (scale.domain()[0] == scale.domain()[1] && scale.domain()[0] == 0) {
+ wrap.selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin').style('opacity', function (d, i) {
+ return !i ? 1 : 0
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (showMaxMin && (axis.orient() === 'top' || axis.orient() === 'bottom')) {
+ var maxMinRange = [];
+ wrap.selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin')
+ .each(function(d,i) {
+ try {
+ if (i) // i== 1, max position
+ maxMinRange.push(scale(d) - this.getBoundingClientRect().width - 4) //assuming the max and min labels are as wide as the next tick (with an extra 4 pixels just in case)
+ else // i==0, min position
+ maxMinRange.push(scale(d) + this.getBoundingClientRect().width + 4)
+ }catch (err) {
+ if (i) // i== 1, max position
+ maxMinRange.push(scale(d) - 4); //assuming the max and min labels are as wide as the next tick (with an extra 4 pixels just in case)
+ else // i==0, min position
+ maxMinRange.push(scale(d) + 4);
+ }
+ });
+ // the g's wrapping each tick
+ g.selectAll('g').each(function(d,i) {
+ if (scale(d) < maxMinRange[0] || scale(d) > maxMinRange[1]) {
+ if (d > 1e-10 || d < -1e-10) // accounts for minor floating point errors... though could be problematic if the scale is EXTREMELY SMALL
+ d3.select(this).remove();
+ else
+ d3.select(this).select('text').remove(); // Don't remove the ZERO line!!
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //highlight zero line ... Maybe should not be an option and should just be in CSS?
+ if (highlightZero) {
+ g.selectAll('.tick')
+ .filter(function (d) {
+ return !parseFloat(Math.round(this.__data__ * 100000) / 1000000) && (this.__data__ !== undefined)
+ }) //this is because sometimes the 0 tick is a very small fraction, TODO: think of cleaner technique
+ .classed('zero', true);
+ }
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ scale0 = scale.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('axis immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.axis = axis;
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ axisLabelDistance: {get: function(){return axisLabelDistance;}, set: function(_){axisLabelDistance=_;}},
+ staggerLabels: {get: function(){return staggerLabels;}, set: function(_){staggerLabels=_;}},
+ rotateLabels: {get: function(){return rotateLabels;}, set: function(_){rotateLabels=_;}},
+ rotateYLabel: {get: function(){return rotateYLabel;}, set: function(_){rotateYLabel=_;}},
+ highlightZero: {get: function(){return highlightZero;}, set: function(_){highlightZero=_;}},
+ showMaxMin: {get: function(){return showMaxMin;}, set: function(_){showMaxMin=_;}},
+ axisLabel: {get: function(){return axisLabelText;}, set: function(_){axisLabelText=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ ticks: {get: function(){return ticks;}, set: function(_){ticks=_;}},
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration=_;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }},
+ scale: {get: function(){return scale;}, set: function(_){
+ scale = _;
+ axis.scale(scale);
+ isOrdinal = typeof scale.rangeBands === 'function';
+ nv.utils.inheritOptionsD3(chart, scale, ['domain', 'range', 'rangeBand', 'rangeBands']);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ nv.utils.inheritOptionsD3(chart, axis, ['orient', 'tickValues', 'tickSubdivide', 'tickSize', 'tickPadding', 'tickFormat']);
+ nv.utils.inheritOptionsD3(chart, scale, ['domain', 'range', 'rangeBand', 'rangeBands']);
+ return chart;
+// Chart design based on the recommendations of Stephen Few. Implementation
+// based on the work of Clint Ivy, Jamie Love, and Jason Davies.
+// http://projects.instantcognition.com/protovis/bulletchart/
+nv.models.bullet = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , orient = 'left' // TODO top & bottom
+ , reverse = false
+ , ranges = function(d) { return d.ranges }
+ , markers = function(d) { return d.markers ? d.markers : [0] }
+ , measures = function(d) { return d.measures }
+ , rangeLabels = function(d) { return d.rangeLabels ? d.rangeLabels : [] }
+ , markerLabels = function(d) { return d.markerLabels ? d.markerLabels : [] }
+ , measureLabels = function(d) { return d.measureLabels ? d.measureLabels : [] }
+ , forceX = [0] // List of numbers to Force into the X scale (ie. 0, or a max / min, etc.)
+ , width = 380
+ , height = 30
+ , tickFormat = null
+ , color = nv.utils.getColor(['#1f77b4'])
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout')
+ ;
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(d, i) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var rangez = ranges.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending),
+ markerz = markers.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending),
+ measurez = measures.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending),
+ rangeLabelz = rangeLabels.call(this, d, i).slice(),
+ markerLabelz = markerLabels.call(this, d, i).slice(),
+ measureLabelz = measureLabels.call(this, d, i).slice();
+ // Setup Scales
+ // Compute the new x-scale.
+ var x1 = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain( d3.extent(d3.merge([forceX, rangez])) )
+ .range(reverse ? [availableWidth, 0] : [0, availableWidth]);
+ // Retrieve the old x-scale, if this is an update.
+ var x0 = this.__chart__ || d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([0, Infinity])
+ .range(x1.range());
+ // Stash the new scale.
+ this.__chart__ = x1;
+ var rangeMin = d3.min(rangez), //rangez[2]
+ rangeMax = d3.max(rangez), //rangez[0]
+ rangeAvg = rangez[1];
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-bullet').data([d]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-bullet');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('rect').attr('class', 'nv-range nv-rangeMax');
+ gEnter.append('rect').attr('class', 'nv-range nv-rangeAvg');
+ gEnter.append('rect').attr('class', 'nv-range nv-rangeMin');
+ gEnter.append('rect').attr('class', 'nv-measure');
+ gEnter.append('path').attr('class', 'nv-markerTriangle');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ var w0 = function(d) { return Math.abs(x0(d) - x0(0)) }, // TODO: could optimize by precalculating x0(0) and x1(0)
+ w1 = function(d) { return Math.abs(x1(d) - x1(0)) };
+ var xp0 = function(d) { return d < 0 ? x0(d) : x0(0) },
+ xp1 = function(d) { return d < 0 ? x1(d) : x1(0) };
+ g.select('rect.nv-rangeMax')
+ .attr('height', availableHeight)
+ .attr('width', w1(rangeMax > 0 ? rangeMax : rangeMin))
+ .attr('x', xp1(rangeMax > 0 ? rangeMax : rangeMin))
+ .datum(rangeMax > 0 ? rangeMax : rangeMin)
+ g.select('rect.nv-rangeAvg')
+ .attr('height', availableHeight)
+ .attr('width', w1(rangeAvg))
+ .attr('x', xp1(rangeAvg))
+ .datum(rangeAvg)
+ g.select('rect.nv-rangeMin')
+ .attr('height', availableHeight)
+ .attr('width', w1(rangeMax))
+ .attr('x', xp1(rangeMax))
+ .attr('width', w1(rangeMax > 0 ? rangeMin : rangeMax))
+ .attr('x', xp1(rangeMax > 0 ? rangeMin : rangeMax))
+ .datum(rangeMax > 0 ? rangeMin : rangeMax)
+ g.select('rect.nv-measure')
+ .style('fill', color)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight / 3)
+ .attr('y', availableHeight / 3)
+ .attr('width', measurez < 0 ?
+ x1(0) - x1(measurez[0])
+ : x1(measurez[0]) - x1(0))
+ .attr('x', xp1(measurez))
+ .on('mouseover', function() {
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ value: measurez[0],
+ label: measureLabelz[0] || 'Current',
+ pos: [x1(measurez[0]), availableHeight/2]
+ })
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function() {
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ value: measurez[0],
+ label: measureLabelz[0] || 'Current'
+ })
+ });
+ var h3 = availableHeight / 6;
+ if (markerz[0]) {
+ g.selectAll('path.nv-markerTriangle')
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + x1(markerz[0]) + ',' + (availableHeight / 2) + ')' })
+ .attr('d', 'M0,' + h3 + 'L' + h3 + ',' + (-h3) + ' ' + (-h3) + ',' + (-h3) + 'Z')
+ .on('mouseover', function() {
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ value: markerz[0],
+ label: markerLabelz[0] || 'Previous',
+ pos: [x1(markerz[0]), availableHeight/2]
+ })
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function() {
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ value: markerz[0],
+ label: markerLabelz[0] || 'Previous'
+ })
+ });
+ } else {
+ g.selectAll('path.nv-markerTriangle').remove();
+ }
+ wrap.selectAll('.nv-range')
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
+ var label = rangeLabelz[i] || (!i ? "Maximum" : i == 1 ? "Mean" : "Minimum");
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ value: d,
+ label: label,
+ pos: [x1(d), availableHeight/2]
+ })
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ var label = rangeLabelz[i] || (!i ? "Maximum" : i == 1 ? "Mean" : "Minimum");
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ value: d,
+ label: label
+ })
+ });
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ ranges: {get: function(){return ranges;}, set: function(_){ranges=_;}}, // ranges (bad, satisfactory, good)
+ markers: {get: function(){return markers;}, set: function(_){markers=_;}}, // markers (previous, goal)
+ measures: {get: function(){return measures;}, set: function(_){measures=_;}}, // measures (actual, forecast)
+ forceX: {get: function(){return forceX;}, set: function(_){forceX=_;}},
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ tickFormat: {get: function(){return tickFormat;}, set: function(_){tickFormat=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ orient: {get: function(){return orient;}, set: function(_){ // left, right, top, bottom
+ orient = _;
+ reverse = orient == 'right' || orient == 'bottom';
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+// Chart design based on the recommendations of Stephen Few. Implementation
+// based on the work of Clint Ivy, Jamie Love, and Jason Davies.
+// http://projects.instantcognition.com/protovis/bulletchart/
+nv.models.bulletChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var bullet = nv.models.bullet()
+ ;
+ var orient = 'left' // TODO top & bottom
+ , reverse = false
+ , margin = {top: 5, right: 40, bottom: 20, left: 120}
+ , ranges = function(d) { return d.ranges }
+ , markers = function(d) { return d.markers ? d.markers : [0] }
+ , measures = function(d) { return d.measures }
+ , width = null
+ , height = 55
+ , tickFormat = null
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + x + '
' +
+ '
' + y + '
+ }
+ , noData = 'No Data Available.'
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ) + margin.left,
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0) + margin.top,
+ content = tooltip(e.key, e.label, e.value, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'e' : 'w', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(d, i) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ that = this;
+ chart.update = function() { chart(selection) };
+ chart.container = this;
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!d || !ranges.call(this, d, i)) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', 18 + margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ var rangez = ranges.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending),
+ markerz = markers.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending),
+ measurez = measures.call(this, d, i).slice().sort(d3.descending);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-bulletChart').data([d]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-bulletChart');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-bulletWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-titles');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ // Compute the new x-scale.
+ var x1 = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([0, Math.max(rangez[0], markerz[0], measurez[0])]) // TODO: need to allow forceX and forceY, and xDomain, yDomain
+ .range(reverse ? [availableWidth, 0] : [0, availableWidth]);
+ // Retrieve the old x-scale, if this is an update.
+ var x0 = this.__chart__ || d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([0, Infinity])
+ .range(x1.range());
+ // Stash the new scale.
+ this.__chart__ = x1;
+ var w0 = function(d) { return Math.abs(x0(d) - x0(0)) }, // TODO: could optimize by precalculating x0(0) and x1(0)
+ w1 = function(d) { return Math.abs(x1(d) - x1(0)) };
+ var title = gEnter.select('.nv-titles').append('g')
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(-6,' + (height - margin.top - margin.bottom) / 2 + ')');
+ title.append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-title')
+ .text(function(d) { return d.title; });
+ title.append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-subtitle')
+ .attr('dy', '1em')
+ .text(function(d) { return d.subtitle; });
+ bullet
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ var bulletWrap = g.select('.nv-bulletWrap');
+ d3.transition(bulletWrap).call(bullet);
+ // Compute the tick format.
+ var format = tickFormat || x1.tickFormat( availableWidth / 100 );
+ // Update the tick groups.
+ var tick = g.selectAll('g.nv-tick')
+ .data(x1.ticks( availableWidth / 50 ), function(d) {
+ return this.textContent || format(d);
+ });
+ // Initialize the ticks with the old scale, x0.
+ var tickEnter = tick.enter().append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-tick')
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + x0(d) + ',0)' })
+ .style('opacity', 1e-6);
+ tickEnter.append('line')
+ .attr('y1', availableHeight)
+ .attr('y2', availableHeight * 7 / 6);
+ tickEnter.append('text')
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .attr('dy', '1em')
+ .attr('y', availableHeight * 7 / 6)
+ .text(format);
+ // Transition the updating ticks to the new scale, x1.
+ var tickUpdate = d3.transition(tick)
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + x1(d) + ',0)' })
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ tickUpdate.select('line')
+ .attr('y1', availableHeight)
+ .attr('y2', availableHeight * 7 / 6);
+ tickUpdate.select('text')
+ .attr('y', availableHeight * 7 / 6);
+ // Transition the exiting ticks to the new scale, x1.
+ d3.transition(tick.exit())
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + x1(d) + ',0)' })
+ .style('opacity', 1e-6)
+ .remove();
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ e.key = d.title;
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ });
+ d3.timer.flush();
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ bullet.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ bullet.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.bullet = bullet;
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ ranges: {get: function(){return ranges;}, set: function(_){ranges=_;}}, // ranges (bad, satisfactory, good)
+ markers: {get: function(){return markers;}, set: function(_){markers=_;}}, // markers (previous, goal)
+ measures: {get: function(){return measures;}, set: function(_){measures=_;}}, // measures (actual, forecast)
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ tickFormat: {get: function(){return tickFormat;}, set: function(_){tickFormat=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ orient: {get: function(){return orient;}, set: function(_){ // left, right, top, bottom
+ orient = _;
+ reverse = orient == 'right' || orient == 'bottom';
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, bullet);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.cumulativeLineChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var lines = nv.models.line()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , controls = nv.models.legend()
+ , interactiveLayer = nv.interactiveGuideline()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 50, left: 60}
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , showLegend = true
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , showControls = true
+ , useInteractiveGuideline = false
+ , rescaleY = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' at ' + x + '
+ }
+ , x //can be accessed via chart.xScale()
+ , y //can be accessed via chart.yScale()
+ , id = lines.id()
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = 'No Data Available.'
+ , average = function(d) { return d.average }
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState', 'renderEnd')
+ , transitionDuration = 250
+ , duration = 250
+ , noErrorCheck = false //if set to TRUE, will bypass an error check in the indexify function.
+ ;
+ state.index = 0;
+ state.rescaleY = rescaleY;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(7)
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient((rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left')
+ ;
+ controls.updateState(false);
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var dx = d3.scale.linear()
+ , index = {i: 0, x: 0}
+ , renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration)
+ ;
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(lines.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(lines.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, null, null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled }),
+ index: index.i,
+ rescaleY: rescaleY
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.index !== undefined)
+ index.i = state.index;
+ if (state.rescaleY !== undefined)
+ rescaleY = state.rescaleY;
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(lines);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ container.classed('nv-chart-' + id, true);
+ var that = this;
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() {
+ if (duration === 0)
+ container.call(chart);
+ else
+ container.transition().duration(duration).call(chart)
+ };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ var indexDrag = d3.behavior.drag()
+ .on('dragstart', dragStart)
+ .on('drag', dragMove)
+ .on('dragend', dragEnd);
+ function dragStart(d,i) {
+ d3.select(chart.container)
+ .style('cursor', 'ew-resize');
+ }
+ function dragMove(d,i) {
+ index.x = d3.event.x;
+ index.i = Math.round(dx.invert(index.x));
+ updateZero();
+ }
+ function dragEnd(d,i) {
+ d3.select(chart.container)
+ .style('cursor', 'auto');
+ // update state and send stateChange with new index
+ state.index = index.i;
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ }
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = lines.xScale();
+ y = lines.yScale();
+ if (!rescaleY) {
+ var seriesDomains = data
+ .filter(function(series) { return !series.disabled })
+ .map(function(series,i) {
+ var initialDomain = d3.extent(series.values, lines.y());
+ //account for series being disabled when losing 95% or more
+ if (initialDomain[0] < -.95) initialDomain[0] = -.95;
+ return [
+ (initialDomain[0] - initialDomain[1]) / (1 + initialDomain[1]),
+ (initialDomain[1] - initialDomain[0]) / (1 + initialDomain[0])
+ ];
+ });
+ var completeDomain = [
+ d3.min(seriesDomains, function(d) { return d[0] }),
+ d3.max(seriesDomains, function(d) { return d[1] })
+ ];
+ lines.yDomain(completeDomain);
+ } else {
+ lines.yDomain(null);
+ }
+ dx.domain([0, data[0].values.length - 1]) //Assumes all series have same length
+ .range([0, availableWidth])
+ .clamp(true);
+ var data = indexify(index.i, data);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var interactivePointerEvents = (useInteractiveGuideline) ? "none" : "all";
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-cumulativeLine').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-cumulativeLine').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-interactive');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis').style("pointer-events","none");
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-background');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap').style("pointer-events",interactivePointerEvents);
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-avgLinesWrap').style("pointer-events","none");
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-controlsWrap');
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width(availableWidth);
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ }
+ // Controls
+ if (showControls) {
+ var controlsData = [
+ { key: 'Re-scale y-axis', disabled: !rescaleY }
+ ];
+ controls
+ .width(140)
+ .color(['#444', '#444', '#444'])
+ .rightAlign(false)
+ .margin({top: 5, right: 0, bottom: 5, left: 20})
+ ;
+ g.select('.nv-controlsWrap')
+ .datum(controlsData)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ .call(controls);
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ // Show error if series goes below 100%
+ var tempDisabled = data.filter(function(d) { return d.tempDisabled });
+ wrap.select('.tempDisabled').remove(); //clean-up and prevent duplicates
+ if (tempDisabled.length) {
+ wrap.append('text').attr('class', 'tempDisabled')
+ .attr('x', availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', '-.71em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'end')
+ .text(tempDisabled.map(function(d) { return d.key }).join(', ') + ' values cannot be calculated for this time period.');
+ }
+ //Set up interactive layer
+ if (useInteractiveGuideline) {
+ interactiveLayer
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .margin({left:margin.left,top:margin.top})
+ .svgContainer(container)
+ .xScale(x);
+ wrap.select(".nv-interactive").call(interactiveLayer);
+ }
+ gEnter.select('.nv-background')
+ .append('rect');
+ g.select('.nv-background rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight);
+ lines
+ //.x(function(d) { return d.x })
+ .y(function(d) { return d.display.y })
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && !data[i].tempDisabled; }));
+ var linesWrap = g.select('.nv-linesWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled && !d.tempDisabled }));
+ linesWrap.call(lines);
+ //Store a series index number in the data array.
+ data.forEach(function(d,i) {
+ d.seriesIndex = i;
+ });
+ var avgLineData = data.filter(function(d) {
+ return !d.disabled && !!average(d);
+ });
+ var avgLines = g.select(".nv-avgLinesWrap").selectAll("line")
+ .data(avgLineData, function(d) { return d.key; });
+ var getAvgLineY = function(d) {
+ //If average lines go off the svg element, clamp them to the svg bounds.
+ var yVal = y(average(d));
+ if (yVal < 0) return 0;
+ if (yVal > availableHeight) return availableHeight;
+ return yVal;
+ };
+ avgLines.enter()
+ .append('line')
+ .style('stroke-width',2)
+ .style('stroke-dasharray','10,10')
+ .style('stroke',function (d,i) {
+ return lines.color()(d,d.seriesIndex);
+ })
+ .attr('x1',0)
+ .attr('x2',availableWidth)
+ .attr('y1', getAvgLineY)
+ .attr('y2', getAvgLineY);
+ avgLines
+ .style('stroke-opacity',function(d){
+ //If average lines go offscreen, make them transparent
+ var yVal = y(average(d));
+ if (yVal < 0 || yVal > availableHeight) return 0;
+ return 1;
+ })
+ .attr('x1',0)
+ .attr('x2',availableWidth)
+ .attr('y1', getAvgLineY)
+ .attr('y2', getAvgLineY);
+ avgLines.exit().remove();
+ //Create index line
+ var indexLine = linesWrap.selectAll('.nv-indexLine')
+ .data([index]);
+ indexLine.enter().append('rect').attr('class', 'nv-indexLine')
+ .attr('width', 3)
+ .attr('x', -2)
+ .attr('fill', 'red')
+ .attr('fill-opacity', .5)
+ .style("pointer-events","all")
+ .call(indexDrag);
+ indexLine
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + dx(d.i) + ',0)' })
+ .attr('height', availableHeight);
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/70, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .call(xAxis);
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ function updateZero() {
+ indexLine
+ .data([index]);
+ //When dragging the index line, turn off line transitions.
+ // Then turn them back on when done dragging.
+ var oldDuration = chart.duration();
+ chart.duration(0);
+ chart.update();
+ chart.duration(oldDuration);
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-background rect')
+ .on('click', function() {
+ index.x = d3.mouse(this)[0];
+ index.i = Math.round(dx.invert(index.x));
+ // update state and send stateChange with new index
+ state.index = index.i;
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ updateZero();
+ });
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementClick', function(e) {
+ index.i = e.pointIndex;
+ index.x = dx(index.i);
+ // update state and send stateChange with new index
+ state.index = index.i;
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ updateZero();
+ });
+ controls.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) {
+ d.disabled = !d.disabled;
+ rescaleY = !d.disabled;
+ state.rescaleY = rescaleY;
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on('elementMousemove', function(e) {
+ lines.clearHighlights();
+ var singlePoint, pointIndex, pointXLocation, allData = [];
+ data
+ .filter(function(series, i) {
+ series.seriesIndex = i;
+ return !series.disabled;
+ })
+ .forEach(function(series,i) {
+ pointIndex = nv.interactiveBisect(series.values, e.pointXValue, chart.x());
+ lines.highlightPoint(i, pointIndex, true);
+ var point = series.values[pointIndex];
+ if (typeof point === 'undefined') return;
+ if (typeof singlePoint === 'undefined') singlePoint = point;
+ if (typeof pointXLocation === 'undefined') pointXLocation = chart.xScale()(chart.x()(point,pointIndex));
+ allData.push({
+ key: series.key,
+ value: chart.y()(point, pointIndex),
+ color: color(series,series.seriesIndex)
+ });
+ });
+ //Highlight the tooltip entry based on which point the mouse is closest to.
