diff --git a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIJmeterTestCase.java b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIJmeterTestCase.java
index b8419a1e..205b5382 100644
--- a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIJmeterTestCase.java
+++ b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIJmeterTestCase.java
@@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ public class AndroidDeviceManagementAPIJmeterTestCase {
public void permutationTest() throws AutomationFrameworkException {
URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(
- "jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIAdditionalPermutations.jmx");
- JMeterTest script = new JMeterTest(
- new File(url.getPath()));
+ "jmeter-scripts" + File.separator + "AndroidDeviceManagementAPIAdditionalPermutations.jmx");
+ JMeterTest script = new JMeterTest(new File(url.getPath()));
JMeterTestManager manager = new JMeterTestManager();
log.info("Running permutation test using jmeter scripts");
@@ -46,13 +45,11 @@ public class AndroidDeviceManagementAPIJmeterTestCase {
@Test(dependsOnMethods = {"permutationTest"})
public void listServices() throws AutomationFrameworkException {
- URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(
- "jmeter-scripts/NewAndroidDeviceManagementAPI.jmx");
- JMeterTest script = new JMeterTest(
- new File(url.getPath()));
+ URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
+ .getResource("jmeter-scripts" + File.separator + "NewAndroidDeviceManagementAPI.jmx");
+ JMeterTest script = new JMeterTest(new File(url.getPath()));
JMeterTestManager manager = new JMeterTestManager();
log.info("Running API service test using jmeter scripts");
diff --git a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/DeviceManagementAPINegativeTestCase.java b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/DeviceManagementAPINegativeTestCase.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d973685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/DeviceManagementAPINegativeTestCase.java
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
+ * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.wso2.iot.integration.jmeter;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.exceptions.AutomationFrameworkException;
+import org.wso2.carbon.automation.extensions.jmeter.JMeterTest;
+import org.wso2.carbon.automation.extensions.jmeter.JMeterTestManager;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.net.URL;
+ * This is to test the Device Management API scenarios, which gives a bad response.
+ */
+public class DeviceManagementAPINegativeTestCase {
+ @Test(description = "This test case tests the response when the APIs are called with invalid payloads and without"
+ + " required parameters")
+ public void negativeTests() throws AutomationFrameworkException {
+ URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
+ .getResource("jmeter-scripts" + File.separator + "AndroidDeviceManagementAPI_Negative_Tests.jmx");
+ JMeterTest script = new JMeterTest(new File(url.getPath()));
+ JMeterTestManager manager = new JMeterTestManager();
+ manager.runTest(script);
+ }
diff --git a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/GroupManagementJMeterTestCase.java b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/GroupManagementJMeterTestCase.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d4bb257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/java/org/wso2/iot/integration/jmeter/GroupManagementJMeterTestCase.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2017, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved.
+* WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
+* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+* in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+package org.wso2.iot.integration.jmeter;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine.exceptions.AutomationFrameworkException;
+import org.wso2.carbon.automation.extensions.jmeter.JMeterTest;
+import org.wso2.carbon.automation.extensions.jmeter.JMeterTestManager;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.net.URL;
+ * This test case is used to run the jmeter test cases related with Group Management APIs.
+ */
+public class GroupManagementJMeterTestCase {
+ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GroupManagementJMeterTestCase.class);
+ @Test(description = "This test case tests the Group Management APIs")
+ public void GroupManagementTest() throws AutomationFrameworkException {
+ URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
+ .getResource("jmeter-scripts" + File.separator + "GroupManagementAPI.jmx");
+ JMeterTest script = new JMeterTest(new File(url.getPath()));
+ JMeterTestManager manager = new JMeterTestManager();
+ log.info("Running group management api test cases using jmeter scripts");
+ manager.runTest(script);
+ }
diff --git a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIAdditionalPermutations.jmx b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIAdditionalPermutations.jmx
index c99af367..9415a4fa 100644
--- a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIAdditionalPermutations.jmx
+++ b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPIAdditionalPermutations.jmx
@@ -312,12 +312,10 @@
- "callbackUrl":"www.google.lk",
- "clientName":"app_${randAppNum}",
- "tokenScope":"Production",
- "owner":"user111",
- "grantType":"password refresh_token",
- "saasApp":true
+ "applicationName":"app_${randAppNum}",
+ "isAllowedToAllDomains":false,
+ "tags":["android", "device_management"],
+ "isMappingAnExistingOAuthApp":false
@@ -329,7 +327,7 @@
- /api/appm/oauth/v1.0/register
+ /api-application-registration/register
@@ -348,7 +346,7 @@
+ localhost:9763
@@ -360,7 +358,7 @@
- "clientId":"(.+?)"