+ if (allData.length > 2) {
+ var yValue = chart.yScale().invert(e.mouseY);
+ var domainExtent = Math.abs(chart.yScale().domain()[0] - chart.yScale().domain()[1]);
+ var threshold = 0.03 * domainExtent;
+ var indexToHighlight = nv.nearestValueIndex(allData.map(function(d){return d.value}),yValue,threshold);
+ if (indexToHighlight !== null)
+ allData[indexToHighlight].highlight = true;
+ }
+ var xValue = xAxis.tickFormat()(chart.x()(singlePoint,pointIndex), pointIndex);
+ interactiveLayer.tooltip
+ .position({left: pointXLocation + margin.left, top: e.mouseY + margin.top})
+ .chartContainer(that.parentNode)
+ .enabled(tooltips)
+ .valueFormatter(function(d,i) {
+ return yAxis.tickFormat()(d);
+ })
+ .data(
+ {
+ value: xValue,
+ series: allData
+ }
+ )();
+ interactiveLayer.renderGuideLine(pointXLocation);
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on("elementMouseout",function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide();
+ lines.clearHighlights();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ if (typeof e.index !== 'undefined') {
+ index.i = e.index;
+ index.x = dx(index.i);
+ state.index = e.index;
+ indexLine
+ .data([index]);
+ }
+ if (typeof e.rescaleY !== 'undefined') {
+ rescaleY = e.rescaleY;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('cumulativeLineChart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Functions
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var indexifyYGetter = null;
+ /* Normalize the data according to an index point. */
+ function indexify(idx, data) {
+ if (!indexifyYGetter) indexifyYGetter = lines.y();
+ return data.map(function(line, i) {
+ if (!line.values) {
+ return line;
+ }
+ var indexValue = line.values[idx];
+ if (indexValue == null) {
+ return line;
+ }
+ var v = indexifyYGetter(indexValue, idx);
+ //TODO: implement check below, and disable series if series loses 100% or more cause divide by 0 issue
+ if (v < -.95 && !noErrorCheck) {
+ //if a series loses more than 100%, calculations fail.. anything close can cause major distortion (but is mathematically correct till it hits 100)
+ line.tempDisabled = true;
+ return line;
+ }
+ line.tempDisabled = false;
+ line.values = line.values.map(function(point, pointIndex) {
+ point.display = {'y': (indexifyYGetter(point, pointIndex) - v) / (1 + v) };
+ return point;
+ });
+ return line;
+ })
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.lines = lines;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.interactiveLayer = interactiveLayer;
+ chart.state = state;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ rescaleY: {get: function(){return rescaleY;}, set: function(_){rescaleY=_;}},
+ showControls: {get: function(){return showControls;}, set: function(_){showControls=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ average: {get: function(){return average;}, set: function(_){average=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ noErrorCheck: {get: function(){return noErrorCheck;}, set: function(_){noErrorCheck=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ }},
+ useInteractiveGuideline: {get: function(){return useInteractiveGuideline;}, set: function(_){
+ useInteractiveGuideline = _;
+ if (_ === true) {
+ chart.interactive(false);
+ chart.useVoronoi(false);
+ }
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( (_) ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ lines.duration(duration);
+ xAxis.duration(duration);
+ yAxis.duration(duration);
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, lines);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+};//TODO: consider deprecating by adding necessary features to multiBar model
+nv.models.discreteBar = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 960
+ , height = 500
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one
+ , x = d3.scale.ordinal()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , forceY = [0] // 0 is forced by default.. this makes sense for the majority of bar graphs... user can always do chart.forceY([]) to remove
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , showValues = false
+ , valueFormat = d3.format(',.2f')
+ , xDomain
+ , yDomain
+ , xRange
+ , yRange
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout','renderEnd')
+ , rectClass = 'discreteBar'
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x0, y0;
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ //add series index to each data point for reference
+ data.forEach(function(series, i) {
+ series.values.forEach(function(point) {
+ point.series = i;
+ });
+ });
+ // Setup Scales
+ // remap and flatten the data for use in calculating the scales' domains
+ var seriesData = (xDomain && yDomain) ? [] : // if we know xDomain and yDomain, no need to calculate
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i), y0: d.y0 }
+ })
+ });
+ x .domain(xDomain || d3.merge(seriesData).map(function(d) { return d.x }))
+ .rangeBands(xRange || [0, availableWidth], .1);
+ y .domain(yDomain || d3.extent(d3.merge(seriesData).map(function(d) { return d.y }).concat(forceY)));
+ // If showValues, pad the Y axis range to account for label height
+ if (showValues) y.range(yRange || [availableHeight - (y.domain()[0] < 0 ? 12 : 0), y.domain()[1] > 0 ? 12 : 0]);
+ else y.range(yRange || [availableHeight, 0]);
+ //store old scales if they exist
+ x0 = x0 || x;
+ y0 = y0 || y.copy().range([y(0),y(0)]);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-discretebar').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-discretebar');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-groups');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ //TODO: by definition, the discrete bar should not have multiple groups, will modify/remove later
+ var groups = wrap.select('.nv-groups').selectAll('.nv-group')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d) { return d.key });
+ groups.enter().append('g')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);
+ groups.exit()
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'discreteBar: exit groups')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .remove();
+ groups
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-group nv-series-' + i })
+ .classed('hover', function(d) { return d.hover });
+ groups
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'discreteBar: groups')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill-opacity', .75);
+ var bars = groups.selectAll('g.nv-bar')
+ .data(function(d) { return d.values });
+ bars.exit().remove();
+ var barsEnter = bars.enter().append('g')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i,j) {
+ return 'translate(' + (x(getX(d,i)) + x.rangeBand() * .05 ) + ', ' + y(0) + ')'
+ })
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) { //TODO: figure out why j works above, but not here
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementClick({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementDblClick({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ barsEnter.append('rect')
+ .attr('height', 0)
+ .attr('width', x.rangeBand() * .9 / data.length )
+ if (showValues) {
+ barsEnter.append('text')
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ ;
+ bars.select('text')
+ .text(function(d,i) { return valueFormat(getY(d,i)) })
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'discreteBar: bars text')
+ .attr('x', x.rangeBand() * .9 / 2)
+ .attr('y', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? y(getY(d,i)) - y(0) + 12 : -4 })
+ ;
+ } else {
+ bars.selectAll('text').remove();
+ }
+ bars
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'nv-bar negative' : 'nv-bar positive' })
+ .style('fill', function(d,i) { return d.color || color(d,i) })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i) { return d.color || color(d,i) })
+ .select('rect')
+ .attr('class', rectClass)
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'discreteBar: bars rect')
+ .attr('width', x.rangeBand() * .9 / data.length);
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'discreteBar: bars')
+ //.delay(function(d,i) { return i * 1200 / data[0].values.length })
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ var left = x(getX(d,i)) + x.rangeBand() * .05,
+ top = getY(d,i) < 0 ?
+ y(0) :
+ y(0) - y(getY(d,i)) < 1 ?
+ y(0) - 1 : //make 1 px positive bars show up above y=0
+ y(getY(d,i));
+ return 'translate(' + left + ', ' + top + ')'
+ })
+ .select('rect')
+ .attr('height', function(d,i) {
+ return Math.max(Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y((yDomain && yDomain[0]) || 0)) || 1)
+ });
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ x0 = x.copy();
+ y0 = y.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('discreteBar immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ forceY: {get: function(){return forceY;}, set: function(_){forceY=_;}},
+ showValues: {get: function(){return showValues;}, set: function(_){showValues=_;}},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=_;}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ valueFormat: {get: function(){return valueFormat;}, set: function(_){valueFormat=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ rectClass: {get: function(){return rectClass;}, set: function(_){rectClass=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.discreteBarChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var discretebar = nv.models.discreteBar()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 15, right: 10, bottom: 50, left: 60}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , color = nv.utils.getColor()
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , staggerLabels = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + x + '
' +
+ '
' + y + '
+ }
+ , x
+ , y
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'beforeUpdate','renderEnd')
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .highlightZero(false)
+ .showMaxMin(false)
+ .tickFormat(function(d) { return d })
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient((rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left')
+ .tickFormat(d3.format(',.1f'))
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(discretebar.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(discretebar.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(discretebar);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() {
+ dispatch.beforeUpdate();
+ container.transition().duration(duration).call(chart);
+ };
+ chart.container = this;
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = discretebar.xScale();
+ y = discretebar.yScale().clamp(true);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-discreteBarWithAxes').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-discreteBarWithAxes').append('g');
+ var defsEnter = gEnter.append('defs');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis')
+ .append('g').attr('class', 'nv-zeroLine')
+ .append('line');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-barsWrap');
+ g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ discretebar
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight);
+ var barsWrap = g.select('.nv-barsWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }))
+ barsWrap.transition().call(discretebar);
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-x-label-clip-' + discretebar.id())
+ .append('rect');
+ g.select('#nv-x-label-clip-' + discretebar.id() + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', x.rangeBand() * (staggerLabels ? 2 : 1))
+ .attr('height', 16)
+ .attr('x', -x.rangeBand() / (staggerLabels ? 1 : 2 ));
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (y.range()[0] + ((discretebar.showValues() && y.domain()[0] < 0) ? 16 : 0)) + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis').call(xAxis);
+ var xTicks = g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis').selectAll('g');
+ if (staggerLabels) {
+ xTicks
+ .selectAll('text')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i,j) { return 'translate(0,' + (j % 2 == 0 ? '5' : '17') + ')' })
+ }
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis').call(yAxis);
+ }
+ // Zero line
+ g.select(".nv-zeroLine line")
+ .attr("x1",0)
+ .attr("x2",availableWidth)
+ .attr("y1", y(0))
+ .attr("y2", y(0))
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('discreteBar chart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ discretebar.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ discretebar.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.discretebar = discretebar;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ staggerLabels: {get: function(){return staggerLabels;}, set: function(_){staggerLabels=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ discretebar.duration(duration);
+ xAxis.duration(duration);
+ yAxis.duration(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ discretebar.color(color);
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( (_) ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, discretebar);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.distribution = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 400 //technically width or height depending on x or y....
+ , size = 8
+ , axis = 'x' // 'x' or 'y'... horizontal or vertical
+ , getData = function(d) { return d[axis] } // defaults d.x or d.y
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , scale = d3.scale.linear()
+ , domain
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('renderEnd')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var scale0;
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ //============================================================
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableLength = width - (axis === 'x' ? margin.left + margin.right : margin.top + margin.bottom),
+ naxis = axis == 'x' ? 'y' : 'x',
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Setup Scales
+ scale0 = scale0 || scale;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-distribution').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-distribution');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')')
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var distWrap = g.selectAll('g.nv-dist')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d) { return d.key });
+ distWrap.enter().append('g');
+ distWrap
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-dist nv-series-' + i })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i) { return color(d, i) });
+ var dist = distWrap.selectAll('line.nv-dist' + axis)
+ .data(function(d) { return d.values })
+ dist.enter().append('line')
+ .attr(axis + '1', function(d,i) { return scale0(getData(d,i)) })
+ .attr(axis + '2', function(d,i) { return scale0(getData(d,i)) })
+ renderWatch.transition(distWrap.exit().selectAll('line.nv-dist' + axis), 'dist exit')
+ // .transition()
+ .attr(axis + '1', function(d,i) { return scale(getData(d,i)) })
+ .attr(axis + '2', function(d,i) { return scale(getData(d,i)) })
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 0)
+ .remove();
+ dist
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-dist' + axis + ' nv-dist' + axis + '-' + i })
+ .attr(naxis + '1', 0)
+ .attr(naxis + '2', size);
+ renderWatch.transition(dist, 'dist')
+ // .transition()
+ .attr(axis + '1', function(d,i) { return scale(getData(d,i)) })
+ .attr(axis + '2', function(d,i) { return scale(getData(d,i)) })
+ scale0 = scale.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('distribution immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.margin = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return margin;
+ margin.top = typeof _.top != 'undefined' ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = typeof _.right != 'undefined' ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = typeof _.bottom != 'undefined' ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = typeof _.left != 'undefined' ? _.left : margin.left;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.width = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return width;
+ width = _;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.axis = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return axis;
+ axis = _;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.size = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return size;
+ size = _;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.getData = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return getData;
+ getData = d3.functor(_);
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.scale = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return scale;
+ scale = _;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.color = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return color;
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.duration = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return duration;
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ return chart;
+ };
+ //============================================================
+ return chart;
+//TODO: consider deprecating and using multibar with single series for this
+nv.models.historicalBar = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one
+ , x = d3.scale.linear()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , forceX = []
+ , forceY = [0]
+ , padData = false
+ , clipEdge = true
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , xDomain
+ , yDomain
+ , xRange
+ , yRange
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout', 'renderEnd')
+ , interactive = true
+ ;
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, 0);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right;
+ var availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup Scales
+ x.domain(xDomain || d3.extent(data[0].values.map(getX).concat(forceX) ));
+ if (padData)
+ x.range(xRange || [availableWidth * .5 / data[0].values.length, availableWidth * (data[0].values.length - .5) / data[0].values.length ]);
+ else
+ x.range(xRange || [0, availableWidth]);
+ y.domain(yDomain || d3.extent(data[0].values.map(getY).concat(forceY) ))
+ .range(yRange || [availableHeight, 0]);
+ // If scale's domain don't have a range, slightly adjust to make one... so a chart can show a single data point
+ if (x.domain()[0] === x.domain()[1])
+ x.domain()[0] ?
+ x.domain([x.domain()[0] - x.domain()[0] * 0.01, x.domain()[1] + x.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : x.domain([-1,1]);
+ if (y.domain()[0] === y.domain()[1])
+ y.domain()[0] ?
+ y.domain([y.domain()[0] + y.domain()[0] * 0.01, y.domain()[1] - y.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : y.domain([-1,1]);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-historicalBar-' + id).data([data[0].values]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-historicalBar-' + id);
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-bars');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ container
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.chartClick({
+ data: d,
+ index: i,
+ pos: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ });
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-chart-clip-path-' + id)
+ .append('rect');
+ wrap.select('#nv-chart-clip-path-' + id + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight);
+ g.attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-chart-clip-path-' + id + ')' : '');
+ var bars = wrap.select('.nv-bars').selectAll('.nv-bar')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d,i) {return getX(d,i)});
+ bars.exit().remove();
+ var barsEnter = bars.enter().append('rect')
+ .attr('x', 0 )
+ .attr('y', function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(y(Math.max(0, getY(d,i)))) })
+ .attr('height', function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0))) })
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + (x(getX(d,i)) - availableWidth / data[0].values.length * .45) + ',0)'; })
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
+ if (!interactive) return;
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ point: d,
+ series: data[0],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: 0,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ if (!interactive) return;
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ point: d,
+ series: data[0],
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: 0,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ if (!interactive) return;
+ dispatch.elementClick({
+ //label: d[label],
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ data: d,
+ index: i,
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))],
+ e: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function(d,i) {
+ if (!interactive) return;
+ dispatch.elementDblClick({
+ //label: d[label],
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ data: d,
+ index: i,
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))],
+ e: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ bars
+ .attr('fill', function(d,i) { return color(d, i); })
+ .attr('class', function(d,i,j) { return (getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'nv-bar negative' : 'nv-bar positive') + ' nv-bar-' + j + '-' + i })
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'bars')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + (x(getX(d,i)) - availableWidth / data[0].values.length * .45) + ',0)'; })
+ //TODO: better width calculations that don't assume always uniform data spacing;w
+ .attr('width', (availableWidth / data[0].values.length) * .9 );
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'bars')
+ .attr('y', function(d,i) {
+ var rval = getY(d,i) < 0 ?
+ y(0) :
+ y(0) - y(getY(d,i)) < 1 ?
+ y(0) - 1 :
+ y(getY(d,i));
+ return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(rval);
+ })
+ .attr('height', function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(Math.max(Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)),1)) });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('historicalBar immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //Create methods to allow outside functions to highlight a specific bar.
+ chart.highlightPoint = function(pointIndex, isHoverOver) {
+ d3.select(".nv-historicalBar-" + id)
+ .select(".nv-bars .nv-bar-0-" + pointIndex)
+ .classed("hover", isHoverOver)
+ ;
+ };
+ chart.clearHighlights = function() {
+ d3.select(".nv-historicalBar-" + id)
+ .select(".nv-bars .nv-bar.hover")
+ .classed("hover", false)
+ ;
+ };
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ forceX: {get: function(){return forceX;}, set: function(_){forceX=_;}},
+ forceY: {get: function(){return forceY;}, set: function(_){forceY=_;}},
+ padData: {get: function(){return padData;}, set: function(_){padData=_;}},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=_;}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ clipEdge: {get: function(){return clipEdge;}, set: function(_){clipEdge=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ interactive: {get: function(){return interactive;}, set: function(_){interactive=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.historicalBarChart = function(bar_model) {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var bars = bar_model || nv.models.historicalBar()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , interactiveLayer = nv.interactiveGuideline()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 90, bottom: 50, left: 90}
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , showLegend = false
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , useInteractiveGuideline = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' at ' + x + '
+ }
+ , x
+ , y
+ , state = {}
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = 'No Data Available.'
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState', 'renderEnd')
+ , transitionDuration = 250
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(7)
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient( (rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ // New addition to calculate position if SVG is scaled with viewBox, may move TODO: consider implementing everywhere else
+ if (offsetElement) {
+ var svg = d3.select(offsetElement).select('svg');
+ var viewBox = (svg.node()) ? svg.attr('viewBox') : null;
+ if (viewBox) {
+ viewBox = viewBox.split(' ');
+ var ratio = parseInt(svg.style('width')) / viewBox[2];
+ e.pos[0] = e.pos[0] * ratio;
+ e.pos[1] = e.pos[1] * ratio;
+ }
+ }
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(bars.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(bars.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, null, null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, 0);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(bars);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().duration(transitionDuration).call(chart) };
+ chart.container = this;
+ //set state.disabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display noData message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = bars.xScale();
+ y = bars.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-historicalBarChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-historicalBarChart').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-barsWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-interactive');
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width(availableWidth);
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ //Set up interactive layer
+ if (useInteractiveGuideline) {
+ interactiveLayer
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .margin({left:margin.left, top:margin.top})
+ .svgContainer(container)
+ .xScale(x);
+ wrap.select(".nv-interactive").call(interactiveLayer);
+ }
+ bars
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ var barsWrap = g.select('.nv-barsWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }));
+ barsWrap.transition().call(bars);
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .transition()
+ .call(xAxis);
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .transition()
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on('elementMousemove', function(e) {
+ bars.clearHighlights();
+ var singlePoint, pointIndex, pointXLocation, allData = [];
+ data
+ .filter(function(series, i) {
+ series.seriesIndex = i;
+ return !series.disabled;
+ })
+ .forEach(function(series,i) {
+ pointIndex = nv.interactiveBisect(series.values, e.pointXValue, chart.x());
+ bars.highlightPoint(pointIndex,true);
+ var point = series.values[pointIndex];
+ if (typeof point === 'undefined') return;
+ if (typeof singlePoint === 'undefined') singlePoint = point;
+ if (typeof pointXLocation === 'undefined') pointXLocation = chart.xScale()(chart.x()(point,pointIndex));
+ allData.push({
+ key: series.key,
+ value: chart.y()(point, pointIndex),
+ color: color(series,series.seriesIndex),
+ data: series.values[pointIndex]
+ });
+ });
+ var xValue = xAxis.tickFormat()(chart.x()(singlePoint,pointIndex));
+ interactiveLayer.tooltip
+ .position({left: pointXLocation + margin.left, top: e.mouseY + margin.top})
+ .chartContainer(that.parentNode)
+ .enabled(tooltips)
+ .valueFormatter(function(d,i) {
+ return yAxis.tickFormat()(d);
+ })
+ .data(
+ {
+ value: xValue,
+ series: allData
+ }
+ )();
+ interactiveLayer.renderGuideLine(pointXLocation);
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on("elementMouseout",function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide();
+ bars.clearHighlights();
+ });
+ legend.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) {
+ d.disabled = !d.disabled;
+ if (!data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }).length) {
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ d.disabled = false;
+ wrap.selectAll('.nv-series').classed('disabled', false);
+ return d;
+ });
+ }
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ selection.transition().call(chart);
+ });
+ legend.dispatch.on('legendDblclick', function(d) {
+ //Double clicking should always enable current series, and disabled all others.
+ data.forEach(function(d) {
+ d.disabled = true;
+ });
+ d.disabled = false;
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('historicalBarChart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ bars.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ bars.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.bars = bars;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.interactiveLayer = interactiveLayer;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ bars.color(color);
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return transitionDuration;}, set: function(_){
+ transitionDuration=_;
+ renderWatch.reset(transitionDuration);
+ yAxis.duration(transitionDuration);
+ xAxis.duration(transitionDuration);
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( (_) ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }},
+ useInteractiveGuideline: {get: function(){return useInteractiveGuideline;}, set: function(_){
+ useInteractiveGuideline = _;
+ if (_ === true) {
+ chart.interactive(false);
+ }
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, bars);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+// ohlcChart is just a historical chart with oclc bars and some tweaks
+nv.models.ohlcBarChart = function() {
+ var chart = nv.models.historicalBarChart(nv.models.ohlcBar());
+ // special default tooltip since we show multiple values per x
+ chart.useInteractiveGuideline(true);
+ chart.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(function(data) {
+ // we assume only one series exists for this chart
+ var d = data.series[0].data;
+ // match line colors as defined in nv.d3.css
+ var color = d.open < d.close ? "2ca02c" : "d62728";
+ return '' +
+ '
' + data.value + '
' +
+ '
' +
+ 'open: | ' + chart.yAxis.tickFormat()(d.open) + ' |
' +
+ 'close: | ' + chart.yAxis.tickFormat()(d.close) + ' |
' +
+ 'high | ' + chart.yAxis.tickFormat()(d.high) + ' |
' +
+ 'low: | ' + chart.yAxis.tickFormat()(d.low) + ' |
' +
+ '
+ });
+ return chart;
+};nv.models.legend = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 5, right: 0, bottom: 5, left: 0}
+ , width = 400
+ , height = 20
+ , getKey = function(d) { return d.key }
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , align = true
+ , rightAlign = true
+ , updateState = true //If true, legend will update data.disabled and trigger a 'stateChange' dispatch.
+ , radioButtonMode = false //If true, clicking legend items will cause it to behave like a radio button. (only one can be selected at a time)
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('legendClick', 'legendDblclick', 'legendMouseover', 'legendMouseout', 'stateChange')
+ ;
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-legend').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-legend').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ var series = g.selectAll('.nv-series')
+ .data(function(d) { return d });
+ var seriesEnter = series.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nv-series')
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.legendMouseover(d,i); //TODO: Make consistent with other event objects
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.legendMouseout(d,i);
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.legendClick(d,i);
+ if (updateState) {
+ if (radioButtonMode) {
+ //Radio button mode: set every series to disabled,
+ // and enable the clicked series.
+ data.forEach(function(series) { series.disabled = true});
+ d.disabled = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ d.disabled = !d.disabled;
+ if (data.every(function(series) { return series.disabled})) {
+ //the default behavior of NVD3 legends is, if every single series
+ // is disabled, turn all series' back on.
+ data.forEach(function(series) { series.disabled = false});
+ }
+ }
+ dispatch.stateChange({
+ disabled: data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled })
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.legendDblclick(d,i);
+ if (updateState) {
+ //the default behavior of NVD3 legends, when double clicking one,
+ // is to set all other series' to false, and make the double clicked series enabled.
+ data.forEach(function(series) {
+ series.disabled = true;
+ });
+ d.disabled = false;
+ dispatch.stateChange({
+ disabled: data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled })
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ seriesEnter.append('circle')
+ .style('stroke-width', 2)
+ .attr('class','nv-legend-symbol')
+ .attr('r', 5);
+ seriesEnter.append('text')
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'start')
+ .attr('class','nv-legend-text')
+ .attr('dy', '.32em')
+ .attr('dx', '8');
+ series.classed('nv-disabled', function(d) { return d.disabled });
+ series.exit().remove();
+ series.select('circle')
+ .style('fill', function(d,i) { return d.color || color(d,i)})
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i) { return d.color || color(d, i) });
+ series.select('text').text(getKey);
+ //TODO: implement fixed-width and max-width options (max-width is especially useful with the align option)
+ // NEW ALIGNING CODE, TODO: clean up
+ if (align) {
+ var seriesWidths = [];
+ series.each(function(d,i) {
+ var legendText = d3.select(this).select('text');
+ var nodeTextLength;
+ try {
+ nodeTextLength = legendText.node().getComputedTextLength();
+ // If the legendText is display:none'd (nodeTextLength == 0), simulate an error so we approximate, instead
+ if(nodeTextLength <= 0) throw Error();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ nodeTextLength = nv.utils.calcApproxTextWidth(legendText);
+ }
+ seriesWidths.push(nodeTextLength + 28); // 28 is ~ the width of the circle plus some padding
+ });
+ var seriesPerRow = 0;
+ var legendWidth = 0;
+ var columnWidths = [];
+ while ( legendWidth < availableWidth && seriesPerRow < seriesWidths.length) {
+ columnWidths[seriesPerRow] = seriesWidths[seriesPerRow];
+ legendWidth += seriesWidths[seriesPerRow++];
+ }
+ if (seriesPerRow === 0) seriesPerRow = 1; //minimum of one series per row
+ while ( legendWidth > availableWidth && seriesPerRow > 1 ) {
+ columnWidths = [];
+ seriesPerRow--;
+ for (var k = 0; k < seriesWidths.length; k++) {
+ if (seriesWidths[k] > (columnWidths[k % seriesPerRow] || 0) )
+ columnWidths[k % seriesPerRow] = seriesWidths[k];
+ }
+ legendWidth = columnWidths.reduce(function(prev, cur, index, array) {
+ return prev + cur;
+ });
+ }
+ var xPositions = [];
+ for (var i = 0, curX = 0; i < seriesPerRow; i++) {
+ xPositions[i] = curX;
+ curX += columnWidths[i];
+ }
+ series
+ .attr('transform', function(d, i) {
+ return 'translate(' + xPositions[i % seriesPerRow] + ',' + (5 + Math.floor(i / seriesPerRow) * 20) + ')';
+ });
+ //position legend as far right as possible within the total width
+ if (rightAlign) {
+ g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width - margin.right - legendWidth) + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ }
+ else {
+ g.attr('transform', 'translate(0' + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ }
+ height = margin.top + margin.bottom + (Math.ceil(seriesWidths.length / seriesPerRow) * 20);
+ } else {
+ var ypos = 5,
+ newxpos = 5,
+ maxwidth = 0,
+ xpos;
+ series
+ .attr('transform', function(d, i) {
+ var length = d3.select(this).select('text').node().getComputedTextLength() + 28;
+ xpos = newxpos;
+ if (width < margin.left + margin.right + xpos + length) {
+ newxpos = xpos = 5;
+ ypos += 20;
+ }
+ newxpos += length;
+ if (newxpos > maxwidth) maxwidth = newxpos;
+ return 'translate(' + xpos + ',' + ypos + ')';
+ });
+ //position legend as far right as possible within the total width
+ g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width - margin.right - maxwidth) + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ height = margin.top + margin.bottom + ypos + 15;
+ }
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ key: {get: function(){return getKey;}, set: function(_){getKey=_;}},
+ align: {get: function(){return align;}, set: function(_){align=_;}},
+ rightAlign: {get: function(){return rightAlign;}, set: function(_){rightAlign=_;}},
+ updateState: {get: function(){return updateState;}, set: function(_){updateState=_;}},
+ radioButtonMode: {get: function(){return radioButtonMode;}, set: function(_){radioButtonMode=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.line = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var scatter = nv.models.scatter()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 960
+ , height = 500
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor() // a function that returns a color
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x } // accessor to get the x value from a data point
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y } // accessor to get the y value from a data point
+ , defined = function(d,i) { return !isNaN(getY(d,i)) && getY(d,i) !== null } // allows a line to be not continuous when it is not defined
+ , isArea = function(d) { return d.area } // decides if a line is an area or just a line
+ , clipEdge = false // if true, masks lines within x and y scale
+ , x //can be accessed via chart.xScale()
+ , y //can be accessed via chart.yScale()
+ , interpolate = "linear" // controls the line interpolation
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('elementClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout', 'renderEnd')
+ ;
+ scatter
+ .pointSize(16) // default size
+ .pointDomain([16,256]) //set to speed up calculation, needs to be unset if there is a custom size accessor
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x0, y0 //used to store previous scales
+ , renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration)
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(scatter);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = scatter.xScale();
+ y = scatter.yScale();
+ x0 = x0 || x;
+ y0 = y0 || y;
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-line').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-line');
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-groups');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-scatterWrap');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ scatter
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight);
+ var scatterWrap = wrap.select('.nv-scatterWrap');
+ scatterWrap.call(scatter);
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-edge-clip-' + scatter.id())
+ .append('rect');
+ wrap.select('#nv-edge-clip-' + scatter.id() + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', (availableHeight > 0) ? availableHeight : 0);
+ g .attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-edge-clip-' + scatter.id() + ')' : '');
+ scatterWrap
+ .attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-edge-clip-' + scatter.id() + ')' : '');
+ var groups = wrap.select('.nv-groups').selectAll('.nv-group')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d) { return d.key });
+ groups.enter().append('g')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);
+ groups.exit().remove();
+ groups
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-group nv-series-' + i })
+ .classed('hover', function(d) { return d.hover })
+ .style('fill', function(d,i){ return color(d, i) })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i){ return color(d, i)});
+ groups.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'line: groups')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill-opacity', .5);
+ var areaPaths = groups.selectAll('path.nv-area')
+ .data(function(d) { return isArea(d) ? [d] : [] }); // this is done differently than lines because I need to check if series is an area
+ areaPaths.enter().append('path')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-area')
+ .attr('d', function(d) {
+ return d3.svg.area()
+ .interpolate(interpolate)
+ .defined(defined)
+ .x(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(x0(getX(d,i))) })
+ .y0(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(y0(getY(d,i))) })
+ .y1(function(d,i) { return y0( y.domain()[0] <= 0 ? y.domain()[1] >= 0 ? 0 : y.domain()[1] : y.domain()[0] ) })
+ //.y1(function(d,i) { return y0(0) }) //assuming 0 is within y domain.. may need to tweak this
+ .apply(this, [d.values])
+ });
+ groups.exit().selectAll('path.nv-area')
+ .remove();
+ areaPaths.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'line: areaPaths')
+ .attr('d', function(d) {
+ return d3.svg.area()
+ .interpolate(interpolate)
+ .defined(defined)
+ .x(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(x(getX(d,i))) })
+ .y0(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(y(getY(d,i))) })
+ .y1(function(d,i) { return y( y.domain()[0] <= 0 ? y.domain()[1] >= 0 ? 0 : y.domain()[1] : y.domain()[0] ) })
+ //.y1(function(d,i) { return y0(0) }) //assuming 0 is within y domain.. may need to tweak this
+ .apply(this, [d.values])
+ });
+ var linePaths = groups.selectAll('path.nv-line')
+ .data(function(d) { return [d.values] });
+ linePaths.enter().append('path')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-line')
+ .attr('d',
+ d3.svg.line()
+ .interpolate(interpolate)
+ .defined(defined)
+ .x(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(x0(getX(d,i))) })
+ .y(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(y0(getY(d,i))) })
+ );
+ linePaths.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'line: linePaths')
+ .attr('d',
+ d3.svg.line()
+ .interpolate(interpolate)
+ .defined(defined)
+ .x(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(x(getX(d,i))) })
+ .y(function(d,i) { return nv.utils.NaNtoZero(y(getY(d,i))) })
+ );
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ x0 = x.copy();
+ y0 = y.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('line immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.scatter = scatter;
+ // Pass through events
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementClick', function(){ dispatch.elementClick.apply(this, arguments); })
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseover', function(){ dispatch.elementMouseover.apply(this, arguments); })
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseout', function(){ dispatch.elementMouseout.apply(this, arguments); })
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ defined: {get: function(){return defined;}, set: function(_){defined=_;}},
+ interpolate: {get: function(){return interpolate;}, set: function(_){interpolate=_;}},
+ clipEdge: {get: function(){return clipEdge;}, set: function(_){clipEdge=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ scatter.duration(duration);
+ }},
+ isArea: {get: function(){return isArea;}, set: function(_){
+ isArea = d3.functor(_);
+ }},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){
+ getX = _;
+ scatter.x(_);
+ }},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){
+ getY = _;
+ scatter.y(_);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ scatter.color(color);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, scatter);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.lineChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var lines = nv.models.line()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , interactiveLayer = nv.interactiveGuideline()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 60}
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , showLegend = true
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , useInteractiveGuideline = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' at ' + x + '
+ }
+ , x
+ , y
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = 'No Data Available.'
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState', 'renderEnd')
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(7)
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient((rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(lines.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(lines.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, null, null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled })
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(lines);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() {
+ if (duration === 0)
+ container.call(chart);
+ else
+ container.transition().duration(duration).call(chart)
+ };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display noData message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = lines.xScale();
+ y = lines.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-lineChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-lineChart').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append("rect").style("opacity",0);
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-interactive');
+ g.select("rect")
+ .attr("width",availableWidth)
+ .attr("height",(availableHeight > 0) ? availableHeight : 0);
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width(availableWidth);
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ //Set up interactive layer
+ if (useInteractiveGuideline) {
+ interactiveLayer
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .margin({left:margin.left, top:margin.top})
+ .svgContainer(container)
+ .xScale(x);
+ wrap.select(".nv-interactive").call(interactiveLayer);
+ }
+ lines
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ var linesWrap = g.select('.nv-linesWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }));
+ linesWrap.call(lines);
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .call(xAxis);
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on('elementMousemove', function(e) {
+ lines.clearHighlights();
+ var singlePoint, pointIndex, pointXLocation, allData = [];
+ data
+ .filter(function(series, i) {
+ series.seriesIndex = i;
+ return !series.disabled;
+ })
+ .forEach(function(series,i) {
+ pointIndex = nv.interactiveBisect(series.values, e.pointXValue, chart.x());
+ lines.highlightPoint(i, pointIndex, true);
+ var point = series.values[pointIndex];
+ if (typeof point === 'undefined') return;
+ if (typeof singlePoint === 'undefined') singlePoint = point;
+ if (typeof pointXLocation === 'undefined') pointXLocation = chart.xScale()(chart.x()(point,pointIndex));
+ allData.push({
+ key: series.key,
+ value: chart.y()(point, pointIndex),
+ color: color(series,series.seriesIndex)
+ });
+ });
+ //Highlight the tooltip entry based on which point the mouse is closest to.
+ if (allData.length > 2) {
+ var yValue = chart.yScale().invert(e.mouseY);
+ var domainExtent = Math.abs(chart.yScale().domain()[0] - chart.yScale().domain()[1]);
+ var threshold = 0.03 * domainExtent;
+ var indexToHighlight = nv.nearestValueIndex(allData.map(function(d){return d.value}),yValue,threshold);
+ if (indexToHighlight !== null)
+ allData[indexToHighlight].highlight = true;
+ }
+ var xValue = xAxis.tickFormat()(chart.x()(singlePoint,pointIndex));
+ interactiveLayer.tooltip
+ .position({left: pointXLocation + margin.left, top: e.mouseY + margin.top})
+ .chartContainer(that.parentNode)
+ .enabled(tooltips)
+ .valueFormatter(function(d,i) {
+ return yAxis.tickFormat()(d);
+ })
+ .data(
+ {
+ value: xValue,
+ series: allData
+ }
+ )();
+ interactiveLayer.renderGuideLine(pointXLocation);
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on('elementClick', function(e) {
+ var pointXLocation, allData = [];
+ data.filter(function(series, i) {
+ series.seriesIndex = i;
+ return !series.disabled;
+ }).forEach(function(series) {
+ var pointIndex = nv.interactiveBisect(series.values, e.pointXValue, chart.x());
+ var point = series.values[pointIndex];
+ if (typeof point === 'undefined') return;
+ if (typeof pointXLocation === 'undefined') pointXLocation = chart.xScale()(chart.x()(point,pointIndex));
+ var yPos = chart.yScale()(chart.y()(point,pointIndex));
+ allData.push({
+ point: point,
+ pointIndex: pointIndex,
+ pos: [pointXLocation, yPos],
+ seriesIndex: series.seriesIndex,
+ series: series
+ });
+ });
+ lines.dispatch.elementClick(allData);
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on("elementMouseout",function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide();
+ lines.clearHighlights();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined' && data.length === e.disabled.length) {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('lineChart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.lines = lines;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.interactiveLayer = interactiveLayer;
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ lines.duration(duration);
+ xAxis.duration(duration);
+ yAxis.duration(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ lines.color(color);
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( rightAlignYAxis ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }},
+ useInteractiveGuideline: {get: function(){return useInteractiveGuideline;}, set: function(_){
+ useInteractiveGuideline = _;
+ if (useInteractiveGuideline) {
+ lines.interactive(false);
+ lines.useVoronoi(false);
+ }
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, lines);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.linePlusBarChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var lines = nv.models.line()
+ , lines2 = nv.models.line()
+ , bars = nv.models.historicalBar()
+ , bars2 = nv.models.historicalBar()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , x2Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , y1Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , y2Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , y3Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , y4Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , brush = d3.svg.brush()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 60}
+ , margin2 = {top: 0, right: 30, bottom: 20, left: 60}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , showLegend = true
+ , focusEnable = true
+ , focusShowAxisY = false
+ , focusShowAxisX = true
+ , focusHeight = 50
+ , extent
+ , brushExtent = null
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' at ' + x + '
+ }
+ , x
+ , x2
+ , y1
+ , y2
+ , y3
+ , y4
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'brush', 'stateChange', 'changeState')
+ , transitionDuration = 0
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , legendLeftAxisHint = ' (left axis)'
+ , legendRightAxisHint = ' (right axis)'
+ ;
+ lines
+ .clipEdge(true)
+ ;
+ lines2
+ .interactive(false)
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(5)
+ ;
+ y1Axis
+ .orient('left')
+ ;
+ y2Axis
+ .orient('right')
+ ;
+ x2Axis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(5)
+ ;
+ y3Axis
+ .orient('left')
+ ;
+ y4Axis
+ .orient('right')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ if (extent) {
+ e.pointIndex += Math.ceil(extent[0]);
+ }
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(lines.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = (e.series.bar ? y1Axis : y2Axis).tickFormat()(lines.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled })
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight1 = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom - (focusEnable ? focusHeight : 0) ,
+ availableHeight2 = focusHeight - margin2.top - margin2.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().duration(transitionDuration).call(chart); };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight1 / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ var dataBars = data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled && d.bar });
+ var dataLines = data.filter(function(d) { return !d.bar }); // removed the !d.disabled clause here to fix Issue #240
+ x = bars.xScale();
+ x2 = x2Axis.scale();
+ y1 = bars.yScale();
+ y2 = lines.yScale();
+ y3 = bars2.yScale();
+ y4 = lines2.yScale();
+ var series1 = data
+ .filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled && d.bar })
+ .map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i) }
+ })
+ });
+ var series2 = data
+ .filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled && !d.bar })
+ .map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i) }
+ })
+ });
+ x.range([0, availableWidth]);
+ x2 .domain(d3.extent(d3.merge(series1.concat(series2)), function(d) { return d.x } ))
+ .range([0, availableWidth]);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-linePlusBar').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-linePlusBar').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ // this is the main chart
+ var focusEnter = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-focus');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y1 nv-axis');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y2 nv-axis');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-barsWrap');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap');
+ // context chart is where you can focus in
+ var contextEnter = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-context');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y1 nv-axis');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y2 nv-axis');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-barsWrap');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-brushBackground');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-brush');
+ //============================================================
+ // Legend
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width( availableWidth / 2 );
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data.map(function(series) {
+ series.originalKey = series.originalKey === undefined ? series.key : series.originalKey;
+ series.key = series.originalKey + (series.bar ? legendLeftAxisHint : legendRightAxisHint);
+ return series;
+ }))
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight1 = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom - focusHeight;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + ( availableWidth / 2 ) + ',' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ //============================================================
+ // Context chart (focus chart) components
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // hide or show the focus context chart
+ g.select('.nv-context').style('display', focusEnable ? 'initial' : 'none');
+ bars2
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight2)
+ .color(data.map(function (d, i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function (d, i) {
+ return !data[i].disabled && data[i].bar
+ }));
+ lines2
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight2)
+ .color(data.map(function (d, i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function (d, i) {
+ return !data[i].disabled && !data[i].bar
+ }));
+ var bars2Wrap = g.select('.nv-context .nv-barsWrap')
+ .datum(dataBars.length ? dataBars : [
+ {values: []}
+ ]);
+ var lines2Wrap = g.select('.nv-context .nv-linesWrap')
+ .datum(!dataLines[0].disabled ? dataLines : [
+ {values: []}
+ ]);
+ g.select('.nv-context')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + ( availableHeight1 + margin.bottom + margin2.top) + ')');
+ bars2Wrap.transition().call(bars2);
+ lines2Wrap.transition().call(lines2);
+ // context (focus chart) axis controls
+ if (focusShowAxisX) {
+ x2Axis
+ .ticks(nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth / 100, data))
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight2, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y3.range()[0] + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-x.nv-axis').transition()
+ .call(x2Axis);
+ }
+ if (focusShowAxisY) {
+ y3Axis
+ .scale(y3)
+ .ticks( availableHeight2 / 36 )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ y4Axis
+ .scale(y4)
+ .ticks( availableHeight2 / 36 )
+ .tickSize(dataBars.length ? 0 : -availableWidth, 0); // Show the y2 rules only if y1 has none
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-y3.nv-axis')
+ .style('opacity', dataBars.length ? 1 : 0)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + x2.range()[0] + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-y2.nv-axis')
+ .style('opacity', dataLines.length ? 1 : 0)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x2.range()[1] + ',0)');
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-y1.nv-axis').transition()
+ .call(y3Axis);
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-y2.nv-axis').transition()
+ .call(y4Axis);
+ }
+ // Setup Brush
+ brush.x(x2).on('brush', onBrush);
+ if (brushExtent) brush.extent(brushExtent);
+ var brushBG = g.select('.nv-brushBackground').selectAll('g')
+ .data([brushExtent || brush.extent()]);
+ var brushBGenter = brushBG.enter()
+ .append('g');
+ brushBGenter.append('rect')
+ .attr('class', 'left')
+ .attr('x', 0)
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight2);
+ brushBGenter.append('rect')
+ .attr('class', 'right')
+ .attr('x', 0)
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight2);
+ var gBrush = g.select('.nv-x.nv-brush')
+ .call(brush);
+ gBrush.selectAll('rect')
+ //.attr('y', -5)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight2);
+ gBrush.selectAll('.resize').append('path').attr('d', resizePath);
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Functions
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Taken from crossfilter (http://square.github.com/crossfilter/)
+ function resizePath(d) {
+ var e = +(d == 'e'),
+ x = e ? 1 : -1,
+ y = availableHeight2 / 3;
+ return 'M' + (.5 * x) + ',' + y
+ + 'A6,6 0 0 ' + e + ' ' + (6.5 * x) + ',' + (y + 6)
+ + 'V' + (2 * y - 6)
+ + 'A6,6 0 0 ' + e + ' ' + (.5 * x) + ',' + (2 * y)
+ + 'Z'
+ + 'M' + (2.5 * x) + ',' + (y + 8)
+ + 'V' + (2 * y - 8)
+ + 'M' + (4.5 * x) + ',' + (y + 8)
+ + 'V' + (2 * y - 8);
+ }
+ function updateBrushBG() {
+ if (!brush.empty()) brush.extent(brushExtent);
+ brushBG
+ .data([brush.empty() ? x2.domain() : brushExtent])
+ .each(function(d,i) {
+ var leftWidth = x2(d[0]) - x2.range()[0],
+ rightWidth = x2.range()[1] - x2(d[1]);
+ d3.select(this).select('.left')
+ .attr('width', leftWidth < 0 ? 0 : leftWidth);
+ d3.select(this).select('.right')
+ .attr('x', x2(d[1]))
+ .attr('width', rightWidth < 0 ? 0 : rightWidth);
+ });
+ }
+ function onBrush() {
+ brushExtent = brush.empty() ? null : brush.extent();
+ extent = brush.empty() ? x2.domain() : brush.extent();
+ dispatch.brush({extent: extent, brush: brush});
+ updateBrushBG();
+ // Prepare Main (Focus) Bars and Lines
+ bars
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight1)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].bar }));
+ lines
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight1)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && !data[i].bar }));
+ var focusBarsWrap = g.select('.nv-focus .nv-barsWrap')
+ .datum(!dataBars.length ? [{values:[]}] :
+ dataBars
+ .map(function(d,i) {
+ return {
+ key: d.key,
+ values: d.values.filter(function(d,i) {
+ return bars.x()(d,i) >= extent[0] && bars.x()(d,i) <= extent[1];
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ var focusLinesWrap = g.select('.nv-focus .nv-linesWrap')
+ .datum(dataLines[0].disabled ? [{values:[]}] :
+ dataLines
+ .map(function(d,i) {
+ return {
+ key: d.key,
+ values: d.values.filter(function(d,i) {
+ return lines.x()(d,i) >= extent[0] && lines.x()(d,i) <= extent[1];
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ // Update Main (Focus) X Axis
+ if (dataBars.length) {
+ x = bars.xScale();
+ } else {
+ x = lines.xScale();
+ }
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight1, 0);
+ xAxis.domain([Math.ceil(extent[0]), Math.floor(extent[1])]);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis').transition().duration(transitionDuration)
+ .call(xAxis);
+ // Update Main (Focus) Bars and Lines
+ focusBarsWrap.transition().duration(transitionDuration).call(bars);
+ focusLinesWrap.transition().duration(transitionDuration).call(lines);
+ // Setup and Update Main (Focus) Y Axes
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y1.range()[0] + ')');
+ y1Axis
+ .scale(y1)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight1/36, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableWidth, 0);
+ y2Axis
+ .scale(y2)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight1/36, data) )
+ .tickSize(dataBars.length ? 0 : -availableWidth, 0); // Show the y2 rules only if y1 has none
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-y1.nv-axis')
+ .style('opacity', dataBars.length ? 1 : 0);
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-y2.nv-axis')
+ .style('opacity', dataLines.length && !dataLines[0].disabled ? 1 : 0)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x.range()[1] + ',0)');
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-y1.nv-axis').transition().duration(transitionDuration)
+ .call(y1Axis);
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-y2.nv-axis').transition().duration(transitionDuration)
+ .call(y2Axis);
+ }
+ onBrush();
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ bars.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ bars.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.lines = lines;
+ chart.lines2 = lines2;
+ chart.bars = bars;
+ chart.bars2 = bars2;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.x2Axis = x2Axis;
+ chart.y1Axis = y1Axis;
+ chart.y2Axis = y2Axis;
+ chart.y3Axis = y3Axis;
+ chart.y4Axis = y4Axis;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ brushExtent: {get: function(){return brushExtent;}, set: function(_){brushExtent=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ focusEnable: {get: function(){return focusEnable;}, set: function(_){focusEnable=_;}},
+ focusHeight: {get: function(){return focusHeight;}, set: function(_){focusHeight=_;}},
+ focusShowAxisX: {get: function(){return focusShowAxisX;}, set: function(_){focusShowAxisX=_;}},
+ focusShowAxisY: {get: function(){return focusShowAxisY;}, set: function(_){focusShowAxisY=_;}},
+ legendLeftAxisHint: {get: function(){return legendLeftAxisHint;}, set: function(_){legendLeftAxisHint=_;}},
+ legendRightAxisHint: {get: function(){return legendRightAxisHint;}, set: function(_){legendRightAxisHint=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return transitionDuration;}, set: function(_){
+ transitionDuration = _;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ }},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){
+ getX = _;
+ lines.x(_);
+ lines2.x(_);
+ bars.x(_);
+ bars2.x(_);
+ }},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){
+ getY = _;
+ lines.y(_);
+ lines2.y(_);
+ bars.y(_);
+ bars2.y(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, lines);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.lineWithFocusChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var lines = nv.models.line()
+ , lines2 = nv.models.line()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , x2Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , y2Axis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , brush = d3.svg.brush()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 60}
+ , margin2 = {top: 0, right: 30, bottom: 20, left: 60}
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , height2 = 100
+ , x
+ , y
+ , x2
+ , y2
+ , showLegend = true
+ , brushExtent = null
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' at ' + x + '
+ }
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'brush', 'stateChange', 'changeState')
+ , transitionDuration = 250
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ ;
+ lines
+ .clipEdge(true)
+ ;
+ lines2
+ .interactive(false)
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(5)
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient('left')
+ ;
+ x2Axis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(5)
+ ;
+ y2Axis
+ .orient('left')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(lines.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(lines.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, null, null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled })
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight1 = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom - height2,
+ availableHeight2 = height2 - margin2.top - margin2.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().duration(transitionDuration).call(chart) };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight1 / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = lines.xScale();
+ y = lines.yScale();
+ x2 = lines2.xScale();
+ y2 = lines2.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-lineWithFocusChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-lineWithFocusChart').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ var focusEnter = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-focus');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ focusEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap');
+ var contextEnter = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-context');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-linesWrap');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-brushBackground');
+ contextEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-brush');
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width(availableWidth);
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight1 = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom - height2;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ lines
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight1)
+ .color(
+ data
+ .map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ })
+ .filter(function(d,i) {
+ return !data[i].disabled;
+ })
+ );
+ lines2
+ .defined(lines.defined())
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight2)
+ .color(
+ data
+ .map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ })
+ .filter(function(d,i) {
+ return !data[i].disabled;
+ })
+ );
+ g.select('.nv-context')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + ( availableHeight1 + margin.bottom + margin2.top) + ')')
+ var contextLinesWrap = g.select('.nv-context .nv-linesWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }))
+ d3.transition(contextLinesWrap).call(lines2);
+ // Setup Main (Focus) Axes
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight1, 0);
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight1/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + availableHeight1 + ')');
+ // Setup Brush
+ brush
+ .x(x2)
+ .on('brush', function() {
+ //When brushing, turn off transitions because chart needs to change immediately.