+ "client_id":"(.+?)"
@@ -369,7 +367,7 @@
- "clientSecret":"(.+?)"
+ "client_secret":"(.+?)"
@@ -416,7 +414,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- appm:subscribe device:view activity:view device:android:operation:change-lock device:admin:view configuration:view device:android:enroll user:view
+ perm:android:enroll perm:android:wipe perm:android:ring perm:android:lock-devices perm:android:configure-vpn perm:android:configure-wifi perm:android:enroll perm:android:uninstall-application perm:android:manage-configuration perm:android:location perm:android:install-application perm:android:mute perm:android:change-lock-code perm:android:blacklist-applications perm:android:set-password-policy perm:android:encrypt-storage perm:android:clear-password perm:android:enterprise-wipe perm:android:info perm:android:view-configuration perm:android:upgrade-firmware perm:android:set-webclip perm:android:send-notification perm:android:disenroll perm:android:update-application perm:android:unlock-devices perm:android:control-camera perm:android:reboot perm:android:logcat appm:subscribe perm:sign-csr perm:admin:devices:view perm:roles:add perm:roles:add-users perm:roles:update perm:roles:permissions perm:roles:details perm:roles:view perm:roles:create-combined-role perm:roles:delete perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count perm:dashboard:non-compliant perm:dashboard:by-groups perm:dashboard:device-counts perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant perm:dashboard:count-overview perm:dashboard:filtered-count perm:dashboard:details perm:get-activity perm:devices:delete perm:devices:applications perm:devices:effective-policy perm:devices:compliance-data perm:devices:features perm:devices:operations perm:devices:search perm:devices:details perm:devices:update perm:devices:view perm:view-configuration perm:manage-configuration perm:policies:remove perm:policies:priorities perm:policies:deactivate perm:policies:get-policy-details perm:policies:manage perm:policies:activate perm:policies:update perm:policies:changes perm:policies:get-details perm:users:add perm:users:details perm:users:count perm:users:delete perm:users:roles perm:users:user-details perm:users:credentials perm:users:search perm:users:is-exist perm:users:update perm:users:send-invitation perm:admin-users:view perm:groups:devices perm:groups:update perm:groups:add perm:groups:device perm:groups:devices-count perm:groups:remove perm:groups:groups perm:groups:groups-view perm:groups:share perm:groups:count perm:groups:roles perm:groups:devices-remove perm:groups:devices-add perm:groups:assign perm:device-types:features perm:device-types:types perm:applications:install perm:applications:uninstall perm:admin-groups:count perm:admin-groups:view perm:notifications:mark-checked perm:notifications:view perm:admin:certificates:delete perm:admin:certificates:details perm:admin:certificates:view perm:admin:certificates:add perm:admin:certificates:verify perm:ios:enroll perm:ios:view-device perm:ios:apn perm:ios:ldap perm:ios:enterprise-app perm:ios:store-application perm:ios:remove-application perm:ios:app-list perm:ios:profile-list perm:ios:lock perm:ios:enterprise-wipe perm:ios:device-info perm:ios:restriction perm:ios:email perm:ios:cellular perm:ios:applications perm:ios:wifi perm:ios:ring perm:ios:location perm:ios:notification perm:ios:airplay perm:ios:caldav perm:ios:cal-subscription perm:ios:passcode-policy perm:ios:webclip perm:ios:vpn perm:ios:per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-to-per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-lock perm:ios:clear-passcode perm:ios:remove-profile perm:ios:get-restrictions perm:ios:wipe-data perm:admin perm:android:applications
@@ -429,7 +427,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- /oauth2/token
+ /token
@@ -626,12 +624,10 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- "callbackUrl":"www.google.lk",
- "clientName":"appp_${randAppNum}",
- "tokenScope":"Production",
- "owner":"admin",
- "grantType":"password refresh_token",
- "saasApp":true
+ "applicationName":"app_${randAppNum}",
+ "isAllowedToAllDomains":false,
+ "tags":["android", "device_management"],
+ "isMappingAnExistingOAuthApp":false
@@ -643,7 +639,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- /api/appm/oauth/v1.0/register
+ /api-application-registration/register
@@ -662,7 +658,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
+ localhost:9763
@@ -674,7 +670,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- "clientId":"(.+?)"