+ var oldTransition = chart.duration();
+ chart.duration(0);
+ onBrush();
+ chart.duration(oldTransition);
+ });
+ if (brushExtent) brush.extent(brushExtent);
+ var brushBG = g.select('.nv-brushBackground').selectAll('g')
+ .data([brushExtent || brush.extent()])
+ var brushBGenter = brushBG.enter()
+ .append('g');
+ brushBGenter.append('rect')
+ .attr('class', 'left')
+ .attr('x', 0)
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight2);
+ brushBGenter.append('rect')
+ .attr('class', 'right')
+ .attr('x', 0)
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight2);
+ var gBrush = g.select('.nv-x.nv-brush')
+ .call(brush);
+ gBrush.selectAll('rect')
+ //.attr('y', -5)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight2);
+ gBrush.selectAll('.resize').append('path').attr('d', resizePath);
+ onBrush();
+ // Setup Secondary (Context) Axes
+ x2Axis
+ .scale(x2)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight2, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y2.range()[0] + ')');
+ d3.transition(g.select('.nv-context .nv-x.nv-axis'))
+ .call(x2Axis);
+ y2Axis
+ .scale(y2)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight2/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ d3.transition(g.select('.nv-context .nv-y.nv-axis'))
+ .call(y2Axis);
+ g.select('.nv-context .nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y2.range()[0] + ')');
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Functions
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Taken from crossfilter (http://square.github.com/crossfilter/)
+ function resizePath(d) {
+ var e = +(d == 'e'),
+ x = e ? 1 : -1,
+ y = availableHeight2 / 3;
+ return 'M' + (.5 * x) + ',' + y
+ + 'A6,6 0 0 ' + e + ' ' + (6.5 * x) + ',' + (y + 6)
+ + 'V' + (2 * y - 6)
+ + 'A6,6 0 0 ' + e + ' ' + (.5 * x) + ',' + (2 * y)
+ + 'Z'
+ + 'M' + (2.5 * x) + ',' + (y + 8)
+ + 'V' + (2 * y - 8)
+ + 'M' + (4.5 * x) + ',' + (y + 8)
+ + 'V' + (2 * y - 8);
+ }
+ function updateBrushBG() {
+ if (!brush.empty()) brush.extent(brushExtent);
+ brushBG
+ .data([brush.empty() ? x2.domain() : brushExtent])
+ .each(function(d,i) {
+ var leftWidth = x2(d[0]) - x.range()[0],
+ rightWidth = x.range()[1] - x2(d[1]);
+ d3.select(this).select('.left')
+ .attr('width', leftWidth < 0 ? 0 : leftWidth);
+ d3.select(this).select('.right')
+ .attr('x', x2(d[1]))
+ .attr('width', rightWidth < 0 ? 0 : rightWidth);
+ });
+ }
+ function onBrush() {
+ brushExtent = brush.empty() ? null : brush.extent();
+ var extent = brush.empty() ? x2.domain() : brush.extent();
+ //The brush extent cannot be less than one. If it is, don't update the line chart.
+ if (Math.abs(extent[0] - extent[1]) <= 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ dispatch.brush({extent: extent, brush: brush});
+ updateBrushBG();
+ // Update Main (Focus)
+ var focusLinesWrap = g.select('.nv-focus .nv-linesWrap')
+ .datum(
+ data
+ .filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled })
+ .map(function(d,i) {
+ return {
+ key: d.key,
+ area: d.area,
+ values: d.values.filter(function(d,i) {
+ return lines.x()(d,i) >= extent[0] && lines.x()(d,i) <= extent[1];
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ focusLinesWrap.transition().duration(transitionDuration).call(lines);
+ // Update Main (Focus) Axes
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-x.nv-axis').transition().duration(transitionDuration)
+ .call(xAxis);
+ g.select('.nv-focus .nv-y.nv-axis').transition().duration(transitionDuration)
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.lines = lines;
+ chart.lines2 = lines2;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.x2Axis = x2Axis;
+ chart.y2Axis = y2Axis;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ focusHeight: {get: function(){return height2;}, set: function(_){height2=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ brushExtent: {get: function(){return brushExtent;}, set: function(_){brushExtent=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ // line color is handled above?
+ }},
+ interpolate: {get: function(){return lines.interpolate();}, set: function(_){
+ lines.interpolate(_);
+ lines2.interpolate(_);
+ }},
+ xTickFormat: {get: function(){return xAxis.xTickFormat();}, set: function(_){
+ xAxis.xTickFormat(_);
+ x2Axis.xTickFormat(_);
+ }},
+ yTickFormat: {get: function(){return yAxis.yTickFormat();}, set: function(_){
+ yAxis.yTickFormat(_);
+ y2Axis.yTickFormat(_);
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return transitionDuration;}, set: function(_){
+ transitionDuration=_;
+ yAxis.duration(transitionDuration);
+ xAxis.duration(transitionDuration);
+ }},
+ x: {get: function(){return lines.x();}, set: function(_){
+ lines.x(_);
+ lines2.x(_);
+ }},
+ y: {get: function(){return lines.y();}, set: function(_){
+ lines.y(_);
+ lines2.y(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, lines);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.multiBar = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 960
+ , height = 500
+ , x = d3.scale.ordinal()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , forceY = [0] // 0 is forced by default.. this makes sense for the majority of bar graphs... user can always do chart.forceY([]) to remove
+ , clipEdge = true
+ , stacked = false
+ , stackOffset = 'zero' // options include 'silhouette', 'wiggle', 'expand', 'zero', or a custom function
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , hideable = false
+ , barColor = null // adding the ability to set the color for each rather than the whole group
+ , disabled // used in conjunction with barColor to communicate from multiBarHorizontalChart what series are disabled
+ , duration = 500
+ , xDomain
+ , yDomain
+ , xRange
+ , yRange
+ , groupSpacing = 0.1
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout', 'renderEnd')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x0, y0 //used to store previous scales
+ , renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration)
+ ;
+ var last_datalength = 0;
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // This function defines the requirements for render complete
+ var endFn = function(d, i) {
+ if (d.series === data.length - 1 && i === data[0].values.length - 1)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ if(hideable && data.length) hideable = [{
+ values: data[0].values.map(function(d) {
+ return {
+ x: d.x,
+ y: 0,
+ series: d.series,
+ size: 0.01
+ };}
+ )}];
+ if (stacked)
+ data = d3.layout.stack()
+ .offset(stackOffset)
+ .values(function(d){ return d.values })
+ .y(getY)
+ (!data.length && hideable ? hideable : data);
+ //add series index to each data point for reference
+ data.forEach(function(series, i) {
+ series.values.forEach(function(point) {
+ point.series = i;
+ });
+ });
+ // HACK for negative value stacking
+ if (stacked)
+ data[0].values.map(function(d,i) {
+ var posBase = 0, negBase = 0;
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ var f = d.values[i]
+ f.size = Math.abs(f.y);
+ if (f.y<0) {
+ f.y1 = negBase;
+ negBase = negBase - f.size;
+ } else
+ {
+ f.y1 = f.size + posBase;
+ posBase = posBase + f.size;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Setup Scales
+ // remap and flatten the data for use in calculating the scales' domains
+ var seriesData = (xDomain && yDomain) ? [] : // if we know xDomain and yDomain, no need to calculate
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i), y0: d.y0, y1: d.y1 }
+ })
+ });
+ x.domain(xDomain || d3.merge(seriesData).map(function(d) { return d.x }))
+ .rangeBands(xRange || [0, availableWidth], groupSpacing);
+ y.domain(yDomain || d3.extent(d3.merge(seriesData).map(function(d) { return stacked ? (d.y > 0 ? d.y1 : d.y1 + d.y ) : d.y }).concat(forceY)))
+ .range(yRange || [availableHeight, 0]);
+ // If scale's domain don't have a range, slightly adjust to make one... so a chart can show a single data point
+ if (x.domain()[0] === x.domain()[1])
+ x.domain()[0] ?
+ x.domain([x.domain()[0] - x.domain()[0] * 0.01, x.domain()[1] + x.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : x.domain([-1,1]);
+ if (y.domain()[0] === y.domain()[1])
+ y.domain()[0] ?
+ y.domain([y.domain()[0] + y.domain()[0] * 0.01, y.domain()[1] - y.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : y.domain([-1,1]);
+ x0 = x0 || x;
+ y0 = y0 || y;
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-multibar').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-multibar');
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g')
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-groups');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-edge-clip-' + id)
+ .append('rect');
+ wrap.select('#nv-edge-clip-' + id + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight);
+ g.attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-edge-clip-' + id + ')' : '');
+ var groups = wrap.select('.nv-groups').selectAll('.nv-group')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d,i) { return i });
+ groups.enter().append('g')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);
+ var exitTransition = renderWatch
+ .transition(groups.exit().selectAll('rect.nv-bar'), 'multibarExit', Math.min(100, duration))
+ .attr('y', function(d) { return (stacked ? y0(d.y0) : y0(0)) || 0 })
+ .attr('height', 0)
+ .remove();
+ if (exitTransition.delay)
+ exitTransition.delay(function(d,i) {
+ var delay = i * (duration / (last_datalength + 1)) - i;
+ return delay;
+ });
+ groups
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-group nv-series-' + i })
+ .classed('hover', function(d) { return d.hover })
+ .style('fill', function(d,i){ return color(d, i) })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i){ return color(d, i) });
+ groups
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 0.75);
+ var bars = groups.selectAll('rect.nv-bar')
+ .data(function(d) { return (hideable && !data.length) ? hideable.values : d.values });
+ bars.exit().remove();
+ var barsEnter = bars.enter().append('rect')
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'nv-bar negative' : 'nv-bar positive'})
+ .attr('x', function(d,i,j) {
+ return stacked ? 0 : (j * x.rangeBand() / data.length )
+ })
+ .attr('y', function(d) { return y0(stacked ? d.y0 : 0) || 0 })
+ .attr('height', 0)
+ .attr('width', x.rangeBand() / (stacked ? 1 : data.length) )
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + x(getX(d,i)) + ',0)'; })
+ ;
+ bars
+ .style('fill', function(d,i,j){ return color(d, j, i); })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i,j){ return color(d, j, i); })
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) { //TODO: figure out why j works above, but not here
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (stacked ? data.length / 2 : d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i) + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementClick({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (stacked ? data.length / 2 : d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i) + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementDblClick({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (stacked ? data.length / 2 : d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i) + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ bars
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'nv-bar negative' : 'nv-bar positive'})
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + x(getX(d,i)) + ',0)'; })
+ if (barColor) {
+ if (!disabled) disabled = data.map(function() { return true });
+ bars
+ .style('fill', function(d,i,j) { return d3.rgb(barColor(d,i)).darker( disabled.map(function(d,i) { return i }).filter(function(d,i){ return !disabled[i] })[j] ).toString(); })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i,j) { return d3.rgb(barColor(d,i)).darker( disabled.map(function(d,i) { return i }).filter(function(d,i){ return !disabled[i] })[j] ).toString(); });
+ }
+ var barSelection =
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibar', Math.min(250, duration))
+ .delay(function(d,i) {
+ return i * duration / data[0].values.length;
+ });
+ if (stacked)
+ barSelection
+ .attr('y', function(d,i) {
+ return y((stacked ? d.y1 : 0));
+ })
+ .attr('height', function(d,i) {
+ return Math.max(Math.abs(y(d.y + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0)) - y((stacked ? d.y0 : 0))),1);
+ })
+ .attr('x', function(d,i) {
+ return stacked ? 0 : (d.series * x.rangeBand() / data.length )
+ })
+ .attr('width', x.rangeBand() / (stacked ? 1 : data.length) );
+ else
+ barSelection
+ .attr('x', function(d,i) {
+ return d.series * x.rangeBand() / data.length
+ })
+ .attr('width', x.rangeBand() / data.length)
+ .attr('y', function(d,i) {
+ return getY(d,i) < 0 ?
+ y(0) :
+ y(0) - y(getY(d,i)) < 1 ?
+ y(0) - 1 :
+ y(getY(d,i)) || 0;
+ })
+ .attr('height', function(d,i) {
+ return Math.max(Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)),1) || 0;
+ });
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ x0 = x.copy();
+ y0 = y.copy();
+ // keep track of the last data value length for transition calculations
+ if (data[0] && data[0].values) {
+ last_datalength = data[0].values.length;
+ }
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('multibar immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=_;}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ forceY: {get: function(){return forceY;}, set: function(_){forceY=_;}},
+ stacked: {get: function(){return stacked;}, set: function(_){stacked=_;}},
+ stackOffset: {get: function(){return stackOffset;}, set: function(_){stackOffset=_;}},
+ clipEdge: {get: function(){return clipEdge;}, set: function(_){clipEdge=_;}},
+ disabled: {get: function(){return disabled;}, set: function(_){disabled=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ hideable: {get: function(){return hideable;}, set: function(_){hideable=_;}},
+ groupSpacing:{get: function(){return groupSpacing;}, set: function(_){groupSpacing=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ barColor: {get: function(){return barColor;}, set: function(_){
+ barColor = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.multiBarChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var multibar = nv.models.multiBar()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , controls = nv.models.legend()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 60}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , showControls = true
+ , controlLabels = {}
+ , showLegend = true
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , reduceXTicks = true // if false a tick will show for every data point
+ , staggerLabels = false
+ , rotateLabels = 0
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' on ' + x + '
+ }
+ , x //can be accessed via chart.xScale()
+ , y //can be accessed via chart.yScale()
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState', 'renderEnd')
+ , controlWidth = function() { return showControls ? 180 : 0 }
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ state.stacked = false // DEPRECATED Maintained for backward compatibility
+ multibar
+ .stacked(false)
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(7)
+ .highlightZero(true)
+ .showMaxMin(false)
+ .tickFormat(function(d) { return d })
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient((rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left')
+ .tickFormat(d3.format(',.1f'))
+ ;
+ controls.updateState(false);
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch);
+ var stacked = false;
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(multibar.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(multibar.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled }),
+ stacked: stacked
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.stacked !== undefined)
+ stacked = state.stacked;
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(multibar);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() {
+ if (duration === 0)
+ container.call(chart);
+ else
+ container.transition()
+ .duration(duration)
+ .call(chart);
+ };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display noData message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = multibar.xScale();
+ y = multibar.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-multiBarWithLegend').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-multiBarWithLegend').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-barsWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-controlsWrap');
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width(availableWidth - controlWidth());
+ if (multibar.barColor())
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.color = d3.rgb('#ccc').darker(i * 1.5).toString();
+ });
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + controlWidth() + ',' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ // Controls
+ if (showControls) {
+ var controlsData = [
+ { key: controlLabels.grouped || 'Grouped', disabled: multibar.stacked() },
+ { key: controlLabels.stacked || 'Stacked', disabled: !multibar.stacked() }
+ ];
+ controls.width(controlWidth()).color(['#444', '#444', '#444']);
+ g.select('.nv-controlsWrap')
+ .datum(controlsData)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ .call(controls);
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ multibar
+ .disabled(data.map(function(series) { return series.disabled }))
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ var barsWrap = g.select('.nv-barsWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }));
+ barsWrap.call(multibar);
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .call(xAxis);
+ var xTicks = g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis > g').selectAll('g');
+ xTicks
+ .selectAll('line, text')
+ .style('opacity', 1)
+ if (staggerLabels) {
+ var getTranslate = function(x,y) {
+ return "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")";
+ };
+ var staggerUp = 5, staggerDown = 17; //pixels to stagger by
+ // Issue #140
+ xTicks
+ .selectAll("text")
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i,j) {
+ return getTranslate(0, (j % 2 == 0 ? staggerUp : staggerDown));
+ });
+ var totalInBetweenTicks = d3.selectAll(".nv-x.nv-axis .nv-wrap g g text")[0].length;
+ g.selectAll(".nv-x.nv-axis .nv-axisMaxMin text")
+ .attr("transform", function(d,i) {
+ return getTranslate(0, (i === 0 || totalInBetweenTicks % 2 !== 0) ? staggerDown : staggerUp);
+ });
+ }
+ if (reduceXTicks)
+ xTicks
+ .filter(function(d,i) {
+ return i % Math.ceil(data[0].values.length / (availableWidth / 100)) !== 0;
+ })
+ .selectAll('text, line')
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ if(rotateLabels)
+ xTicks
+ .selectAll('.tick text')
+ .attr('transform', 'rotate(' + rotateLabels + ' 0,0)')
+ .style('text-anchor', rotateLabels > 0 ? 'start' : 'end');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis').selectAll('g.nv-axisMaxMin text')
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ controls.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) {
+ if (!d.disabled) return;
+ controlsData = controlsData.map(function(s) {
+ s.disabled = true;
+ return s;
+ });
+ d.disabled = false;
+ switch (d.key) {
+ case 'Grouped':
+ multibar.stacked(false);
+ break;
+ case 'Stacked':
+ multibar.stacked(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ state.stacked = multibar.stacked();
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode)
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ if (typeof e.stacked !== 'undefined') {
+ multibar.stacked(e.stacked);
+ state.stacked = e.stacked;
+ stacked = e.stacked;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('multibarchart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ multibar.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ multibar.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.multibar = multibar;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.state = state;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ showControls: {get: function(){return showControls;}, set: function(_){showControls=_;}},
+ controlLabels: {get: function(){return controlLabels;}, set: function(_){controlLabels=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ reduceXTicks: {get: function(){return reduceXTicks;}, set: function(_){reduceXTicks=_;}},
+ rotateLabels: {get: function(){return rotateLabels;}, set: function(_){rotateLabels=_;}},
+ staggerLabels: {get: function(){return staggerLabels;}, set: function(_){staggerLabels=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ multibar.duration(duration);
+ xAxis.duration(duration);
+ yAxis.duration(duration);
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( rightAlignYAxis ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, multibar);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.multiBarHorizontal = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 960
+ , height = 500
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one
+ , x = d3.scale.ordinal()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , getYerr = function(d) { return d.yErr }
+ , forceY = [0] // 0 is forced by default.. this makes sense for the majority of bar graphs... user can always do chart.forceY([]) to remove
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , barColor = null // adding the ability to set the color for each rather than the whole group
+ , disabled // used in conjunction with barColor to communicate from multiBarHorizontalChart what series are disabled
+ , stacked = false
+ , showValues = false
+ , showBarLabels = false
+ , valuePadding = 60
+ , valueFormat = d3.format(',.2f')
+ , delay = 1200
+ , xDomain
+ , yDomain
+ , xRange
+ , yRange
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout','renderEnd')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x0, y0; //used to store previous scales
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ if (stacked)
+ data = d3.layout.stack()
+ .offset('zero')
+ .values(function(d){ return d.values })
+ .y(getY)
+ (data);
+ //add series index to each data point for reference
+ data.forEach(function(series, i) {
+ series.values.forEach(function(point) {
+ point.series = i;
+ });
+ });
+ // HACK for negative value stacking
+ if (stacked)
+ data[0].values.map(function(d,i) {
+ var posBase = 0, negBase = 0;
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ var f = d.values[i]
+ f.size = Math.abs(f.y);
+ if (f.y<0) {
+ f.y1 = negBase - f.size;
+ negBase = negBase - f.size;
+ } else
+ {
+ f.y1 = posBase;
+ posBase = posBase + f.size;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Setup Scales
+ // remap and flatten the data for use in calculating the scales' domains
+ var seriesData = (xDomain && yDomain) ? [] : // if we know xDomain and yDomain, no need to calculate
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i), y0: d.y0, y1: d.y1 }
+ })
+ });
+ x.domain(xDomain || d3.merge(seriesData).map(function(d) { return d.x }))
+ .rangeBands(xRange || [0, availableHeight], .1);
+ y.domain(yDomain || d3.extent(d3.merge(seriesData).map(function(d) { return stacked ? (d.y > 0 ? d.y1 + d.y : d.y1 ) : d.y }).concat(forceY)))
+ if (showValues && !stacked)
+ y.range(yRange || [(y.domain()[0] < 0 ? valuePadding : 0), availableWidth - (y.domain()[1] > 0 ? valuePadding : 0) ]);
+ else
+ y.range(yRange || [0, availableWidth]);
+ x0 = x0 || x;
+ y0 = y0 || d3.scale.linear().domain(y.domain()).range([y(0),y(0)]);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = d3.select(this).selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-multibarHorizontal').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-multibarHorizontal');
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-groups');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ var groups = wrap.select('.nv-groups').selectAll('.nv-group')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d,i) { return i });
+ groups.enter().append('g')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);
+ groups.exit().watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibarhorizontal: exit groups')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .remove();
+ groups
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-group nv-series-' + i })
+ .classed('hover', function(d) { return d.hover })
+ .style('fill', function(d,i){ return color(d, i) })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i){ return color(d, i) });
+ groups.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibarhorizontal: groups')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill-opacity', .75);
+ var bars = groups.selectAll('g.nv-bar')
+ .data(function(d) { return d.values });
+ bars.exit().remove();
+ var barsEnter = bars.enter().append('g')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i,j) {
+ return 'translate(' + y0(stacked ? d.y0 : 0) + ',' + (stacked ? 0 : (j * x.rangeBand() / data.length ) + x(getX(d,i))) + ')'
+ });
+ barsEnter.append('rect')
+ .attr('width', 0)
+ .attr('height', x.rangeBand() / (stacked ? 1 : data.length) )
+ bars
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) { //TODO: figure out why j works above, but not here
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [ y(getY(d,i) + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0)), x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (stacked ? data.length / 2 : d.series + .5) / data.length) ],
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementClick({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (stacked ? data.length / 2 : d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i) + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementDblClick({
+ value: getY(d,i),
+ point: d,
+ series: data[d.series],
+ pos: [x(getX(d,i)) + (x.rangeBand() * (stacked ? data.length / 2 : d.series + .5) / data.length), y(getY(d,i) + (stacked ? d.y0 : 0))], // TODO: Figure out why the value appears to be shifted
+ pointIndex: i,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ e: d3.event
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ if (getYerr(data[0],0)) {
+ barsEnter.append('polyline');
+ bars.select('polyline')
+ .attr('fill', 'none')
+ .attr('points', function(d,i) {
+ var xerr = getYerr(d,i)
+ , mid = 0.8 * x.rangeBand() / ((stacked ? 1 : data.length) * 2);
+ xerr = xerr.length ? xerr : [-Math.abs(xerr), Math.abs(xerr)];
+ xerr = xerr.map(function(e) { return y(e) - y(0); });
+ var a = [[xerr[0],-mid], [xerr[0],mid], [xerr[0],0], [xerr[1],0], [xerr[1],-mid], [xerr[1],mid]];
+ return a.map(function (path) { return path.join(',') }).join(' ');
+ })
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ var mid = x.rangeBand() / ((stacked ? 1 : data.length) * 2);
+ return 'translate(' + (getY(d,i) < 0 ? 0 : y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)) + ', ' + mid + ')'
+ });
+ }
+ barsEnter.append('text');
+ if (showValues && !stacked) {
+ bars.select('text')
+ .attr('text-anchor', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'end' : 'start' })
+ .attr('y', x.rangeBand() / (data.length * 2))
+ .attr('dy', '.32em')
+ .html(function(d,i) {
+ var t = valueFormat(getY(d,i))
+ , yerr = getYerr(d,i);
+ if (yerr === undefined)
+ return t;
+ if (!yerr.length)
+ return t + '±' + valueFormat(Math.abs(yerr));
+ return t + '+' + valueFormat(Math.abs(yerr[1])) + '-' + valueFormat(Math.abs(yerr[0]));
+ });
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibarhorizontal: bars')
+ .select('text')
+ .attr('x', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? -4 : y(getY(d,i)) - y(0) + 4 })
+ } else {
+ bars.selectAll('text').text('');
+ }
+ if (showBarLabels && !stacked) {
+ barsEnter.append('text').classed('nv-bar-label',true);
+ bars.select('text.nv-bar-label')
+ .attr('text-anchor', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'start' : 'end' })
+ .attr('y', x.rangeBand() / (data.length * 2))
+ .attr('dy', '.32em')
+ .text(function(d,i) { return getX(d,i) });
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibarhorizontal: bars')
+ .select('text.nv-bar-label')
+ .attr('x', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? y(0) - y(getY(d,i)) + 4 : -4 });
+ }
+ else {
+ bars.selectAll('text.nv-bar-label').text('');
+ }
+ bars
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return getY(d,i) < 0 ? 'nv-bar negative' : 'nv-bar positive'})
+ if (barColor) {
+ if (!disabled) disabled = data.map(function() { return true });
+ bars
+ .style('fill', function(d,i,j) { return d3.rgb(barColor(d,i)).darker( disabled.map(function(d,i) { return i }).filter(function(d,i){ return !disabled[i] })[j] ).toString(); })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i,j) { return d3.rgb(barColor(d,i)).darker( disabled.map(function(d,i) { return i }).filter(function(d,i){ return !disabled[i] })[j] ).toString(); });
+ }
+ if (stacked)
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibarhorizontal: bars')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + y(d.y1) + ',' + x(getX(d,i)) + ')'
+ })
+ .select('rect')
+ .attr('width', function(d,i) {
+ return Math.abs(y(getY(d,i) + d.y0) - y(d.y0))
+ })
+ .attr('height', x.rangeBand() );
+ else
+ bars.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'multibarhorizontal: bars')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ //TODO: stacked must be all positive or all negative, not both?
+ return 'translate(' +
+ (getY(d,i) < 0 ? y(getY(d,i)) : y(0))
+ + ',' +
+ (d.series * x.rangeBand() / data.length
+ +
+ x(getX(d,i)) )
+ + ')'
+ })
+ .select('rect')
+ .attr('height', x.rangeBand() / data.length )
+ .attr('width', function(d,i) {
+ return Math.max(Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)),1)
+ });
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ x0 = x.copy();
+ y0 = y.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('multibarHorizontal immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=_;}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY=_;}},
+ yErr: {get: function(){return getYerr;}, set: function(_){getYerr=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ forceY: {get: function(){return forceY;}, set: function(_){forceY=_;}},
+ stacked: {get: function(){return stacked;}, set: function(_){stacked=_;}},
+ showValues: {get: function(){return showValues;}, set: function(_){showValues=_;}},
+ // this shows the group name, seems pointless?
+ //showBarLabels: {get: function(){return showBarLabels;}, set: function(_){showBarLabels=_;}},
+ disabled: {get: function(){return disabled;}, set: function(_){disabled=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ valueFormat: {get: function(){return valueFormat;}, set: function(_){valueFormat=_;}},
+ valuePadding: {get: function(){return valuePadding;}, set: function(_){valuePadding=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ barColor: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ barColor = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.multiBarHorizontalChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var multibar = nv.models.multiBarHorizontal()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend().height(30)
+ , controls = nv.models.legend().height(30)
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 60}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , showControls = true
+ , controlLabels = {}
+ , showLegend = true
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , stacked = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + ' - ' + x + '
' +
+ '
' + y + '
+ }
+ , x //can be accessed via chart.xScale()
+ , y //can be accessed via chart.yScale()
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = 'No Data Available.'
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState','renderEnd')
+ , controlWidth = function() { return showControls ? 180 : 0 }
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ state.stacked = false; // DEPRECATED Maintained for backward compatibility
+ multibar
+ .stacked(stacked)
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('left')
+ .tickPadding(5)
+ .highlightZero(false)
+ .showMaxMin(false)
+ .tickFormat(function(d) { return d })
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickFormat(d3.format(',.1f'))
+ ;
+ controls.updateState(false);
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(multibar.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(multibar.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'e' : 'w', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled }),
+ stacked: stacked
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.stacked !== undefined)
+ stacked = state.stacked;
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(multibar);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().duration(duration).call(chart) };
+ chart.container = this;
+ stacked = multibar.stacked();
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = multibar.xScale();
+ y = multibar.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-multiBarHorizontalChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-multiBarHorizontalChart').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis')
+ .append('g').attr('class', 'nv-zeroLine')
+ .append('line');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-barsWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-controlsWrap');
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width(availableWidth - controlWidth());
+ if (multibar.barColor())
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.color = d3.rgb('#ccc').darker(i * 1.5).toString();
+ });
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + controlWidth() + ',' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ // Controls
+ if (showControls) {
+ var controlsData = [
+ { key: controlLabels.grouped || 'Grouped', disabled: multibar.stacked() },
+ { key: controlLabels.stacked || 'Stacked', disabled: !multibar.stacked() }
+ ];
+ controls.width(controlWidth()).color(['#444', '#444', '#444']);
+ g.select('.nv-controlsWrap')
+ .datum(controlsData)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')')
+ .call(controls);
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ multibar
+ .disabled(data.map(function(series) { return series.disabled }))
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ var barsWrap = g.select('.nv-barsWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }));
+ barsWrap.transition().call(multibar);
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/24, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis').call(xAxis);
+ var xTicks = g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis').selectAll('g');
+ xTicks
+ .selectAll('line, text');
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + availableHeight + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis').call(yAxis);
+ }
+ // Zero line
+ g.select(".nv-zeroLine line")
+ .attr("x1", y(0))
+ .attr("x2", y(0))
+ .attr("y1", 0)
+ .attr("y2", -availableHeight)
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ controls.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) {
+ if (!d.disabled) return;
+ controlsData = controlsData.map(function(s) {
+ s.disabled = true;
+ return s;
+ });
+ d.disabled = false;
+ switch (d.key) {
+ case 'Grouped':
+ multibar.stacked(false);
+ break;
+ case 'Stacked':
+ multibar.stacked(true);
+ break;
+ }
+ state.stacked = multibar.stacked();
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ stacked = multibar.stacked();
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ if (typeof e.stacked !== 'undefined') {
+ multibar.stacked(e.stacked);
+ state.stacked = e.stacked;
+ stacked = e.stacked;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('multibar horizontal chart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ multibar.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ multibar.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.multibar = multibar;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.state = state;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ showControls: {get: function(){return showControls;}, set: function(_){showControls=_;}},
+ controlLabels: {get: function(){return controlLabels;}, set: function(_){controlLabels=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ multibar.duration(duration);
+ xAxis.duration(duration);
+ yAxis.duration(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, multibar);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.multiChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 60},
+ color = nv.utils.defaultColor(),
+ width = null,
+ height = null,
+ showLegend = true,
+ tooltips = true,
+ tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' at ' + x + '
+ },
+ x,
+ y,
+ noData = 'No Data Available.',
+ yDomain1,
+ yDomain2,
+ getX = function(d) { return d.x },
+ getY = function(d) { return d.y},
+ interpolate = 'monotone'
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x = d3.scale.linear(),
+ yScale1 = d3.scale.linear(),
+ yScale2 = d3.scale.linear(),
+ lines1 = nv.models.line().yScale(yScale1),
+ lines2 = nv.models.line().yScale(yScale2),
+ bars1 = nv.models.multiBar().stacked(false).yScale(yScale1),
+ bars2 = nv.models.multiBar().stacked(false).yScale(yScale2),
+ stack1 = nv.models.stackedArea().yScale(yScale1),
+ stack2 = nv.models.stackedArea().yScale(yScale2),
+ xAxis = nv.models.axis().scale(x).orient('bottom').tickPadding(5),
+ yAxis1 = nv.models.axis().scale(yScale1).orient('left'),
+ yAxis2 = nv.models.axis().scale(yScale2).orient('right'),
+ legend = nv.models.legend().height(30),
+ dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide');
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(lines1.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = ((e.series.yAxis == 2) ? yAxis2 : yAxis1).tickFormat()(lines1.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, undefined, undefined, offsetElement.offsetParent);
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().call(chart); };
+ chart.container = this;
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ var dataLines1 = data.filter(function(d) {return d.type == 'line' && d.yAxis == 1});
+ var dataLines2 = data.filter(function(d) {return d.type == 'line' && d.yAxis == 2});
+ var dataBars1 = data.filter(function(d) {return d.type == 'bar' && d.yAxis == 1});
+ var dataBars2 = data.filter(function(d) {return d.type == 'bar' && d.yAxis == 2});
+ var dataStack1 = data.filter(function(d) {return d.type == 'area' && d.yAxis == 1});
+ var dataStack2 = data.filter(function(d) {return d.type == 'area' && d.yAxis == 2});
+ // Display noData message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ var series1 = data.filter(function(d) {return !d.disabled && d.yAxis == 1})
+ .map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: d.x, y: d.y }
+ })
+ });
+ var series2 = data.filter(function(d) {return !d.disabled && d.yAxis == 2})
+ .map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: d.x, y: d.y }
+ })
+ });
+ x .domain(d3.extent(d3.merge(series1.concat(series2)), function(d) { return d.x } ))
+ .range([0, availableWidth]);
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.wrap.multiChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'wrap nvd3 multiChart').append('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'x axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'y1 axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'y2 axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'lines1Wrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'lines2Wrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'bars1Wrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'bars2Wrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'stack1Wrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'stack2Wrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'legendWrap');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ var color_array = data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return data[i].color || color(d, i);
+ });
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.color(color_array);
+ legend.width( availableWidth / 2 );
+ g.select('.legendWrap')
+ .datum(data.map(function(series) {
+ series.originalKey = series.originalKey === undefined ? series.key : series.originalKey;
+ series.key = series.originalKey + (series.yAxis == 1 ? '' : ' (right axis)');
+ return series;
+ }))
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ g.select('.legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + ( availableWidth / 2 ) + ',' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ lines1
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .interpolate(interpolate)
+ .color(color_array.filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].yAxis == 1 && data[i].type == 'line'}));
+ lines2
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .interpolate(interpolate)
+ .color(color_array.filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].yAxis == 2 && data[i].type == 'line'}));
+ bars1
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(color_array.filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].yAxis == 1 && data[i].type == 'bar'}));
+ bars2
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(color_array.filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].yAxis == 2 && data[i].type == 'bar'}));
+ stack1
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(color_array.filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].yAxis == 1 && data[i].type == 'area'}));
+ stack2
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(color_array.filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled && data[i].yAxis == 2 && data[i].type == 'area'}));
+ g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ var lines1Wrap = g.select('.lines1Wrap')
+ .datum(
+ dataLines1.filter(function(d){return !d.disabled})
+ );
+ var bars1Wrap = g.select('.bars1Wrap')
+ .datum(
+ dataBars1.filter(function(d){return !d.disabled})
+ );
+ var stack1Wrap = g.select('.stack1Wrap')
+ .datum(
+ dataStack1.filter(function(d){return !d.disabled})
+ );
+ var lines2Wrap = g.select('.lines2Wrap')
+ .datum(
+ dataLines2.filter(function(d){return !d.disabled})
+ );
+ var bars2Wrap = g.select('.bars2Wrap')
+ .datum(
+ dataBars2.filter(function(d){return !d.disabled})
+ );
+ var stack2Wrap = g.select('.stack2Wrap')
+ .datum(
+ dataStack2.filter(function(d){return !d.disabled})
+ );
+ var extraValue1 = dataStack1.length ? dataStack1.map(function(a){return a.values}).reduce(function(a,b){
+ return a.map(function(aVal,i){return {x: aVal.x, y: aVal.y + b[i].y}})
+ }).concat([{x:0, y:0}]) : []
+ var extraValue2 = dataStack2.length ? dataStack2.map(function(a){return a.values}).reduce(function(a,b){
+ return a.map(function(aVal,i){return {x: aVal.x, y: aVal.y + b[i].y}})
+ }).concat([{x:0, y:0}]) : []
+ yScale1 .domain(yDomain1 || d3.extent(d3.merge(series1).concat(extraValue1), function(d) { return d.y } ))
+ .range([0, availableHeight])
+ yScale2 .domain(yDomain2 || d3.extent(d3.merge(series2).concat(extraValue2), function(d) { return d.y } ))
+ .range([0, availableHeight])
+ lines1.yDomain(yScale1.domain())
+ bars1.yDomain(yScale1.domain())
+ stack1.yDomain(yScale1.domain())
+ lines2.yDomain(yScale2.domain())
+ bars2.yDomain(yScale2.domain())
+ stack2.yDomain(yScale2.domain())
+ if(dataStack1.length){d3.transition(stack1Wrap).call(stack1);}
+ if(dataStack2.length){d3.transition(stack2Wrap).call(stack2);}
+ if(dataBars1.length){d3.transition(bars1Wrap).call(bars1);}
+ if(dataBars2.length){d3.transition(bars2Wrap).call(bars2);}
+ if(dataLines1.length){d3.transition(lines1Wrap).call(lines1);}
+ if(dataLines2.length){d3.transition(lines2Wrap).call(lines2);}
+ xAxis
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.x.axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + availableHeight + ')');
+ d3.transition(g.select('.x.axis'))
+ .call(xAxis);
+ yAxis1
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ d3.transition(g.select('.y1.axis'))
+ .call(yAxis1);
+ yAxis2
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ d3.transition(g.select('.y2.axis'))
+ .call(yAxis2);
+ g.select('.y1.axis')
+ .classed('nv-disabled', series1.length ? false : true)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x.range()[0] + ',0)');
+ g.select('.y2.axis')
+ .classed('nv-disabled', series2.length ? false : true)
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x.range()[1] + ',0)');
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ lines1.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines1.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ lines2.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines2.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ bars1.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ bars1.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ bars2.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ bars2.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ stack1.dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ //disable tooltips when value ~= 0
+ //// TODO: consider removing points from voronoi that have 0 value instead of this hack
+ if (!Math.round(stack1.y()(e.point) * 100)) { // 100 will not be good for very small numbers... will have to think about making this valu dynamic, based on data range
+ setTimeout(function() { d3.selectAll('.point.hover').classed('hover', false) }, 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top],
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ stack1.dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ stack2.dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ //disable tooltips when value ~= 0
+ //// TODO: consider removing points from voronoi that have 0 value instead of this hack
+ if (!Math.round(stack2.y()(e.point) * 100)) { // 100 will not be good for very small numbers... will have to think about making this valu dynamic, based on data range
+ setTimeout(function() { d3.selectAll('.point.hover').classed('hover', false) }, 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top],
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ stack2.dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ lines1.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines1.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ lines2.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ lines2.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Global getters and setters
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.lines1 = lines1;
+ chart.lines2 = lines2;
+ chart.bars1 = bars1;
+ chart.bars2 = bars2;
+ chart.stack1 = stack1;
+ chart.stack2 = stack2;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis1 = yAxis1;
+ chart.yAxis2 = yAxis2;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ yDomain1: {get: function(){return yDomain1;}, set: function(_){yDomain1=_;}},
+ yDomain2: {get: function(){return yDomain2;}, set: function(_){yDomain2=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ interpolate: {get: function(){return interpolate;}, set: function(_){interpolate=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){
+ getX = _;
+ lines1.x(_);
+ bars1.x(_);
+ }},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){
+ getY = _;
+ lines1.y(_);
+ bars1.y(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.ohlcBar = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one
+ , x = d3.scale.linear()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , getOpen = function(d) { return d.open }
+ , getClose = function(d) { return d.close }
+ , getHigh = function(d) { return d.high }
+ , getLow = function(d) { return d.low }
+ , forceX = []
+ , forceY = []
+ , padData = false // If true, adds half a data points width to front and back, for lining up a line chart with a bar chart
+ , clipEdge = true
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , interactive = false
+ , xDomain
+ , yDomain
+ , xRange
+ , yRange
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState', 'renderEnd', 'chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right;
+ var availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup Scales
+ x.domain(xDomain || d3.extent(data[0].values.map(getX).concat(forceX) ));
+ if (padData)
+ x.range(xRange || [availableWidth * .5 / data[0].values.length, availableWidth * (data[0].values.length - .5) / data[0].values.length ]);
+ else
+ x.range(xRange || [0, availableWidth]);
+ y.domain(yDomain || [
+ d3.min(data[0].values.map(getLow).concat(forceY)),
+ d3.max(data[0].values.map(getHigh).concat(forceY))
+ ]
+ ).range(yRange || [availableHeight, 0]);
+ // If scale's domain don't have a range, slightly adjust to make one... so a chart can show a single data point
+ if (x.domain()[0] === x.domain()[1])
+ x.domain()[0] ?
+ x.domain([x.domain()[0] - x.domain()[0] * 0.01, x.domain()[1] + x.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : x.domain([-1,1]);
+ if (y.domain()[0] === y.domain()[1])
+ y.domain()[0] ?
+ y.domain([y.domain()[0] + y.domain()[0] * 0.01, y.domain()[1] - y.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : y.domain([-1,1]);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = d3.select(this).selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-ohlcBar').data([data[0].values]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-ohlcBar');
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-ticks');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ container
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.chartClick({
+ data: d,
+ index: i,
+ pos: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ });
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-chart-clip-path-' + id)
+ .append('rect');
+ wrap.select('#nv-chart-clip-path-' + id + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight);
+ g .attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-chart-clip-path-' + id + ')' : '');
+ var ticks = wrap.select('.nv-ticks').selectAll('.nv-tick')
+ .data(function(d) { return d });
+ ticks.exit().remove();
+ var ticksEnter = ticks.enter().append('path')
+ .attr('class', function(d,i,j) { return (getOpen(d,i) > getClose(d,i) ? 'nv-tick negative' : 'nv-tick positive') + ' nv-tick-' + j + '-' + i })
+ .attr('d', function(d,i) {
+ var w = (availableWidth / data[0].values.length) * .9;
+ return 'm0,0l0,'
+ + (y(getOpen(d,i))
+ - y(getHigh(d,i)))
+ + 'l'
+ + (-w/2)
+ + ',0l'
+ + (w/2)
+ + ',0l0,'
+ + (y(getLow(d,i)) - y(getOpen(d,i)))
+ + 'l0,'
+ + (y(getClose(d,i))
+ - y(getLow(d,i)))
+ + 'l'
+ + (w/2)
+ + ',0l'
+ + (-w/2)
+ + ',0z';
+ })
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + x(getX(d,i)) + ',' + y(getHigh(d,i)) + ')'; })
+ .attr('fill', function(d,i) { return color[0]; })
+ .attr('stroke', function(d,i) { return color[0]; })
+ .attr('x', 0 )
+ .attr('y', function(d,i) { return y(Math.max(0, getY(d,i))) })
+ .attr('height', function(d,i) { return Math.abs(y(getY(d,i)) - y(0)) });
+ // the bar colors are controlled by CSS currently
+ ticks.attr('class', function(d,i,j) {
+ return (getOpen(d,i) > getClose(d,i) ? 'nv-tick negative' : 'nv-tick positive') + ' nv-tick-' + j + '-' + i;
+ });
+ d3.transition(ticks)
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) { return 'translate(' + x(getX(d,i)) + ',' + y(getHigh(d,i)) + ')'; })
+ .attr('d', function(d,i) {
+ var w = (availableWidth / data[0].values.length) * .9;
+ return 'm0,0l0,'
+ + (y(getOpen(d,i))
+ - y(getHigh(d,i)))
+ + 'l'
+ + (-w/2)
+ + ',0l'
+ + (w/2)
+ + ',0l0,'
+ + (y(getLow(d,i))
+ - y(getOpen(d,i)))
+ + 'l0,'
+ + (y(getClose(d,i))
+ - y(getLow(d,i)))
+ + 'l'
+ + (w/2)
+ + ',0l'
+ + (-w/2)
+ + ',0z';
+ });
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //Create methods to allow outside functions to highlight a specific bar.