+ "client_id":"(.+?)"
@@ -683,7 +679,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- "clientSecret":"(.+?)"
+ "client_secret":"(.+?)"
@@ -730,7 +726,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- appm:subscribe device:view activity:view device:android:operation:change-lock device:admin:view configuration:view device:android:enroll user:view
+ perm:android:enroll perm:android:wipe perm:android:ring perm:android:lock-devices perm:android:configure-vpn perm:android:configure-wifi perm:android:enroll perm:android:uninstall-application perm:android:manage-configuration perm:android:location perm:android:install-application perm:android:mute perm:android:change-lock-code perm:android:blacklist-applications perm:android:set-password-policy perm:android:encrypt-storage perm:android:clear-password perm:android:enterprise-wipe perm:android:info perm:android:view-configuration perm:android:upgrade-firmware perm:android:set-webclip perm:android:send-notification perm:android:disenroll perm:android:update-application perm:android:unlock-devices perm:android:control-camera perm:android:reboot perm:android:logcat appm:subscribe perm:sign-csr perm:admin:devices:view perm:roles:add perm:roles:add-users perm:roles:update perm:roles:permissions perm:roles:details perm:roles:view perm:roles:create-combined-role perm:roles:delete perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count perm:dashboard:non-compliant perm:dashboard:by-groups perm:dashboard:device-counts perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant perm:dashboard:count-overview perm:dashboard:filtered-count perm:dashboard:details perm:get-activity perm:devices:delete perm:devices:applications perm:devices:effective-policy perm:devices:compliance-data perm:devices:features perm:devices:operations perm:devices:search perm:devices:details perm:devices:update perm:devices:view perm:view-configuration perm:manage-configuration perm:policies:remove perm:policies:priorities perm:policies:deactivate perm:policies:get-policy-details perm:policies:manage perm:policies:activate perm:policies:update perm:policies:changes perm:policies:get-details perm:users:add perm:users:details perm:users:count perm:users:delete perm:users:roles perm:users:user-details perm:users:credentials perm:users:search perm:users:is-exist perm:users:update perm:users:send-invitation perm:admin-users:view perm:groups:devices perm:groups:update perm:groups:add perm:groups:device perm:groups:devices-count perm:groups:remove perm:groups:groups perm:groups:groups-view perm:groups:share perm:groups:count perm:groups:roles perm:groups:devices-remove perm:groups:devices-add perm:groups:assign perm:device-types:features perm:device-types:types perm:applications:install perm:applications:uninstall perm:admin-groups:count perm:admin-groups:view perm:notifications:mark-checked perm:notifications:view perm:admin:certificates:delete perm:admin:certificates:details perm:admin:certificates:view perm:admin:certificates:add perm:admin:certificates:verify perm:ios:enroll perm:ios:view-device perm:ios:apn perm:ios:ldap perm:ios:enterprise-app perm:ios:store-application perm:ios:remove-application perm:ios:app-list perm:ios:profile-list perm:ios:lock perm:ios:enterprise-wipe perm:ios:device-info perm:ios:restriction perm:ios:email perm:ios:cellular perm:ios:applications perm:ios:wifi perm:ios:ring perm:ios:location perm:ios:notification perm:ios:airplay perm:ios:caldav perm:ios:cal-subscription perm:ios:passcode-policy perm:ios:webclip perm:ios:vpn perm:ios:per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-to-per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-lock perm:ios:clear-passcode perm:ios:remove-profile perm:ios:get-restrictions perm:ios:wipe-data perm:admin perm:android:applications
@@ -743,7 +739,7 @@ vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
- /oauth2/token
+ /token
diff --git a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPI_Negative_Tests.jmx b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPI_Negative_Tests.jmx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e5b70dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/AndroidDeviceManagementAPI_Negative_Tests.jmx
@@ -0,0 +1,4202 @@
+ The script should be run against a fresh pack.