+ chart.highlightPoint = function(pointIndex, isHoverOver) {
+ chart.clearHighlights();
+ d3.select(".nv-ohlcBar .nv-tick-0-" + pointIndex)
+ .classed("hover", isHoverOver)
+ ;
+ };
+ chart.clearHighlights = function() {
+ d3.select(".nv-ohlcBar .nv-tick.hover")
+ .classed("hover", false)
+ ;
+ };
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ forceX: {get: function(){return forceX;}, set: function(_){forceX=_;}},
+ forceY: {get: function(){return forceY;}, set: function(_){forceY=_;}},
+ padData: {get: function(){return padData;}, set: function(_){padData=_;}},
+ clipEdge: {get: function(){return clipEdge;}, set: function(_){clipEdge=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ interactive: {get: function(){return interactive;}, set: function(_){interactive=_;}},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=_;}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY=_;}},
+ open: {get: function(){return getOpen();}, set: function(_){getOpen=_;}},
+ close: {get: function(){return getClose();}, set: function(_){getClose=_;}},
+ high: {get: function(){return getHigh;}, set: function(_){getHigh=_;}},
+ low: {get: function(){return getLow;}, set: function(_){getLow=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top != undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right != undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom != undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left != undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+// Code adapted from Jason Davies' "Parallel Coordinates"
+// http://bl.ocks.org/jasondavies/1341281
+nv.models.parallelCoordinates = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , x = d3.scale.ordinal()
+ , y = {}
+ , dimensions = []
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , filters = []
+ , active = []
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('brush')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right;
+ var availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ active = data; //set all active before first brush call
+ //This is a placeholder until this chart is made resizeable
+ chart.update = function() { };
+ // Setup Scales
+ x.rangePoints([0, availableWidth], 1).domain(dimensions);
+ // Extract the list of dimensions and create a scale for each.
+ dimensions.forEach(function(d) {
+ y[d] = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain(d3.extent(data, function(p) { return +p[d]; }))
+ .range([availableHeight, 0]);
+ y[d].brush = d3.svg.brush().y(y[d]).on('brush', brush);
+ return d != 'name';
+ });
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-parallelCoordinates').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-parallelCoordinates');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-parallelCoordinatesWrap');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ var line = d3.svg.line(),
+ axis = d3.svg.axis().orient('left'),
+ background,
+ foreground;
+ // Add grey background lines for context.
+ background = gEnter.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'background')
+ .selectAll('path')
+ .data(data)
+ .enter().append('path')
+ .attr('d', path)
+ ;
+ // Add blue foreground lines for focus.
+ foreground = gEnter.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'foreground')
+ .selectAll('path')
+ .data(data)
+ .enter().append('path')
+ .attr('d', path)
+ .attr('stroke', color)
+ ;
+ // Add a group element for each dimension.
+ var dimension = g.selectAll('.dimension')
+ .data(dimensions)
+ .enter().append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'dimension')
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + x(d) + ',0)'; });
+ // Add an axis and title.
+ dimension.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'axis')
+ .each(function(d) { d3.select(this).call(axis.scale(y[d])); })
+ .append('text')
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .attr('y', -9)
+ .text(String);
+ // Add and store a brush for each axis.
+ dimension.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'brush')
+ .each(function(d) { d3.select(this).call(y[d].brush); })
+ .selectAll('rect')
+ .attr('x', -8)
+ .attr('width', 16);
+ // Returns the path for a given data point.
+ function path(d) {
+ return line(dimensions.map(function(p) { return [x(p), y[p](d[p])]; }));
+ }
+ // Handles a brush event, toggling the display of foreground lines.
+ function brush() {
+ var actives = dimensions.filter(function(p) { return !y[p].brush.empty(); }),
+ extents = actives.map(function(p) { return y[p].brush.extent(); });
+ filters = []; //erase current filters
+ actives.forEach(function(d,i) {
+ filters[i] = {
+ dimension: d,
+ extent: extents[i]
+ }
+ });
+ active = []; //erase current active list
+ foreground.style('display', function(d) {
+ var isActive = actives.every(function(p, i) {
+ return extents[i][0] <= d[p] && d[p] <= extents[i][1];
+ });
+ if (isActive) active.push(d);
+ return isActive ? null : 'none';
+ });
+ dispatch.brush({
+ filters: filters,
+ active: active
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ dimensions: {get: function(){return dimensions;}, set: function(_){dimensions=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = typeof _.top != 'undefined' ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = typeof _.right != 'undefined' ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = typeof _.bottom != 'undefined' ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = typeof _.left != 'undefined' ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.pie = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 500
+ , height = 500
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) //Create semi-unique ID in case user doesn't select one
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , valueFormat = d3.format(',.2f')
+ , labelFormat = d3.format('%')
+ , showLabels = true
+ , pieLabelsOutside = true
+ , donutLabelsOutside = false
+ , labelType = "key"
+ , labelThreshold = .02 //if slice percentage is under this, don't show label
+ , donut = false
+ , title = false
+ , growOnHover = true
+ , titleOffset = 0
+ , labelSunbeamLayout = false
+ , startAngle = false
+ , padAngle = false
+ , endAngle = false
+ , cornerRadius = 0
+ , donutRatio = 0.5
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('chartClick', 'elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout', 'renderEnd')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // chart function
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right
+ ,availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom
+ ,radius = Math.min(availableWidth, availableHeight) / 2
+ ,arcRadius = radius-(radius / 5)
+ ,container = d3.select(this)
+ ;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('.nv-wrap.nv-pie').data(data);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class','nvd3 nv-wrap nv-pie nv-chart-' + id);
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ var g_pie = gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-pie');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-pieLabels');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-pie').attr('transform', 'translate(' + availableWidth / 2 + ',' + availableHeight / 2 + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-pieLabels').attr('transform', 'translate(' + availableWidth / 2 + ',' + availableHeight / 2 + ')');
+ //
+ container.on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.chartClick({
+ data: d,
+ index: i,
+ pos: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ });
+ var arc = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(arcRadius);
+ var arcOver = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(arcRadius + 5);
+ if (startAngle) {
+ arc.startAngle(startAngle);
+ arcOver.startAngle(startAngle);
+ }
+ if (endAngle) {
+ arc.endAngle(endAngle);
+ arcOver.endAngle(endAngle);
+ }
+ if (donut) {
+ arc.innerRadius(radius * donutRatio);
+ arcOver.innerRadius(radius * donutRatio);
+ }
+ // Setup the Pie chart and choose the data element
+ var pie = d3.layout.pie()
+ .sort(null)
+ .value(function(d) { return d.disabled ? 0 : getY(d) });
+ // padAngle added in d3 3.5
+ if (pie.padAngle && padAngle) {
+ pie.padAngle(padAngle);
+ }
+ if (arc.cornerRadius && cornerRadius) {
+ arc.cornerRadius(cornerRadius);
+ arcOver.cornerRadius(cornerRadius);
+ }
+ // if title is specified and donut, put it in the middle
+ if (donut && title) {
+ var title_g = g_pie.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-pie');
+ title_g.append("text")
+ .style("text-anchor", "middle")
+ .attr('class', 'nv-pie-title')
+ .text(function (d) {
+ return title;
+ })
+ .attr("dy", "0.35em") // trick to vertically center text
+ .attr('transform', function(d, i) {
+ return 'translate(0, '+ titleOffset + ')';
+ });
+ }
+ var slices = wrap.select('.nv-pie').selectAll('.nv-slice').data(pie);
+ var pieLabels = wrap.select('.nv-pieLabels').selectAll('.nv-label').data(pie);
+ slices.exit().remove();
+ pieLabels.exit().remove();
+ var ae = slices.enter().append('g')
+ ae.attr('class', 'nv-slice')
+ ae.on('mouseover', function(d,i){
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
+ if (growOnHover) {
+ d3.select(this).select("path").transition()
+ .duration(70)
+ .attr("d", arcOver);
+ }
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ label: getX(d.data),
+ value: getY(d.data),
+ point: d.data,
+ pointIndex: i,
+ pos: [d3.event.pageX, d3.event.pageY],
+ id: id,
+ color: d3.select(this).style("fill")
+ });
+ });
+ ae.on('mouseout', function(d,i){
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ if (growOnHover) {
+ d3.select(this).select("path").transition()
+ .duration(50)
+ .attr("d", arc);
+ }
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ label: getX(d.data),
+ value: getY(d.data),
+ point: d.data,
+ index: i,
+ id: id
+ });
+ });
+ slices.attr('fill', function(d,i) { return color(d, i); })
+ slices.attr('stroke', function(d,i) { return color(d, i); });
+ var paths = ae.append('path').each(function(d) {
+ this._current = d;
+ });
+ paths.on('click', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementClick({
+ label: getX(d.data),
+ value: getY(d.data),
+ point: d.data,
+ index: i,
+ pos: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ paths.on('dblclick', function(d,i) {
+ dispatch.elementDblClick({
+ label: getX(d.data),
+ value: getY(d.data),
+ point: d.data,
+ index: i,
+ pos: d3.event,
+ id: id
+ });
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ slices.select('path')
+ .transition()
+ .attr('d', arc)
+ .attrTween('d', arcTween);
+ if (showLabels) {
+ // This does the normal label
+ var labelsArc = d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(0);
+ if (pieLabelsOutside){
+ var labelsArc = arc;
+ }
+ if (donutLabelsOutside) {
+ labelsArc = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(arc.outerRadius());
+ }
+ pieLabels.enter().append("g").classed("nv-label",true).each(function(d,i) {
+ var group = d3.select(this);
+ group.attr('transform', function(d) {
+ if (labelSunbeamLayout) {
+ d.outerRadius = arcRadius + 10; // Set Outer Coordinate
+ d.innerRadius = arcRadius + 15; // Set Inner Coordinate
+ var rotateAngle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2 * (180 / Math.PI);
+ if ((d.startAngle+d.endAngle)/2 < Math.PI) {
+ rotateAngle -= 90;
+ } else {
+ rotateAngle += 90;
+ }
+ return 'translate(' + labelsArc.centroid(d) + ') rotate(' + rotateAngle + ')';
+ } else {
+ d.outerRadius = radius + 10; // Set Outer Coordinate
+ d.innerRadius = radius + 15; // Set Inner Coordinate
+ return 'translate(' + labelsArc.centroid(d) + ')'
+ }
+ });
+ group.append('rect')
+ .style('stroke', '#fff')
+ .style('fill', '#fff')
+ .attr("rx", 3)
+ .attr("ry", 3);
+ group.append('text')
+ .style('text-anchor', labelSunbeamLayout ? ((d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2 < Math.PI ? 'start' : 'end') : 'middle') //center the text on it's origin or begin/end if orthogonal aligned
+ .style('fill', '#000')
+ });
+ var labelLocationHash = {};
+ var avgHeight = 14;
+ var avgWidth = 140;
+ var createHashKey = function(coordinates) {
+ return Math.floor(coordinates[0]/avgWidth) * avgWidth + ',' + Math.floor(coordinates[1]/avgHeight) * avgHeight;
+ };
+ pieLabels.watchTransition(renderWatch,'pie labels').attr('transform', function(d) {
+ if (labelSunbeamLayout) {
+ d.outerRadius = arcRadius + 10; // Set Outer Coordinate
+ d.innerRadius = arcRadius + 15; // Set Inner Coordinate
+ var rotateAngle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2 * (180 / Math.PI);
+ if ((d.startAngle+d.endAngle)/2 < Math.PI) {
+ rotateAngle -= 90;
+ } else {
+ rotateAngle += 90;
+ }
+ return 'translate(' + labelsArc.centroid(d) + ') rotate(' + rotateAngle + ')';
+ } else {
+ d.outerRadius = radius + 10; // Set Outer Coordinate
+ d.innerRadius = radius + 15; // Set Inner Coordinate
+ /*
+ Overlapping pie labels are not good. What this attempts to do is, prevent overlapping.
+ Each label location is hashed, and if a hash collision occurs, we assume an overlap.
+ Adjust the label's y-position to remove the overlap.
+ */
+ var center = labelsArc.centroid(d);
+ if(d.value){
+ var hashKey = createHashKey(center);
+ if (labelLocationHash[hashKey]) {
+ center[1] -= avgHeight;
+ }
+ labelLocationHash[createHashKey(center)] = true;
+ }
+ return 'translate(' + center + ')'
+ }
+ });
+ pieLabels.select(".nv-label text")
+ .style('text-anchor', labelSunbeamLayout ? ((d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2 < Math.PI ? 'start' : 'end') : 'middle') //center the text on it's origin or begin/end if orthogonal aligned
+ .text(function(d, i) {
+ var percent = (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / (2 * Math.PI);
+ var labelTypes = {
+ "key" : getX(d.data),
+ "value": getY(d.data),
+ "percent": labelFormat(percent)
+ };
+ return (d.value && percent > labelThreshold) ? labelTypes[labelType] : '';
+ })
+ ;
+ }
+ // Computes the angle of an arc, converting from radians to degrees.
+ function angle(d) {
+ var a = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) * 90 / Math.PI - 90;
+ return a > 90 ? a - 180 : a;
+ }
+ function arcTween(a) {
+ a.endAngle = isNaN(a.endAngle) ? 0 : a.endAngle;
+ a.startAngle = isNaN(a.startAngle) ? 0 : a.startAngle;
+ if (!donut) a.innerRadius = 0;
+ var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, a);
+ this._current = i(0);
+ return function(t) {
+ return arc(i(t));
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('pie immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLabels: {get: function(){return showLabels;}, set: function(_){showLabels=_;}},
+ title: {get: function(){return title;}, set: function(_){title=_;}},
+ titleOffset: {get: function(){return titleOffset;}, set: function(_){titleOffset=_;}},
+ labelThreshold: {get: function(){return labelThreshold;}, set: function(_){labelThreshold=_;}},
+ labelFormat: {get: function(){return labelFormat;}, set: function(_){labelFormat=_;}},
+ valueFormat: {get: function(){return valueFormat;}, set: function(_){valueFormat=_;}},
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ endAngle: {get: function(){return endAngle;}, set: function(_){endAngle=_;}},
+ startAngle: {get: function(){return startAngle;}, set: function(_){startAngle=_;}},
+ padAngle: {get: function(){return padAngle;}, set: function(_){padAngle=_;}},
+ cornerRadius: {get: function(){return cornerRadius;}, set: function(_){cornerRadius=_;}},
+ donutRatio: {get: function(){return donutRatio;}, set: function(_){donutRatio=_;}},
+ pieLabelsOutside: {get: function(){return pieLabelsOutside;}, set: function(_){pieLabelsOutside=_;}},
+ donutLabelsOutside: {get: function(){return donutLabelsOutside;}, set: function(_){donutLabelsOutside=_;}},
+ labelSunbeamLayout: {get: function(){return labelSunbeamLayout;}, set: function(_){labelSunbeamLayout=_;}},
+ donut: {get: function(){return donut;}, set: function(_){donut=_;}},
+ growOnHover: {get: function(){return growOnHover;}, set: function(_){growOnHover=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = typeof _.top != 'undefined' ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = typeof _.right != 'undefined' ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = typeof _.bottom != 'undefined' ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = typeof _.left != 'undefined' ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){
+ getY=d3.functor(_);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color=nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ labelType: {get: function(){return labelType;}, set: function(_){
+ labelType= _ || 'key';
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.pieChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var pie = nv.models.pie();
+ var legend = nv.models.legend();
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , showLegend = true
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
+ + '
' + y + '
+ }
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState','renderEnd')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var tooltipLabel = pie.x()(e.point);
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( (offsetElement && offsetElement.offsetLeft) || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( (offsetElement && offsetElement.offsetTop) || 0),
+ y = pie.valueFormat()(pie.y()(e.point)),
+ content = tooltip(tooltipLabel, y, e, chart)
+ ;
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch);
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled })
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.active !== undefined) {
+ data.forEach(function (series, i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //============================================================
+ // Chart function
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(pie);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var that = this;
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width'), 10) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height'), 10) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom
+ ;
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().call(chart); };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state.setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ //set state.disabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-pieChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-pieChart').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-pieWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width( availableWidth ).key(pie.x());
+ wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ pie.width(availableWidth).height(availableHeight);
+ var pieWrap = g.select('.nv-pieWrap').datum([data]);
+ d3.transition(pieWrap).call(pie);
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState) {
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ }
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ pie.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('pieChart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ pie.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.pie = pie;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ // use Object get/set functionality to map between vars and chart functions
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = _;
+ legend.color(color);
+ pie.color(color);
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, pie);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.scatter = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor() // chooses color
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) //Create semi-unique ID incase user doesn't select one
+ , x = d3.scale.linear()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , z = d3.scale.linear() //linear because d3.svg.shape.size is treated as area
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x } // accessor to get the x value
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y } // accessor to get the y value
+ , getSize = function(d) { return d.size || 1} // accessor to get the point size
+ , getShape = function(d) { return d.shape || 'circle' } // accessor to get point shape
+ , forceX = [] // List of numbers to Force into the X scale (ie. 0, or a max / min, etc.)
+ , forceY = [] // List of numbers to Force into the Y scale
+ , forceSize = [] // List of numbers to Force into the Size scale
+ , interactive = true // If true, plots a voronoi overlay for advanced point intersection
+ , pointActive = function(d) { return !d.notActive } // any points that return false will be filtered out
+ , padData = false // If true, adds half a data points width to front and back, for lining up a line chart with a bar chart
+ , padDataOuter = .1 //outerPadding to imitate ordinal scale outer padding
+ , clipEdge = false // if true, masks points within x and y scale
+ , clipVoronoi = true // if true, masks each point with a circle... can turn off to slightly increase performance
+ , clipRadius = function() { return 25 } // function to get the radius for voronoi point clips
+ , xDomain = null // Override x domain (skips the calculation from data)
+ , yDomain = null // Override y domain
+ , xRange = null // Override x range
+ , yRange = null // Override y range
+ , sizeDomain = null // Override point size domain
+ , sizeRange = null
+ , singlePoint = false
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('elementClick', 'elementDblClick', 'elementMouseover', 'elementMouseout', 'renderEnd')
+ , useVoronoi = true
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x0, y0, z0 // used to store previous scales
+ , timeoutID
+ , needsUpdate = false // Flag for when the points are visually updating, but the interactive layer is behind, to disable tooltips
+ , renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration)
+ ;
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right;
+ var availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ //add series index to each data point for reference
+ data.forEach(function(series, i) {
+ series.values.forEach(function(point) {
+ point.series = i;
+ });
+ });
+ // Setup Scales
+ // remap and flatten the data for use in calculating the scales' domains
+ var seriesData = (xDomain && yDomain && sizeDomain) ? [] : // if we know xDomain and yDomain and sizeDomain, no need to calculate.... if Size is constant remember to set sizeDomain to speed up performance
+ d3.merge(
+ data.map(function(d) {
+ return d.values.map(function(d,i) {
+ return { x: getX(d,i), y: getY(d,i), size: getSize(d,i) }
+ })
+ })
+ );
+ x .domain(xDomain || d3.extent(seriesData.map(function(d) { return d.x; }).concat(forceX)))
+ if (padData && data[0])
+ x.range(xRange || [(availableWidth * padDataOuter + availableWidth) / (2 *data[0].values.length), availableWidth - availableWidth * (1 + padDataOuter) / (2 * data[0].values.length) ]);
+ //x.range([availableWidth * .5 / data[0].values.length, availableWidth * (data[0].values.length - .5) / data[0].values.length ]);
+ else
+ x.range(xRange || [0, availableWidth]);
+ y .domain(yDomain || d3.extent(seriesData.map(function(d) { return d.y }).concat(forceY)))
+ .range(yRange || [availableHeight, 0]);
+ z .domain(sizeDomain || d3.extent(seriesData.map(function(d) { return d.size }).concat(forceSize)))
+ .range(sizeRange || [16, 256]);
+ // If scale's domain don't have a range, slightly adjust to make one... so a chart can show a single data point
+ if (x.domain()[0] === x.domain()[1] || y.domain()[0] === y.domain()[1]) singlePoint = true;
+ if (x.domain()[0] === x.domain()[1])
+ x.domain()[0] ?
+ x.domain([x.domain()[0] - x.domain()[0] * 0.01, x.domain()[1] + x.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : x.domain([-1,1]);
+ if (y.domain()[0] === y.domain()[1])
+ y.domain()[0] ?
+ y.domain([y.domain()[0] - y.domain()[0] * 0.01, y.domain()[1] + y.domain()[1] * 0.01])
+ : y.domain([-1,1]);
+ if ( isNaN(x.domain()[0])) {
+ x.domain([-1,1]);
+ }
+ if ( isNaN(y.domain()[0])) {
+ y.domain([-1,1]);
+ }
+ x0 = x0 || x;
+ y0 = y0 || y;
+ z0 = z0 || z;
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-scatter').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-scatter nv-chart-' + id + (singlePoint ? ' nv-single-point' : ''));
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-groups');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-point-paths');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-edge-clip-' + id)
+ .append('rect');
+ wrap.select('#nv-edge-clip-' + id + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', (availableHeight > 0) ? availableHeight : 0);
+ g.attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-edge-clip-' + id + ')' : '');
+ function updateInteractiveLayer() {
+ if (!interactive) return false;
+ var eventElements;
+ var vertices = d3.merge(data.map(function(group, groupIndex) {
+ return group.values
+ .map(function(point, pointIndex) {
+ // *Adding noise to make duplicates very unlikely
+ // *Injecting series and point index for reference
+ /* *Adding a 'jitter' to the points, because there's an issue in d3.geom.voronoi.
+ */
+ var pX = getX(point,pointIndex);
+ var pY = getY(point,pointIndex);
+ return [x(pX)+ Math.random() * 1e-7,
+ y(pY)+ Math.random() * 1e-7,
+ groupIndex,
+ pointIndex, point]; //temp hack to add noise untill I think of a better way so there are no duplicates
+ })
+ .filter(function(pointArray, pointIndex) {
+ return pointActive(pointArray[4], pointIndex); // Issue #237.. move filter to after map, so pointIndex is correct!