+ false
+ false
+ 9999
+ 100
+ false
+ randAppNum
+ host
+ localhost
+ =
+ https_port
+ 8243
+ =
+ http_port
+ 8280
+ =
+ token_ep_host
+ localhost
+ =
+ token_ep_port
+ 8280
+ =
+ continue
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1465464058000
+ 1465464058000
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ DeviceID
+ #
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "applicationName":"app_${randAppNum}",
+ "isAllowedToAllDomains":false,
+ "tags":["android", "device_management"],
+ "isMappingAnExistingOAuthApp":false
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api-application-registration/register
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
+ Host
+ localhost:9763
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ false
+ clientId
+ "client_id":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ 0
+ 1
+ false
+ clientSecret
+ "client_secret":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ 0
+ 1
+ clientId,clientSecret
+ false
+ import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
+String clientId= vars.get("clientId");
+String clientSecret = vars.get("clientSecret");
+String toEncode = clientId + ":" + clientSecret;
+byte[] encryptedId = Base64.encodeBase64(toEncode.getBytes());
+vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ username
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ password
+ false
+ password
+ =
+ true
+ grant_type
+ false
+ perm:android:enroll perm:android:wipe perm:android:ring perm:android:lock-devices perm:android:configure-vpn perm:android:configure-wifi perm:android:enroll perm:android:uninstall-application perm:android:manage-configuration perm:android:location perm:android:install-application perm:android:mute perm:android:change-lock-code perm:android:blacklist-applications perm:android:set-password-policy perm:android:encrypt-storage perm:android:clear-password perm:android:enterprise-wipe perm:android:info perm:android:view-configuration perm:android:upgrade-firmware perm:android:set-webclip perm:android:send-notification perm:android:disenroll perm:android:update-application perm:android:unlock-devices perm:android:control-camera perm:android:reboot perm:android:logcat appm:subscribe perm:sign-csr perm:admin:devices:view perm:roles:add perm:roles:add-users perm:roles:update perm:roles:permissions perm:roles:details perm:roles:view perm:roles:create-combined-role perm:roles:delete perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count perm:dashboard:non-compliant perm:dashboard:by-groups perm:dashboard:device-counts perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant perm:dashboard:count-overview perm:dashboard:filtered-count perm:dashboard:details perm:get-activity perm:devices:delete perm:devices:applications perm:devices:effective-policy perm:devices:compliance-data perm:devices:features perm:devices:operations perm:devices:search perm:devices:details perm:devices:update perm:devices:view perm:view-configuration perm:manage-configuration perm:policies:remove perm:policies:priorities perm:policies:deactivate perm:policies:get-policy-details perm:policies:manage perm:policies:activate perm:policies:update perm:policies:changes perm:policies:get-details perm:users:add perm:users:details perm:users:count perm:users:delete perm:users:roles perm:users:user-details perm:users:credentials perm:users:search perm:users:is-exist perm:users:update perm:users:send-invitation perm:admin-users:view perm:groups:devices perm:groups:update perm:groups:add perm:groups:device perm:groups:devices-count perm:groups:remove perm:groups:groups perm:groups:groups-view perm:groups:share perm:groups:count perm:groups:roles perm:groups:devices-remove perm:groups:devices-add perm:groups:assign perm:device-types:features perm:device-types:types perm:applications:install perm:applications:uninstall perm:admin-groups:count perm:admin-groups:view perm:notifications:mark-checked perm:notifications:view perm:admin:certificates:delete perm:admin:certificates:details perm:admin:certificates:view perm:admin:certificates:add perm:admin:certificates:verify perm:ios:enroll perm:ios:view-device perm:ios:apn perm:ios:ldap perm:ios:enterprise-app perm:ios:store-application perm:ios:remove-application perm:ios:app-list perm:ios:profile-list perm:ios:lock perm:ios:enterprise-wipe perm:ios:device-info perm:ios:restriction perm:ios:email perm:ios:cellular perm:ios:applications perm:ios:wifi perm:ios:ring perm:ios:location perm:ios:notification perm:ios:airplay perm:ios:caldav perm:ios:cal-subscription perm:ios:passcode-policy perm:ios:webclip perm:ios:vpn perm:ios:per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-to-per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-lock perm:ios:clear-passcode perm:ios:remove-profile perm:ios:get-restrictions perm:ios:wipe-data perm:admin perm:android:applications
+ =
+ true
+ scope
+ false
+ =
+ true
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /token
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Basic ${base64encodedId}