+ })
+ })
+ );
+ //inject series and point index for reference into voronoi
+ if (useVoronoi === true) {
+ if(vertices.length < 3) {
+ // Issue #283 - Adding 2 dummy points to the voronoi b/c voronoi requires min 3 points to work
+ vertices.push([x.range()[0] - 20, y.range()[0] - 20, null, null]);
+ vertices.push([x.range()[1] + 20, y.range()[1] + 20, null, null]);
+ vertices.push([x.range()[0] - 20, y.range()[0] + 20, null, null]);
+ vertices.push([x.range()[1] + 20, y.range()[1] - 20, null, null]);
+ }
+ // keep voronoi sections from going more than 10 outside of graph
+ // to avoid overlap with other things like legend etc
+ var bounds = d3.geom.polygon([
+ [-10,-10],
+ [-10,height + 10],
+ [width + 10,height + 10],
+ [width + 10,-10]
+ ]);
+ var voronoi = d3.geom.voronoi(vertices).map(function(d, i) {
+ return {
+ 'data': bounds.clip(d),
+ 'series': vertices[i][2],
+ 'point': vertices[i][3]
+ }
+ });
+ // nuke all voronoi paths on reload and recreate them
+ wrap.select('.nv-point-paths').selectAll('path').remove();
+ var pointPaths = wrap.select('.nv-point-paths').selectAll('path').data(voronoi);
+ pointPaths
+ .enter().append("svg:path")
+ .attr("d", function(d) {
+ if (!d || !d.data || d.data.length === 0)
+ return 'M 0 0';
+ else
+ return "M" + d.data.join(",") + "Z";
+ })
+ .attr("id", function(d,i) {
+ return "nv-path-"+i; })
+ .attr("clip-path", function(d,i) { return "url(#nv-clip-"+i+")"; })
+ ;
+ // chain these to above to see the voronoi elements (good for debugging)
+ //.style("fill", d3.rgb(230, 230, 230))
+ //.style('fill-opacity', 0.4)
+ //.style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ //.style("stroke", d3.rgb(200,200,200));
+ if (clipVoronoi) {
+ // voronoi sections are already set to clip,
+ // just create the circles with the IDs they expect
+ var clips = wrap.append("svg:g").attr("id", "nv-point-clips");
+ clips.selectAll("clipPath")
+ .data(vertices)
+ .enter().append("svg:clipPath")
+ .attr("id", function(d, i) { return "nv-clip-"+i;})
+ .append("svg:circle")
+ .attr('cx', function(d) { return d[0]; })
+ .attr('cy', function(d) { return d[1]; })
+ .attr('r', clipRadius);
+ }
+ var mouseEventCallback = function(d,mDispatch) {
+ if (needsUpdate) return 0;
+ var series = data[d.series];
+ if (typeof series === 'undefined') return;
+ var point = series.values[d.point];
+ mDispatch({
+ point: point,
+ series: series,
+ pos: [x(getX(point, d.point)) + margin.left, y(getY(point, d.point)) + margin.top],
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ pointIndex: d.point
+ });
+ };
+ pointPaths
+ .on('click', function(d) {
+ mouseEventCallback(d, dispatch.elementClick);
+ })
+ .on('dblclick', function(d) {
+ mouseEventCallback(d, dispatch.elementDblClick);
+ })
+ .on('mouseover', function(d) {
+ mouseEventCallback(d, dispatch.elementMouseover);
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d, i) {
+ mouseEventCallback(d, dispatch.elementMouseout);
+ });
+ } else {
+ /*
+ // bring data in form needed for click handlers
+ var dataWithPoints = vertices.map(function(d, i) {
+ return {
+ 'data': d,
+ 'series': vertices[i][2],
+ 'point': vertices[i][3]
+ }
+ });
+ */
+ // add event handlers to points instead voronoi paths
+ wrap.select('.nv-groups').selectAll('.nv-group')
+ .selectAll('.nv-point')
+ //.data(dataWithPoints)
+ //.style('pointer-events', 'auto') // recativate events, disabled by css
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ //nv.log('test', d, i);
+ if (needsUpdate || !data[d.series]) return 0; //check if this is a dummy point
+ var series = data[d.series],
+ point = series.values[i];
+ dispatch.elementClick({
+ point: point,
+ series: series,
+ pos: [x(getX(point, i)) + margin.left, y(getY(point, i)) + margin.top],
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ pointIndex: i
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
+ if (needsUpdate || !data[d.series]) return 0; //check if this is a dummy point
+ var series = data[d.series],
+ point = series.values[i];
+ dispatch.elementMouseover({
+ point: point,
+ series: series,
+ pos: [x(getX(point, i)) + margin.left, y(getY(point, i)) + margin.top],
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ pointIndex: i
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ if (needsUpdate || !data[d.series]) return 0; //check if this is a dummy point
+ var series = data[d.series],
+ point = series.values[i];
+ dispatch.elementMouseout({
+ point: point,
+ series: series,
+ seriesIndex: d.series,
+ pointIndex: i
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ needsUpdate = false;
+ }
+ needsUpdate = true;
+ var groups = wrap.select('.nv-groups').selectAll('.nv-group')
+ .data(function(d) { return d }, function(d) { return d.key });
+ groups.enter().append('g')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1e-6)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1e-6);
+ groups.exit()
+ .remove();
+ groups
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-group nv-series-' + i })
+ .classed('hover', function(d) { return d.hover });
+ groups.watchTransition(renderWatch, 'scatter: groups')
+ .style('fill', function(d,i) { return color(d, i) })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i) { return color(d, i) })
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill-opacity', .5);
+ // create the points
+ var points = groups.selectAll('path.nv-point')
+ .data(function(d) { return d.values });
+ points.enter().append('path')
+ .style('fill', function (d,i) { return d.color })
+ .style('stroke', function (d,i) { return d.color })
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + x0(getX(d,i)) + ',' + y0(getY(d,i)) + ')'
+ })
+ .attr('d',
+ nv.utils.symbol()
+ .type(getShape)
+ .size(function(d,i) { return z(getSize(d,i)) })
+ );
+ points.exit().remove();
+ groups.exit().selectAll('path.nv-point')
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'scatter exit')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ return 'translate(' + x(getX(d,i)) + ',' + y(getY(d,i)) + ')'
+ })
+ .remove();
+ points.each(function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this)
+ .classed('nv-point', true)
+ .classed('nv-point-' + i, true)
+ .classed('hover',false)
+ ;
+ });
+ points
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'scatter points')
+ .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
+ //nv.log(d,i,getX(d,i), x(getX(d,i)));
+ return 'translate(' + x(getX(d,i)) + ',' + y(getY(d,i)) + ')'
+ })
+ .attr('d',
+ nv.utils.symbol()
+ .type(getShape)
+ .size(function(d,i) { return z(getSize(d,i)) })
+ );
+ // Delay updating the invisible interactive layer for smoother animation
+ clearTimeout(timeoutID); // stop repeat calls to updateInteractiveLayer
+ timeoutID = setTimeout(updateInteractiveLayer, 300);
+ //updateInteractiveLayer();
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ x0 = x.copy();
+ y0 = y.copy();
+ z0 = z.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('scatter immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ // utility function calls provided by this chart
+ chart._calls = new function() {
+ this.clearHighlights = function () {
+ d3.selectAll(".nv-chart-" + id + " .nv-point.hover").classed("hover", false);
+ return null;
+ };
+ this.highlightPoint = function (seriesIndex, pointIndex, isHoverOver) {
+ d3.select(".nv-chart-" + id + " .nv-series-" + seriesIndex + " .nv-point-" + pointIndex)
+ .classed("hover", isHoverOver);
+ };
+ };
+ // trigger calls from events too
+ dispatch.on('elementMouseover.point', function(d) {
+ if (interactive) chart._calls.highlightPoint(d.seriesIndex,d.pointIndex,true);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('elementMouseout.point', function(d) {
+ if (interactive) chart._calls.highlightPoint(d.seriesIndex,d.pointIndex,false);
+ });
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ pointScale: {get: function(){return z;}, set: function(_){z=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ pointDomain: {get: function(){return sizeDomain;}, set: function(_){sizeDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ pointRange: {get: function(){return sizeRange;}, set: function(_){sizeRange=_;}},
+ forceX: {get: function(){return forceX;}, set: function(_){forceX=_;}},
+ forceY: {get: function(){return forceY;}, set: function(_){forceY=_;}},
+ forcePoint: {get: function(){return forceSize;}, set: function(_){forceSize=_;}},
+ interactive: {get: function(){return interactive;}, set: function(_){interactive=_;}},
+ pointActive: {get: function(){return pointActive;}, set: function(_){pointActive=_;}},
+ padDataOuter: {get: function(){return padDataOuter;}, set: function(_){padDataOuter=_;}},
+ padData: {get: function(){return padData;}, set: function(_){padData=_;}},
+ clipEdge: {get: function(){return clipEdge;}, set: function(_){clipEdge=_;}},
+ clipVoronoi: {get: function(){return clipVoronoi;}, set: function(_){clipVoronoi=_;}},
+ clipRadius: {get: function(){return clipRadius;}, set: function(_){clipRadius=_;}},
+ id: {get: function(){return id;}, set: function(_){id=_;}},
+ // simple functor options
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX = d3.functor(_);}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY = d3.functor(_);}},
+ pointSize: {get: function(){return getSize;}, set: function(_){getSize = d3.functor(_);}},
+ pointShape: {get: function(){return getShape;}, set: function(_){getShape = d3.functor(_);}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ useVoronoi: {get: function(){return useVoronoi;}, set: function(_){
+ useVoronoi = _;
+ if (useVoronoi === false) {
+ clipVoronoi = false;
+ }
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.scatterChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var scatter = nv.models.scatter()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , distX = nv.models.distribution()
+ , distY = nv.models.distribution()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 75}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , x = scatter.xScale()
+ , y = scatter.yScale()
+ , showDistX = false
+ , showDistY = false
+ , showLegend = true
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltipX = function(key, x, y) { return '
' + x + '' }
+ , tooltipY = function(key, x, y) { return '
' + y + '' }
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, date) { return '
' + key + '
+ + '
' + date + '
' }
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState', 'renderEnd')
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ scatter
+ .xScale(x)
+ .yScale(y)
+ ;
+ xAxis
+ .orient('bottom')
+ .tickPadding(10)
+ ;
+ yAxis
+ .orient((rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left')
+ .tickPadding(10)
+ ;
+ distX
+ .axis('x')
+ ;
+ distY
+ .axis('y')
+ ;
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var x0, y0
+ , renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ //TODO: make tooltip style an option between single or dual on axes (maybe on all charts with axes?
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ leftX = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ topX = y.range()[0] + margin.top + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ leftY = x.range()[0] + margin.left + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ topY = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ xVal = xAxis.tickFormat()(scatter.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ yVal = yAxis.tickFormat()(scatter.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex));
+ if( tooltipX != null )
+ nv.tooltip.show([leftX, topX], tooltipX(e.series.key, xVal, yVal, e, chart), 'n', 1, offsetElement, 'x-nvtooltip');
+ if( tooltipY != null )
+ nv.tooltip.show([leftY, topY], tooltipY(e.series.key, xVal, yVal, e, chart), 'e', 1, offsetElement, 'y-nvtooltip');
+ if( tooltip != null )
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], tooltip(e.series.key, xVal, yVal, e.point.tooltip, e, chart), e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled })
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(scatter);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ if (showDistX) renderWatch.models(distX);
+ if (showDistY) renderWatch.models(distY);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() {
+ if (duration === 0)
+ container.call(chart);
+ else
+ container.transition().duration(duration).call(chart);
+ };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disableddisabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display noData message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('scatter immediate');
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = scatter.xScale();
+ y = scatter.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-scatterChart').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-scatterChart nv-chart-' + scatter.id());
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ // background for pointer events
+ gEnter.append('rect').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-background').style("pointer-events","none");
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-scatterWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-regressionLinesWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-distWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ legend.width( availableWidth / 2 );
+ wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .datum(data)
+ .call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ wrap.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (availableWidth / 2) + ',' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ scatter
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ wrap.select('.nv-scatterWrap')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }))
+ .call(scatter);
+ wrap.select('.nv-regressionLinesWrap')
+ .attr('clip-path', 'url(#nv-edge-clip-' + scatter.id() + ')');
+ var regWrap = wrap.select('.nv-regressionLinesWrap').selectAll('.nv-regLines')
+ .data(function (d) {
+ return d;
+ });
+ regWrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nv-regLines');
+ var regLine = regWrap.selectAll('.nv-regLine')
+ .data(function (d) {
+ return [d]
+ });
+ regLine.enter()
+ .append('line').attr('class', 'nv-regLine')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 0);
+ // don't add lines unless we have slope and intercept to use
+ regLine.filter(function(d) {
+ return d.intercept && d.slope;
+ })
+ .watchTransition(renderWatch, 'scatterPlusLineChart: regline')
+ .attr('x1', x.range()[0])
+ .attr('x2', x.range()[1])
+ .attr('y1', function (d, i) {
+ return y(x.domain()[0] * d.slope + d.intercept)
+ })
+ .attr('y2', function (d, i) {
+ return y(x.domain()[1] * d.slope + d.intercept)
+ })
+ .style('stroke', function (d, i, j) {
+ return color(d, j)
+ })
+ .style('stroke-opacity', function (d, i) {
+ return (d.disabled || typeof d.slope === 'undefined' || typeof d.intercept === 'undefined') ? 0 : 1
+ });
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis
+ .scale(x)
+ .ticks( xAxis.ticks() ? xAxis.ticks() : nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableHeight , 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')')
+ .call(xAxis);
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis
+ .scale(y)
+ .ticks( yAxis.ticks() ? yAxis.ticks() : nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableWidth, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ if (showDistX) {
+ distX
+ .getData(scatter.x())
+ .scale(x)
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ gEnter.select('.nv-distWrap').append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-distributionX');
+ g.select('.nv-distributionX')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + y.range()[0] + ')')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }))
+ .call(distX);
+ }
+ if (showDistY) {
+ distY
+ .getData(scatter.y())
+ .scale(y)
+ .width(availableHeight)
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, i);
+ }).filter(function(d,i) { return !data[i].disabled }));
+ gEnter.select('.nv-distWrap').append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'nv-distributionY');
+ g.select('.nv-distributionY')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (rightAlignYAxis ? availableWidth : -distY.size() ) + ',0)')
+ .datum(data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }))
+ .call(distY);
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ d3.select('.nv-chart-' + scatter.id() + ' .nv-series-' + e.seriesIndex + ' .nv-distx-' + e.pointIndex)
+ .attr('y1', e.pos[1] - availableHeight);
+ d3.select('.nv-chart-' + scatter.id() + ' .nv-series-' + e.seriesIndex + ' .nv-disty-' + e.pointIndex)
+ .attr('x2', e.pos[0] + distX.size());
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ //store old scales for use in transitions on update
+ x0 = x.copy();
+ y0 = y.copy();
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('scatter with line immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ d3.select('.nv-chart-' + scatter.id() + ' .nv-series-' + e.seriesIndex + ' .nv-distx-' + e.pointIndex)
+ .attr('y1', 0);
+ d3.select('.nv-chart-' + scatter.id() + ' .nv-series-' + e.seriesIndex + ' .nv-disty-' + e.pointIndex)
+ .attr('x2', distY.size());
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.scatter = scatter;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.distX = distX;
+ chart.distY = distY;
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showDistX: {get: function(){return showDistX;}, set: function(_){showDistX=_;}},
+ showDistY: {get: function(){return showDistY;}, set: function(_){showDistY=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ tooltipXContent: {get: function(){return tooltipX;}, set: function(_){tooltipX=_;}},
+ tooltipYContent: {get: function(){return tooltipY;}, set: function(_){tooltipY=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){duration=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( (_) ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ distX.color(color);
+ distY.color(color);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, scatter);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.sparkline = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 2, right: 0, bottom: 2, left: 0}
+ , width = 400
+ , height = 32
+ , animate = true
+ , x = d3.scale.linear()
+ , y = d3.scale.linear()
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x }
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y }
+ , color = nv.utils.getColor(['#000'])
+ , xDomain
+ , yDomain
+ , xRange
+ , yRange
+ ;
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup Scales
+ x .domain(xDomain || d3.extent(data, getX ))
+ .range(xRange || [0, availableWidth]);
+ y .domain(yDomain || d3.extent(data, getY ))
+ .range(yRange || [availableHeight, 0]);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-sparkline').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-sparkline');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')')
+ var paths = wrap.selectAll('path')
+ .data(function(d) { return [d] });
+ paths.enter().append('path');
+ paths.exit().remove();
+ paths
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i) { return d.color || color(d, i) })
+ .attr('d', d3.svg.line()
+ .x(function(d,i) { return x(getX(d,i)) })
+ .y(function(d,i) { return y(getY(d,i)) })
+ );
+ // TODO: Add CURRENT data point (Need Min, Mac, Current / Most recent)
+ var points = wrap.selectAll('circle.nv-point')
+ .data(function(data) {
+ var yValues = data.map(function(d, i) { return getY(d,i); });
+ function pointIndex(index) {
+ if (index != -1) {
+ var result = data[index];
+ result.pointIndex = index;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ var maxPoint = pointIndex(yValues.lastIndexOf(y.domain()[1])),
+ minPoint = pointIndex(yValues.indexOf(y.domain()[0])),
+ currentPoint = pointIndex(yValues.length - 1);
+ return [minPoint, maxPoint, currentPoint].filter(function (d) {return d != null;});
+ });
+ points.enter().append('circle');
+ points.exit().remove();
+ points
+ .attr('cx', function(d,i) { return x(getX(d,d.pointIndex)) })
+ .attr('cy', function(d,i) { return y(getY(d,d.pointIndex)) })
+ .attr('r', 2)
+ .attr('class', function(d,i) {
+ return getX(d, d.pointIndex) == x.domain()[1] ? 'nv-point nv-currentValue' :
+ getY(d, d.pointIndex) == y.domain()[0] ? 'nv-point nv-minValue' : 'nv-point nv-maxValue'
+ });
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ xDomain: {get: function(){return xDomain;}, set: function(_){xDomain=_;}},
+ yDomain: {get: function(){return yDomain;}, set: function(_){yDomain=_;}},
+ xRange: {get: function(){return xRange;}, set: function(_){xRange=_;}},
+ yRange: {get: function(){return yRange;}, set: function(_){yRange=_;}},
+ xScale: {get: function(){return x;}, set: function(_){x=_;}},
+ yScale: {get: function(){return y;}, set: function(_){y=_;}},
+ animate: {get: function(){return animate;}, set: function(_){animate=_;}},
+ //functor options
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX=d3.functor(_);}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY=d3.functor(_);}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.sparklinePlus = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var sparkline = nv.models.sparkline();
+ var margin = {top: 15, right: 100, bottom: 10, left: 50}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , x
+ , y
+ , index = []
+ , paused = false
+ , xTickFormat = d3.format(',r')
+ , yTickFormat = d3.format(',.2f')
+ , showValue = true
+ , alignValue = true
+ , rightAlignValue = false
+ , noData = "No Data Available."
+ ;
+ function chart(selection) {
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() { chart(selection) };
+ chart.container = this;
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ var currentValue = sparkline.y()(data[data.length-1], data.length-1);
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = sparkline.xScale();
+ y = sparkline.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-sparklineplus').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-sparklineplus');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-sparklineWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-valueWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-hoverArea');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ // Main Chart Component(s)
+ var sparklineWrap = g.select('.nv-sparklineWrap');
+ sparkline.width(availableWidth).height(availableHeight);
+ sparklineWrap.call(sparkline);
+ var valueWrap = g.select('.nv-valueWrap');
+ var value = valueWrap.selectAll('.nv-currentValue')
+ .data([currentValue]);
+ value.enter().append('text').attr('class', 'nv-currentValue')
+ .attr('dx', rightAlignValue ? -8 : 8)
+ .attr('dy', '.9em')
+ .style('text-anchor', rightAlignValue ? 'end' : 'start');
+ value
+ .attr('x', availableWidth + (rightAlignValue ? margin.right : 0))
+ .attr('y', alignValue ? function(d) { return y(d) } : 0)
+ .style('fill', sparkline.color()(data[data.length-1], data.length-1))
+ .text(yTickFormat(currentValue));
+ gEnter.select('.nv-hoverArea').append('rect')
+ .on('mousemove', sparklineHover)
+ .on('click', function() { paused = !paused })
+ .on('mouseout', function() { index = []; updateValueLine(); });
+ g.select('.nv-hoverArea rect')
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + -margin.left + ',' + -margin.top + ')' })
+ .attr('width', availableWidth + margin.left + margin.right)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight + margin.top);
+ //index is currently global (within the chart), may or may not keep it that way
+ function updateValueLine() {
+ if (paused) return;
+ var hoverValue = g.selectAll('.nv-hoverValue').data(index)
+ var hoverEnter = hoverValue.enter()
+ .append('g').attr('class', 'nv-hoverValue')
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 0)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 0);
+ hoverValue.exit()
+ .transition().duration(250)
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 0)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 0)
+ .remove();
+ hoverValue
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return 'translate(' + x(sparkline.x()(data[d],d)) + ',0)' })
+ .transition().duration(250)
+ .style('stroke-opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill-opacity', 1);
+ if (!index.length) return;
+ hoverEnter.append('line')
+ .attr('x1', 0)
+ .attr('y1', -margin.top)
+ .attr('x2', 0)
+ .attr('y2', availableHeight);
+ hoverEnter.append('text').attr('class', 'nv-xValue')
+ .attr('x', -6)
+ .attr('y', -margin.top)
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
+ .attr('dy', '.9em')
+ g.select('.nv-hoverValue .nv-xValue')
+ .text(xTickFormat(sparkline.x()(data[index[0]], index[0])));
+ hoverEnter.append('text').attr('class', 'nv-yValue')
+ .attr('x', 6)
+ .attr('y', -margin.top)
+ .attr('text-anchor', 'start')
+ .attr('dy', '.9em')
+ g.select('.nv-hoverValue .nv-yValue')
+ .text(yTickFormat(sparkline.y()(data[index[0]], index[0])));
+ }
+ function sparklineHover() {
+ if (paused) return;
+ var pos = d3.mouse(this)[0] - margin.left;
+ function getClosestIndex(data, x) {
+ var distance = Math.abs(sparkline.x()(data[0], 0) - x);
+ var closestIndex = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
+ if (Math.abs(sparkline.x()(data[i], i) - x) < distance) {
+ distance = Math.abs(sparkline.x()(data[i], i) - x);
+ closestIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return closestIndex;
+ }
+ index = [getClosestIndex(data, Math.round(x.invert(pos)))];
+ updateValueLine();
+ }
+ });
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.sparkline = sparkline;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ xTickFormat: {get: function(){return xTickFormat;}, set: function(_){xTickFormat=_;}},
+ yTickFormat: {get: function(){return yTickFormat;}, set: function(_){yTickFormat=_;}},
+ showValue: {get: function(){return showValue;}, set: function(_){showValue=_;}},
+ alignValue: {get: function(){return alignValue;}, set: function(_){alignValue=_;}},
+ rightAlignValue: {get: function(){return rightAlignValue;}, set: function(_){rightAlignValue=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, sparkline);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.stackedArea = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var margin = {top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0}
+ , width = 960
+ , height = 500
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor() // a function that computes the color
+ , id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) //Create semi-unique ID incase user doesn't selet one
+ , getX = function(d) { return d.x } // accessor to get the x value from a data point
+ , getY = function(d) { return d.y } // accessor to get the y value from a data point
+ , style = 'stack'
+ , offset = 'zero'
+ , order = 'default'
+ , interpolate = 'linear' // controls the line interpolation
+ , clipEdge = false // if true, masks lines within x and y scale
+ , x //can be accessed via chart.xScale()
+ , y //can be accessed via chart.yScale()
+ , scatter = nv.models.scatter()
+ , duration = 250
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'areaClick', 'areaMouseover', 'areaMouseout','renderEnd')
+ ;
+ // scatter is interactive by default, but this chart isn't so must disable
+ scatter.interactive(false);
+ scatter
+ .pointSize(2.2) // default size
+ .pointDomain([2.2, 2.2]) // all the same size by default
+ ;
+ /************************************
+ * offset:
+ * 'wiggle' (stream)
+ * 'zero' (stacked)
+ * 'expand' (normalize to 100%)
+ * 'silhouette' (simple centered)
+ *
+ * order:
+ * 'inside-out' (stream)
+ * 'default' (input order)
+ ************************************/
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch, duration);
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(scatter);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var availableWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
+ container = d3.select(this);
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = scatter.xScale();
+ y = scatter.yScale();
+ var dataRaw = data;
+ // Injecting point index into each point because d3.layout.stack().out does not give index
+ data.forEach(function(aseries, i) {
+ aseries.seriesIndex = i;
+ aseries.values = aseries.values.map(function(d, j) {
+ d.index = j;
+ d.seriesIndex = i;
+ return d;
+ });
+ });
+ var dataFiltered = data.filter(function(series) {
+ return !series.disabled;
+ });
+ data = d3.layout.stack()
+ .order(order)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .values(function(d) { return d.values }) //TODO: make values customizeable in EVERY model in this fashion
+ .x(getX)
+ .y(getY)
+ .out(function(d, y0, y) {
+ var yHeight = (getY(d) === 0) ? 0 : y;
+ d.display = {
+ y: yHeight,
+ y0: y0
+ };
+ })
+ (dataFiltered);
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-stackedarea').data([data]);
+ var wrapEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-stackedarea');
+ var defsEnter = wrapEnter.append('defs');
+ var gEnter = wrapEnter.append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-areaWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-scatterWrap');
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ scatter
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .x(getX)
+ .y(function(d) { return d.display.y + d.display.y0 })
+ .forceY([0])
+ .color(data.map(function(d,i) {
+ return d.color || color(d, d.seriesIndex);
+ }));
+ var scatterWrap = g.select('.nv-scatterWrap')
+ .datum(data);
+ scatterWrap.call(scatter);
+ defsEnter.append('clipPath')
+ .attr('id', 'nv-edge-clip-' + id)
+ .append('rect');
+ wrap.select('#nv-edge-clip-' + id + ' rect')
+ .attr('width', availableWidth)
+ .attr('height', availableHeight);
+ g.attr('clip-path', clipEdge ? 'url(#nv-edge-clip-' + id + ')' : '');
+ var area = d3.svg.area()
+ .x(function(d,i) { return x(getX(d,i)) })
+ .y0(function(d) {
+ return y(d.display.y0)
+ })
+ .y1(function(d) {
+ return y(d.display.y + d.display.y0)
+ })
+ .interpolate(interpolate);
+ var zeroArea = d3.svg.area()
+ .x(function(d,i) { return x(getX(d,i)) })
+ .y0(function(d) { return y(d.display.y0) })
+ .y1(function(d) { return y(d.display.y0) });
+ var path = g.select('.nv-areaWrap').selectAll('path.nv-area')
+ .data(function(d) { return d });
+ path.enter().append('path').attr('class', function(d,i) { return 'nv-area nv-area-' + i })
+ .attr('d', function(d,i){
+ return zeroArea(d.values, d.seriesIndex);
+ })
+ .on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
+ dispatch.areaMouseover({
+ point: d,
+ series: d.key,
+ pos: [d3.event.pageX, d3.event.pageY],
+ seriesIndex: d.seriesIndex
+ });
+ })
+ .on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ dispatch.areaMouseout({
+ point: d,
+ series: d.key,
+ pos: [d3.event.pageX, d3.event.pageY],
+ seriesIndex: d.seriesIndex
+ });
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d,i) {
+ d3.select(this).classed('hover', false);
+ dispatch.areaClick({
+ point: d,
+ series: d.key,
+ pos: [d3.event.pageX, d3.event.pageY],
+ seriesIndex: d.seriesIndex
+ });
+ });
+ path.exit().remove();
+ path.style('fill', function(d,i){
+ return d.color || color(d, d.seriesIndex)
+ })
+ .style('stroke', function(d,i){ return d.color || color(d, d.seriesIndex) });
+ path.watchTransition(renderWatch,'stackedArea path')
+ .attr('d', function(d,i) {
+ return area(d.values,i)
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.area', function(e) {
+ g.select('.nv-chart-' + id + ' .nv-area-' + e.seriesIndex).classed('hover', true);
+ });
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.area', function(e) {
+ g.select('.nv-chart-' + id + ' .nv-area-' + e.seriesIndex).classed('hover', false);
+ });
+ //Special offset functions
+ chart.d3_stackedOffset_stackPercent = function(stackData) {
+ var n = stackData.length, //How many series
+ m = stackData[0].length, //how many points per series
+ k = 1 / n,
+ i,
+ j,
+ o,
+ y0 = [];
+ for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { //Looping through all points
+ for (i = 0, o = 0; i < dataRaw.length; i++) { //looping through series'
+ o += getY(dataRaw[i].values[j]); //total value of all points at a certian point in time.