+ Content-Type
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ false
+ access_token
+ "access_token":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ no_token
+ 1
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ username
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ password
+ false
+ password
+ =
+ true
+ grant_type
+ true
+ perm:android:enroll perm:android:wipe perm:android:ring perm:android:lock-devices perm:android:configure-vpn perm:android:configure-wifi perm:android:enroll perm:android:uninstall-application perm:android:manage-configuration perm:android:location perm:android:install-application perm:android:mute perm:android:change-lock-code perm:android:blacklist-applications perm:android:set-password-policy perm:android:encrypt-storage perm:android:clear-password perm:android:enterprise-wipe perm:android:info perm:android:view-configuration perm:android:upgrade-firmware perm:android:set-webclip perm:android:send-notification perm:android:disenroll perm:android:update-application perm:android:unlock-devices perm:android:control-camera perm:android:reboot perm:android:logcat appm:subscribe perm:sign-csr perm:admin:devices:view perm:roles:add perm:roles:add-users perm:roles:update perm:roles:permissions perm:roles:details perm:roles:view perm:roles:create-combined-role perm:roles:delete perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count perm:dashboard:non-compliant perm:dashboard:by-groups perm:dashboard:device-counts perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant perm:dashboard:count-overview perm:dashboard:filtered-count perm:dashboard:details perm:get-activity perm:devices:delete perm:devices:applications perm:devices:effective-policy perm:devices:compliance-data perm:devices:features perm:devices:operations perm:devices:search perm:devices:details perm:devices:update perm:devices:view perm:view-configuration perm:manage-configuration perm:policies:remove perm:policies:priorities perm:policies:deactivate perm:policies:get-policy-details perm:policies:manage perm:policies:activate perm:policies:update perm:policies:changes perm:policies:get-details perm:users:add perm:users:details perm:users:count perm:users:delete perm:users:roles perm:users:user-details perm:users:credentials perm:users:search perm:users:is-exist perm:users:update perm:users:send-invitation perm:admin-users:view perm:groups:devices perm:groups:update perm:groups:add perm:groups:device perm:groups:devices-count perm:groups:remove perm:groups:groups perm:groups:groups-view perm:groups:share perm:groups:count perm:groups:roles perm:groups:devices-remove perm:groups:devices-add perm:groups:assign perm:device-types:features perm:device-types:types perm:applications:install perm:applications:uninstall perm:admin-groups:count perm:admin-groups:view perm:notifications:mark-checked perm:notifications:view perm:admin:certificates:delete perm:admin:certificates:details perm:admin:certificates:view perm:admin:certificates:add perm:admin:certificates:verify perm:ios:enroll perm:ios:view-device perm:ios:apn perm:ios:ldap perm:ios:enterprise-app perm:ios:store-application perm:ios:remove-application perm:ios:app-list perm:ios:profile-list perm:ios:lock perm:ios:enterprise-wipe perm:ios:device-info perm:ios:restriction perm:ios:email perm:ios:cellular perm:ios:applications perm:ios:wifi perm:ios:ring perm:ios:location perm:ios:notification perm:ios:airplay perm:ios:caldav perm:ios:cal-subscription perm:ios:passcode-policy perm:ios:webclip perm:ios:vpn perm:ios:per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-to-per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-lock perm:ios:clear-passcode perm:ios:remove-profile perm:ios:get-restrictions perm:ios:wipe-data perm:admin perm:android:applications
+ =
+ true
+ scope
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /token
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Basic ${base64encodedId}
+ Content-Type
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ false
+ access_token
+ "access_token":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ no_token
+ 1
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "id":10${DeviceID},
+ "name":"androiddevice${DeviceID}",
+ "type":"android",
+ "description":"this is an android device",
+ "deviceIdentifier":"d24f870f390352a3${DeviceID}",
+ "enrolmentInfo":{
+ "id":10${DeviceID},
+ "device":{
+ },
+ "dateOfEnrolment":0,
+ "dateOfLastUpdate":0,
+ "ownership":"BYOD",
+ "status":"CREATED",
+ "owner":"admin"
+ },
+ "features":[
+ {
+ "id":10,
+ "code":"aaaa1111",
+ "name":"newfeature1",
+ "description":"this is the new feature 1",
+ "deviceType":"android",
+ "metadataEntries":[
+ {
+ "id":10,
+ "value":{
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "properties":[
+ {
+ "name":"property1",
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+ true
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+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ A json parse error may get thrown on server side for this test. This is expected.
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
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+ https
+ UTF-8
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/devices/d24f760f390352a31/applications
+ true
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+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 500
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
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+ Content-Type
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+ Accept
+ application/json
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/devices/d24f760f390352a31/status
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 404
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
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+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
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+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/applications
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
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+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "lockCode": "0000"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/change-lock-code
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
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+ application/json
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+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "lockCod": "0000"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/change-lock-code
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Changing the Lock Code on Android Device with Invalid payload valid dev ID
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/clear-password
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "ssid": "string",
+ "password": "string"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/configure-wifi
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
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+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "ssid": 1,
+ "password": 24
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
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+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/configure-wifi
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Configuring Wi-Fi on Android Device with invalid payload data types
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
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+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/control-camera
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "enabled": 59
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/control-camera
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Enabling or Disabling the Camera with Invalid Payload data types
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "encrypted": false
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/encrypt-storage
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "encrypt": 78
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/encrypt-storage
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/enterprise-wipe
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
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+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/location
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ [1234567890]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/location
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
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+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ],
+ "operation": {
+ "message": "string",
+ "hardLockEnabled": false
+ }
+ =
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+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/lock-devices
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f860f390352a31"
+ ],
+ "operation": {
+ "message": "string",
+ "hardLockEnabled": 56
+ }
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/lock-devices
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/mute
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/reboot
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/ring
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ],
+ "operation": {
+ "messageText": "string",
+ "messageTitle": "string"
+ }
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/send-notification
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "maxFailedAttempts": 0,
+ "minLength": 0,
+ "pinHistory": 0,
+ "minComplexChars": 0,
+ "maxPINAgeInDays": 0,
+ "requireAlphanumeric": false,
+ "allowSimple": false
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/set-password-policy
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "identity": "string",
+ "title": "string",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/set-webclip
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/unlock-devices
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "pin": "string"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/wipe
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 400
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/applications
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "lockCode": "0000"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/change-lock-code
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f750f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/clear-password
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "ssid": "string",
+ "password": "string"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/configure-wifi
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/control-camera
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "encrypted": false
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/encrypt-storage
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/enterprise-wipe
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ [1234567890,"d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/location
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ],
+ "operation": {
+ "message": "string",
+ "hardLockEnabled": false
+ }
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/lock-devices
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/reboot
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/ring
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ],
+ "operation": {
+ "messageText": "string",
+ "messageTitle": "string"
+ }
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/send-notification
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "maxFailedAttempts": 0,
+ "minLength": 0,
+ "pinHistory": 0,
+ "minComplexChars": 0,
+ "maxPINAgeInDays": 0,
+ "requireAlphanumeric": false,
+ "allowSimple": false
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/set-password-policy
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "identity": "string",
+ "title": "string",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/set-webclip
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/unlock-devices
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "operation": {
+ "pin": "string"
+ },
+ "deviceIDs": [
+ "d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"
+ ]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/wipe
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ true
+ false
+ ["d24f760f390352a31","d24f860f390352a31"]
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/android/v1.0/admin/devices/mute
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ Accept
+ application/json
+ false
+ saveConfig
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ saveConfig
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 0
+ true
+ true
+ assertion failures will be marked with a Response Assertion : Test failed msg.