+ }
+ if (o) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ stackData[i][j][1] /= o;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ stackData[i][j][1] = k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) y0[j] = 0;
+ return y0;
+ };
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('stackedArea immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementClick.area', function(e) {
+ dispatch.areaClick(e);
+ });
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseover.tooltip', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top],
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ scatter.dispatch.on('elementMouseout.tooltip', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Global getters and setters
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.scatter = scatter;
+ chart.interpolate = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return interpolate;
+ interpolate = _;
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.duration = function(_) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return duration;
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ scatter.duration(duration);
+ return chart;
+ };
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ clipEdge: {get: function(){return clipEdge;}, set: function(_){clipEdge=_;}},
+ offset: {get: function(){return offset;}, set: function(_){offset=_;}},
+ order: {get: function(){return order;}, set: function(_){order=_;}},
+ interpolate: {get: function(){return interpolate;}, set: function(_){interpolate=_;}},
+ // simple functor options
+ x: {get: function(){return getX;}, set: function(_){getX = d3.functor(_);}},
+ y: {get: function(){return getY;}, set: function(_){getY = d3.functor(_);}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ }},
+ style: {get: function(){return style;}, set: function(_){
+ style = _;
+ switch (style) {
+ case 'stack':
+ chart.offset('zero');
+ chart.order('default');
+ break;
+ case 'stream':
+ chart.offset('wiggle');
+ chart.order('inside-out');
+ break;
+ case 'stream-center':
+ chart.offset('silhouette');
+ chart.order('inside-out');
+ break;
+ case 'expand':
+ chart.offset('expand');
+ chart.order('default');
+ break;
+ case 'stack_percent':
+ chart.offset(chart.d3_stackedOffset_stackPercent);
+ chart.order('default');
+ break;
+ }
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ scatter.duration(duration);
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, scatter);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.models.stackedAreaChart = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ //============================================================
+ // Public Variables with Default Settings
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var stacked = nv.models.stackedArea()
+ , xAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , yAxis = nv.models.axis()
+ , legend = nv.models.legend()
+ , controls = nv.models.legend()
+ , interactiveLayer = nv.interactiveGuideline()
+ ;
+ var margin = {top: 30, right: 25, bottom: 50, left: 60}
+ , width = null
+ , height = null
+ , color = nv.utils.defaultColor()
+ , showControls = true
+ , showLegend = true
+ , showXAxis = true
+ , showYAxis = true
+ , rightAlignYAxis = false
+ , useInteractiveGuideline = false
+ , tooltips = true
+ , tooltip = function(key, x, y, e, graph) {
+ return '
' + key + '
' +
+ '
' + y + ' on ' + x + '
+ }
+ , x //can be accessed via chart.xScale()
+ , y //can be accessed via chart.yScale()
+ , yAxisTickFormat = d3.format(',.2f')
+ , state = nv.utils.state()
+ , defaultState = null
+ , noData = 'No Data Available.'
+ , dispatch = d3.dispatch('tooltipShow', 'tooltipHide', 'stateChange', 'changeState','renderEnd')
+ , controlWidth = 250
+ , cData = ['Stacked','Stream','Expanded']
+ , controlLabels = {}
+ , duration = 250
+ ;
+ state.style = stacked.style();
+ xAxis.orient('bottom').tickPadding(7);
+ yAxis.orient((rightAlignYAxis) ? 'right' : 'left');
+ controls.updateState(false);
+ //============================================================
+ // Private Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ var renderWatch = nv.utils.renderWatch(dispatch);
+ var style = stacked.style();
+ var showTooltip = function(e, offsetElement) {
+ var left = e.pos[0] + ( offsetElement.offsetLeft || 0 ),
+ top = e.pos[1] + ( offsetElement.offsetTop || 0),
+ x = xAxis.tickFormat()(stacked.x()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ y = yAxis.tickFormat()(stacked.y()(e.point, e.pointIndex)),
+ content = tooltip(e.series.key, x, y, e, chart);
+ nv.tooltip.show([left, top], content, e.value < 0 ? 'n' : 's', null, offsetElement);
+ };
+ var stateGetter = function(data) {
+ return function(){
+ return {
+ active: data.map(function(d) { return !d.disabled }),
+ style: stacked.style()
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var stateSetter = function(data) {
+ return function(state) {
+ if (state.style !== undefined)
+ style = state.style;
+ if (state.active !== undefined)
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = !state.active[i];
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function chart(selection) {
+ renderWatch.reset();
+ renderWatch.models(stacked);
+ if (showXAxis) renderWatch.models(xAxis);
+ if (showYAxis) renderWatch.models(yAxis);
+ selection.each(function(data) {
+ var container = d3.select(this),
+ that = this;
+ nv.utils.initSVG(container);
+ var availableWidth = (width || parseInt(container.style('width')) || 960)
+ - margin.left - margin.right,
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ chart.update = function() { container.transition().duration(duration).call(chart); };
+ chart.container = this;
+ state
+ .setter(stateSetter(data), chart.update)
+ .getter(stateGetter(data))
+ .update();
+ // DEPRECATED set state.disabled
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ if (!defaultState) {
+ var key;
+ defaultState = {};
+ for (key in state) {
+ if (state[key] instanceof Array)
+ defaultState[key] = state[key].slice(0);
+ else
+ defaultState[key] = state[key];
+ }
+ }
+ // Display No Data message if there's nothing to show.
+ if (!data || !data.length || !data.filter(function(d) { return d.values.length }).length) {
+ var noDataText = container.selectAll('.nv-noData').data([noData]);
+ noDataText.enter().append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-noData')
+ .attr('dy', '-.7em')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle');
+ noDataText
+ .attr('x', margin.left + availableWidth / 2)
+ .attr('y', margin.top + availableHeight / 2)
+ .text(function(d) { return d });
+ return chart;
+ } else {
+ container.selectAll('.nv-noData').remove();
+ }
+ // Setup Scales
+ x = stacked.xScale();
+ y = stacked.yScale();
+ // Setup containers and skeleton of chart
+ var wrap = container.selectAll('g.nv-wrap.nv-stackedAreaChart').data([data]);
+ var gEnter = wrap.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'nvd3 nv-wrap nv-stackedAreaChart').append('g');
+ var g = wrap.select('g');
+ gEnter.append("rect").style("opacity",0);
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-x nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-y nv-axis');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-stackedWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-legendWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-controlsWrap');
+ gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'nv-interactive');
+ g.select("rect").attr("width",availableWidth).attr("height",availableHeight);
+ // Legend
+ if (showLegend) {
+ var legendWidth = (showControls) ? availableWidth - controlWidth : availableWidth;
+ legend.width(legendWidth);
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap').datum(data).call(legend);
+ if ( margin.top != legend.height()) {
+ margin.top = legend.height();
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-legendWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (availableWidth-legendWidth) + ',' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ // Controls
+ if (showControls) {
+ var controlsData = [
+ {
+ key: controlLabels.stacked || 'Stacked',
+ metaKey: 'Stacked',
+ disabled: stacked.style() != 'stack',
+ style: 'stack'
+ },
+ {
+ key: controlLabels.stream || 'Stream',
+ metaKey: 'Stream',
+ disabled: stacked.style() != 'stream',
+ style: 'stream'
+ },
+ {
+ key: controlLabels.expanded || 'Expanded',
+ metaKey: 'Expanded',
+ disabled: stacked.style() != 'expand',
+ style: 'expand'
+ },
+ {
+ key: controlLabels.stack_percent || 'Stack %',
+ metaKey: 'Stack_Percent',
+ disabled: stacked.style() != 'stack_percent',
+ style: 'stack_percent'
+ }
+ ];
+ controlWidth = (cData.length/3) * 260;
+ controlsData = controlsData.filter(function(d) {
+ return cData.indexOf(d.metaKey) !== -1;
+ });
+ controls
+ .width( controlWidth )
+ .color(['#444', '#444', '#444']);
+ g.select('.nv-controlsWrap')
+ .datum(controlsData)
+ .call(controls);
+ if ( margin.top != Math.max(controls.height(), legend.height()) ) {
+ margin.top = Math.max(controls.height(), legend.height());
+ availableHeight = (height || parseInt(container.style('height')) || 400)
+ - margin.top - margin.bottom;
+ }
+ g.select('.nv-controlsWrap')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (-margin.top) +')');
+ }
+ wrap.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
+ if (rightAlignYAxis) {
+ g.select(".nv-y.nv-axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + availableWidth + ",0)");
+ }
+ //Set up interactive layer
+ if (useInteractiveGuideline) {
+ interactiveLayer
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight)
+ .margin({left: margin.left, top: margin.top})
+ .svgContainer(container)
+ .xScale(x);
+ wrap.select(".nv-interactive").call(interactiveLayer);
+ }
+ stacked
+ .width(availableWidth)
+ .height(availableHeight);
+ var stackedWrap = g.select('.nv-stackedWrap')
+ .datum(data);
+ stackedWrap.transition().call(stacked);
+ // Setup Axes
+ if (showXAxis) {
+ xAxis.scale(x)
+ .ticks( nv.utils.calcTicksX(availableWidth/100, data) )
+ .tickSize( -availableHeight, 0);
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + availableHeight + ')');
+ g.select('.nv-x.nv-axis')
+ .transition().duration(0)
+ .call(xAxis);
+ }
+ if (showYAxis) {
+ yAxis.scale(y)
+ .ticks(stacked.offset() == 'wiggle' ? 0 : nv.utils.calcTicksY(availableHeight/36, data) )
+ .tickSize(-availableWidth, 0)
+ .setTickFormat( (stacked.style() == 'expand' || stacked.style() == 'stack_percent')
+ ? d3.format('%') : yAxisTickFormat);
+ g.select('.nv-y.nv-axis')
+ .transition().duration(0)
+ .call(yAxis);
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (in chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ stacked.dispatch.on('areaClick.toggle', function(e) {
+ if (data.filter(function(d) { return !d.disabled }).length === 1)
+ data.forEach(function(d) {
+ d.disabled = false;
+ });
+ else
+ data.forEach(function(d,i) {
+ d.disabled = (i != e.seriesIndex);
+ });
+ state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ legend.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(newState) {
+ for (var key in newState)
+ state[key] = newState[key];
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ controls.dispatch.on('legendClick', function(d,i) {
+ if (!d.disabled) return;
+ controlsData = controlsData.map(function(s) {
+ s.disabled = true;
+ return s;
+ });
+ d.disabled = false;
+ stacked.style(d.style);
+ state.style = stacked.style();
+ dispatch.stateChange(state);
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on('elementMousemove', function(e) {
+ stacked.clearHighlights();
+ var singlePoint, pointIndex, pointXLocation, allData = [];
+ data
+ .filter(function(series, i) {
+ series.seriesIndex = i;
+ return !series.disabled;
+ })
+ .forEach(function(series,i) {
+ pointIndex = nv.interactiveBisect(series.values, e.pointXValue, chart.x());
+ stacked.highlightPoint(i, pointIndex, true);
+ var point = series.values[pointIndex];
+ if (typeof point === 'undefined') return;
+ if (typeof singlePoint === 'undefined') singlePoint = point;
+ if (typeof pointXLocation === 'undefined') pointXLocation = chart.xScale()(chart.x()(point,pointIndex));
+ //If we are in 'expand' mode, use the stacked percent value instead of raw value.
+ var tooltipValue = (stacked.style() == 'expand') ? point.display.y : chart.y()(point,pointIndex);
+ allData.push({
+ key: series.key,
+ value: tooltipValue,
+ color: color(series,series.seriesIndex),
+ stackedValue: point.display
+ });
+ });
+ allData.reverse();
+ //Highlight the tooltip entry based on which stack the mouse is closest to.
+ if (allData.length > 2) {
+ var yValue = chart.yScale().invert(e.mouseY);
+ var yDistMax = Infinity, indexToHighlight = null;
+ allData.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ //To handle situation where the stacked area chart is negative, we need to use absolute values
+ //when checking if the mouse Y value is within the stack area.
+ yValue = Math.abs(yValue);
+ var stackedY0 = Math.abs(series.stackedValue.y0);
+ var stackedY = Math.abs(series.stackedValue.y);
+ if ( yValue >= stackedY0 && yValue <= (stackedY + stackedY0))
+ {
+ indexToHighlight = i;
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ if (indexToHighlight != null)
+ allData[indexToHighlight].highlight = true;
+ }
+ var xValue = xAxis.tickFormat()(chart.x()(singlePoint,pointIndex));
+ //If we are in 'expand' mode, force the format to be a percentage.
+ var valueFormatter = (stacked.style() == 'expand') ?
+ function(d,i) {return d3.format(".1%")(d);} :
+ function(d,i) {return yAxis.tickFormat()(d); };
+ interactiveLayer.tooltip
+ .position({left: pointXLocation + margin.left, top: e.mouseY + margin.top})
+ .chartContainer(that.parentNode)
+ .enabled(tooltips)
+ .valueFormatter(valueFormatter)
+ .data(
+ {
+ value: xValue,
+ series: allData
+ }
+ )();
+ interactiveLayer.renderGuideLine(pointXLocation);
+ });
+ interactiveLayer.dispatch.on("elementMouseout",function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide();
+ stacked.clearHighlights();
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ if (tooltips) showTooltip(e, that.parentNode);
+ });
+ // Update chart from a state object passed to event handler
+ dispatch.on('changeState', function(e) {
+ if (typeof e.disabled !== 'undefined' && data.length === e.disabled.length) {
+ data.forEach(function(series,i) {
+ series.disabled = e.disabled[i];
+ });
+ state.disabled = e.disabled;
+ }
+ if (typeof e.style !== 'undefined') {
+ stacked.style(e.style);
+ style = e.style;
+ }
+ chart.update();
+ });
+ });
+ renderWatch.renderEnd('stacked Area chart immediate');
+ return chart;
+ }
+ //============================================================
+ // Event Handling/Dispatching (out of chart's scope)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ stacked.dispatch.on('tooltipShow', function(e) {
+ e.pos = [e.pos[0] + margin.left, e.pos[1] + margin.top];
+ dispatch.tooltipShow(e);
+ });
+ stacked.dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function(e) {
+ dispatch.tooltipHide(e);
+ });
+ dispatch.on('tooltipHide', function() {
+ if (tooltips) nv.tooltip.cleanup();
+ });
+ //============================================================
+ // Expose Public Variables
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // expose chart's sub-components
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.stacked = stacked;
+ chart.legend = legend;
+ chart.controls = controls;
+ chart.xAxis = xAxis;
+ chart.yAxis = yAxis;
+ chart.interactiveLayer = interactiveLayer;
+ yAxis.setTickFormat = yAxis.tickFormat;
+ chart.dispatch = dispatch;
+ chart.options = nv.utils.optionsFunc.bind(chart);
+ chart._options = Object.create({}, {
+ // simple options, just get/set the necessary values
+ width: {get: function(){return width;}, set: function(_){width=_;}},
+ height: {get: function(){return height;}, set: function(_){height=_;}},
+ showLegend: {get: function(){return showLegend;}, set: function(_){showLegend=_;}},
+ showXAxis: {get: function(){return showXAxis;}, set: function(_){showXAxis=_;}},
+ showYAxis: {get: function(){return showYAxis;}, set: function(_){showYAxis=_;}},
+ tooltips: {get: function(){return tooltips;}, set: function(_){tooltips=_;}},
+ tooltipContent: {get: function(){return tooltip;}, set: function(_){tooltip=_;}},
+ defaultState: {get: function(){return defaultState;}, set: function(_){defaultState=_;}},
+ noData: {get: function(){return noData;}, set: function(_){noData=_;}},
+ showControls: {get: function(){return showControls;}, set: function(_){showControls=_;}},
+ controlLabels: {get: function(){return controlLabels;}, set: function(_){controlLabels=_;}},
+ yAxisTickFormat: {get: function(){return yAxisTickFormat;}, set: function(_){yAxisTickFormat=_;}},
+ // options that require extra logic in the setter
+ margin: {get: function(){return margin;}, set: function(_){
+ margin.top = _.top !== undefined ? _.top : margin.top;
+ margin.right = _.right !== undefined ? _.right : margin.right;
+ margin.bottom = _.bottom !== undefined ? _.bottom : margin.bottom;
+ margin.left = _.left !== undefined ? _.left : margin.left;
+ }},
+ duration: {get: function(){return duration;}, set: function(_){
+ duration = _;
+ renderWatch.reset(duration);
+ stacked.duration(duration);
+ xAxis.duration(duration);
+ yAxis.duration(duration);
+ }},
+ color: {get: function(){return color;}, set: function(_){
+ color = nv.utils.getColor(_);
+ legend.color(color);
+ stacked.color(color);
+ }},
+ rightAlignYAxis: {get: function(){return rightAlignYAxis;}, set: function(_){
+ rightAlignYAxis = _;
+ yAxis.orient( rightAlignYAxis ? 'right' : 'left');
+ }},
+ useInteractiveGuideline: {get: function(){return useInteractiveGuideline;}, set: function(_){
+ useInteractiveGuideline = !!_;
+ if (_) {
+ chart.interactive(false);
+ chart.useVoronoi(false);
+ }
+ }}
+ });
+ nv.utils.inheritOptions(chart, stacked);
+ nv.utils.initOptions(chart);
+ return chart;
+nv.version = "1.7.1";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/alldevices/public/js/stream_layers.js b/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/alldevices/public/js/stream_layers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43d7cfe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/alldevices/public/js/stream_layers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* Inspired by Lee Byron's test data generator. */
+function stream_layers(n, m, o) {
+ if (arguments.length < 3) o = 0;
+ function bump(a) {
+ var x = 1 / (.1 + Math.random()),
+ y = 2 * Math.random() - .5,
+ z = 10 / (.1 + Math.random());
+ for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ var w = (i / m - y) * z;
+ a[i] += x * Math.exp(-w * w);
+ }
+ }
+ return d3.range(n).map(function() {
+ var a = [], i;
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) a[i] = o + o * Math.random();
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) bump(a);
+ return a.map(stream_index);
+ });
+/* Another layer generator using gamma distributions. */
+function stream_waves(n, m) {
+ return d3.range(n).map(function(i) {
+ return d3.range(m).map(function(j) {
+ var x = 20 * j / m - i / 3;
+ return 2 * x * Math.exp(-.5 * x);
+ }).map(stream_index);
+ });
+function stream_index(d, i) {
+ return {x: i, y: Math.max(0, d)};
diff --git a/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/firealarm/firealarm.hbs b/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/firealarm/firealarm.hbs
index ce2c1544..ffbde56e 100644
--- a/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/firealarm/firealarm.hbs
+++ b/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/firealarm/firealarm.hbs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
for Ethernet
diff --git a/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/mydevice/mydevice.hbs b/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/mydevice/mydevice.hbs
index 5f1767f0..b346c406 100644
--- a/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/mydevice/mydevice.hbs
+++ b/modules/distribution/src/repository/jaggeryapps/iot/units/mydevice/mydevice.hbs
@@ -33,78 +33,42 @@