diff --git a/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/GroupManagementAPI.jmx b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/GroupManagementAPI.jmx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..338b9e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/integration/tests-integration/src/test/resources/jmeter-scripts/GroupManagementAPI.jmx
@@ -0,0 +1,2032 @@
+ false
+ false
+ host
+ =
+ http_port
+ 9763
+ =
+ https_port
+ 9443
+ =
+ 9999
+ 100
+ false
+ randAppNum
+ host
+ localhost
+ =
+ https_port
+ 8243
+ =
+ http_port
+ 8280
+ =
+ token_ep_host
+ localhost
+ =
+ token_ep_port
+ 8280
+ =
+ group_name
+ Group 2
+ =
+ new_group_name
+ New Group
+ =
+ role_name
+ group_sharing
+ =
+ DeviceID
+ 1
+ =
+ DeviceIdentifier
+ group_device
+ =
+ continue
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1465464058000
+ 1465464058000
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "applicationName":"app_${randAppNum}",
+ "isAllowedToAllDomains":false,
+ "tags":["android", "device_management"],
+ "isMappingAnExistingOAuthApp":false
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api-application-registration/register
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
+ Host
+ localhost:9763
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ false
+ clientId
+ "client_id":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ 0
+ 1
+ false
+ clientSecret
+ "client_secret":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ 0
+ 1
+ clientId,clientSecret
+ false
+ import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
+String clientId= vars.get("clientId");
+String clientSecret = vars.get("clientSecret");
+String toEncode = clientId + ":" + clientSecret;
+byte[] encryptedId = Base64.encodeBase64(toEncode.getBytes());
+vars.put("base64encodedId",new String(encryptedId));
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ username
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ password
+ false
+ password
+ =
+ true
+ grant_type
+ false
+ perm:android:enroll perm:android:wipe perm:android:ring perm:android:lock-devices perm:android:configure-vpn perm:android:configure-wifi perm:android:enroll perm:android:uninstall-application perm:android:manage-configuration perm:android:location perm:android:install-application perm:android:mute perm:android:change-lock-code perm:android:blacklist-applications perm:android:set-password-policy perm:android:encrypt-storage perm:android:clear-password perm:android:enterprise-wipe perm:android:info perm:android:view-configuration perm:android:upgrade-firmware perm:android:set-webclip perm:android:send-notification perm:android:disenroll perm:android:update-application perm:android:unlock-devices perm:android:control-camera perm:android:reboot perm:android:logcat appm:subscribe perm:sign-csr perm:admin:devices:view perm:roles:add perm:roles:add-users perm:roles:update perm:roles:permissions perm:roles:details perm:roles:view perm:roles:create-combined-role perm:roles:delete perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count perm:dashboard:non-compliant perm:dashboard:by-groups perm:dashboard:device-counts perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant perm:dashboard:count-overview perm:dashboard:filtered-count perm:dashboard:details perm:get-activity perm:devices:delete perm:devices:applications perm:devices:effective-policy perm:devices:compliance-data perm:devices:features perm:devices:operations perm:devices:search perm:devices:details perm:devices:update perm:devices:view perm:view-configuration perm:manage-configuration perm:policies:remove perm:policies:priorities perm:policies:deactivate perm:policies:get-policy-details perm:policies:manage perm:policies:activate perm:policies:update perm:policies:changes perm:policies:get-details perm:users:add perm:users:details perm:users:count perm:users:delete perm:users:roles perm:users:user-details perm:users:credentials perm:users:search perm:users:is-exist perm:users:update perm:users:send-invitation perm:admin-users:view perm:groups:devices perm:groups:update perm:groups:add perm:groups:device perm:groups:devices-count perm:groups:remove perm:groups:groups perm:groups:groups-view perm:groups:share perm:groups:count perm:groups:roles perm:groups:devices-remove perm:groups:devices-add perm:groups:assign perm:device-types:features perm:device-types:types perm:applications:install perm:applications:uninstall perm:admin-groups:count perm:admin-groups:view perm:notifications:mark-checked perm:notifications:view perm:admin:certificates:delete perm:admin:certificates:details perm:admin:certificates:view perm:admin:certificates:add perm:admin:certificates:verify perm:ios:enroll perm:ios:view-device perm:ios:apn perm:ios:ldap perm:ios:enterprise-app perm:ios:store-application perm:ios:remove-application perm:ios:app-list perm:ios:profile-list perm:ios:lock perm:ios:enterprise-wipe perm:ios:device-info perm:ios:restriction perm:ios:email perm:ios:cellular perm:ios:applications perm:ios:wifi perm:ios:ring perm:ios:location perm:ios:notification perm:ios:airplay perm:ios:caldav perm:ios:cal-subscription perm:ios:passcode-policy perm:ios:webclip perm:ios:vpn perm:ios:per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-to-per-app-vpn perm:ios:app-lock perm:ios:clear-passcode perm:ios:remove-profile perm:ios:get-restrictions perm:ios:wipe-data perm:admin perm:android:applications
+ =
+ true
+ scope
+ false
+ =
+ true
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /token
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Basic ${base64encodedId}
+ Content-Type
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ false
+ access_token
+ "access_token":"(.+?)"
+ $1$
+ no_token
+ 1
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups/count
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 200
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ 0
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 16
+ true
+ false
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 200
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ "count":0
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 2
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "id" : 2,
+ "description" : "This is a test group",
+ "name" : "${group_name}"
+ }
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 201
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ true
+ false
+ {
+ "id" : 2,
+ "description" : "This is a test group",
+ "name" : "${group_name}"
+ }
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 409
+ Assertion.response_code
+ true
+ 2
+ true
+ false
+ =
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 200
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ "name":"Group 2"
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 16
+ "count":1
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 16
+ false
+ groupId
+ "id":(.+?)
+ $1$
+ no_token
+ 1
+ false
+ false_group
+ =
+ true
+ name
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 200
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ "deviceGroups":[]
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 16
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ owner
+ true
+ Group 2
+ =
+ true
+ name
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
+ Bearer ${access_token}
+ Content-Type
+ application/json
+ 200
+ Assertion.response_code
+ false
+ 2
+ "name":"Group 2"
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 16
+ "count":1
+ Assertion.response_data
+ false
+ 16
+ false
+ admin
+ =
+ true
+ owner
+ false
+ dadad
+ =
+ true
+ name
+ ${host}
+ ${https_port}
+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ HttpClient4
+ false
+ Authorization
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+ "description" : "This is a new test group",
+ "name" : "${group_name}"
+ }
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+ "description" : "This is a new test group",
+ "name" : "${new_group_name}"
+ }
+ =
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+ "roleName": "${role_name}",
+ "users" : ["admin"]
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+ Assertion.response_data
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+ 2
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+ {
+ "id":1000${DeviceID},
+ "name":"androiddevice${DeviceID}",
+ "type":"android",
+ "description":"this is an android device",
+ "deviceIdentifier":"${DeviceIdentifier}",
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+ "id":1000${DeviceID},
+ "device":{
+ },
+ "dateOfEnrolment":0,
+ "dateOfLastUpdate":0,
+ "ownership":"BYOD",
+ "status":"CREATED",
+ "owner":"admin"
+ },
+ "features":[
+ {
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+ "code":"aaaa1111",
+ "name":"newfeature1",
+ "description":"this is the new feature 1",
+ "deviceType":"android",
+ "metadataEntries":[
+ {
+ "id":10,
+ "value":{
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "name":"property1",
+ "value":"value1"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "vendor":"SAMSUNG",
+ "osVersion":"5.1",
+ "batteryLevel":1,
+ "internalTotalMemory":32,
+ "internalAvailableMemory":24,
+ "externalTotalMemory":64,
+ "externalAvailableMemory":60,
+ "operator":"dialog",
+ "connectionType":"GSM",
+ "mobileSignalStrength":1,
+ "ssid":"picassowifi",
+ "cpuUsage":0,
+ "totalRAMMemory":2,
+ "availableRAMMemory":1,
+ "pluggedIn":false,
+ "location":{
+ "deviceId":0,
+ "deviceIdentifier":{
+ "id":"string",
+ "type":"string"
+ },
+ "latitude":0,
+ "longitude":0,
+ "street1":"string",
+ "street2":"string",
+ "city":"string",
+ "state":"string",
+ "zip":"string",
+ "country":"string"
+ },
+ "deviceDetailsMap":{
+ },
+ "imei":"string",
+ "imsi":"string"
+ },
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+ {
+ "id":0,
+ "platform":"string",
+ "category":"string",
+ "name":"string",
+ "locationUrl":"string",
+ "imageUrl":"string",
+ "version":"string",
+ "type":"string",
+ "appProperties":{
+ },
+ "applicationIdentifier":"string",
+ "memoryUsage":0
+ }
+ ]
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+ ${https_port}
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+ =
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+ https
+ /api/device-mgt/v1.0/groups/id/${groupId}/devices/add
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+ ${https_port}
+ https
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+ "deviceIdentifier" : {"id":"${DeviceIdentifier}", "type":"android"}
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