@ -19,94 +19,98 @@
package org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.iot.virtualfirealarm.agent.core;
public class AgentConstants {
public static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "virtual_firealarm";
public static final String LOG_APPENDER = "AGENT_LOG:: ";
public static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH = "";
public static final int DEFAULT_RETRY_THREAD_INTERVAL = 5000; // time in millis
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IoT-Server specific information
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String DEVICE_CONTROLLER_API_EP = "/virtual_firealarm/controller";
public static final String DEVICE_ENROLLMENT_API_EP = "/scep";
public static final String DEVICE_REGISTER_API_EP = "/register";
public static final String DEVICE_PUSH_TEMPERATURE_API_EP = "/temperature";
public static final String PUSH_DATA_PAYLOAD =
public static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "virtual_firealarm";
public static final String LOG_APPENDER = "AGENT_LOG:: ";
public static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH = "";
public static final int DEFAULT_RETRY_THREAD_INTERVAL = 5000; // time in millis
public static final String TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = "token";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IoT-Server specific information
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String DEVICE_CONTROLLER_API_EP = "/virtual_firealarm/controller";
public static final String DEVICE_ENROLLMENT_API_EP = "/scep";
public static final String DEVICE_REGISTER_API_EP = "/register";
public static final String DEVICE_PUSH_TEMPERATURE_API_EP = "/temperature";
public static final String PUSH_DATA_PAYLOAD =
public static final String PUSH_SIMULATION_DATA_PAYLOAD =
public static final String PUSH_SIMULATION_DATA_PAYLOAD =
"{\"owner\":\"%s\",\"deviceId\":\"%s\",\"reply\":\"%s\",\"value\":\"%s\",\"isSimulated\":\"%s\"," +
public static final String AGENT_CONTROL_APP_EP = "/devicemgt/device/%s?id=%s";
public static final String DEVICE_DETAILS_PAGE_EP = "/devicemgt/device/%s?id=%s";
public static final String DEVICE_ANALYTICS_PAGE_URL = "/devicemgt/device/virtual_firealarm/analytics?deviceId=%s&deviceName=%s";
public static final String AGENT_CONTROL_APP_EP = "/devicemgt/device/%s?id=%s";
public static final String DEVICE_DETAILS_PAGE_EP = "/devicemgt/device/%s?id=%s";
public static final String DEVICE_ANALYTICS_PAGE_URL =
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP Connection specific information for communicating with IoT-Server
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String HTTP_POST = "POST";
public static final String HTTP_GET = "GET";
public static final String APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE = "application/json";
public static final String REGISTERED = "Registered";
public static final String NOT_REGISTERED = "Not-Registered";
public static final String REGISTRATION_FAILED = "Registration Failed";
public static final String RETRYING_TO_REGISTER = "Registration Failed. Re-trying..";
public static final String SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING = "Server not responding..";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP Connection specific information for communicating with IoT-Server
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String HTTP_POST = "POST";
public static final String HTTP_GET = "GET";
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "Authorization";
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = "Content-Type";
public static final String APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json";
public static final String X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED = "x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String REGISTERED = "Registered";
public static final String NOT_REGISTERED = "Not-Registered";
public static final String REGISTRATION_FAILED = "Registration Failed";
public static final String RETRYING_TO_REGISTER = "Registration Failed. Re-trying..";
public static final String SERVER_NOT_RESPONDING = "Server not responding..";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MQTT Connection specific information
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final int DEFAULT_MQTT_RECONNECTION_INTERVAL = 2; // time in seconds
public static final int DEFAULT_MQTT_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE = 0;
public static final String MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC = "%s/" + DEVICE_TYPE + "/%s";
public static final String MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC = "%s/" + DEVICE_TYPE + "/%s/publisher";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XMPP Connection specific information
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String XMPP_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_UNAME = "admin";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Device/Agent specific properties to be read from the 'deviceConfig.properties' file
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String AGENT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "deviceConfig.properties";
public static final String TENANT_DOMAIN = "tenantDomain";
public static final String DEVICE_OWNER_PROPERTY = "owner";
public static final String DEVICE_ID_PROPERTY = "deviceId";
public static final String DEVICE_NAME_PROPERTY = "device-name";
public static final String DEVICE_CONTROLLER_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "controller-context";
public static final String DEVICE_SCEP_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "scep-context";
public static final String SERVER_HTTPS_EP_PROPERTY = "https-ep";
public static final String SERVER_HTTP_EP_PROPERTY = "http-ep";
public static final String APIM_GATEWAY_EP_PROPERTY = "apim-ep";
public static final String MQTT_BROKER_EP_PROPERTY = "mqtt-ep";
public static final String XMPP_SERVER_EP_PROPERTY = "xmpp-ep";
public static final String XMPP_SERVER_NAME_PROPERTY = "xmpp-server-name";
public static final String AUTH_METHOD_PROPERTY = "auth-method";
public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_PROPERTY = "auth-token";
public static final String REFRESH_TOKEN_PROPERTY = "refresh-token";
public static final String NETWORK_INTERFACE_PROPERTY = "network-interface";
public static final String PUSH_INTERVAL_PROPERTY = "push-interval";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Default values for the Device/Agent specific configurations listed above
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String DEFAULT_NETWORK_INTERFACE = "en0";
public static final int DEFAULT_DATA_PUBLISH_INTERVAL = 15; // seconds
public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "MQTT";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Control Signal specific constants to match the request context
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String BULB_CONTROL = "BULB";
public static final String TEMPERATURE_CONTROL = "TEMPERATURE";
public static final String POLICY_SIGNAL = "POLICY";
public static final String HUMIDITY_CONTROL = "HUMIDITY";
public static final String CONTROL_ON = "ON";
public static final String CONTROL_OFF = "OFF";
public static final String AUDIO_FILE_NAME = "fireAlarmSound.mid";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Communication protocol specific Strings
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String TCP_PREFIX = "tcp://";
public static final String HTTP_PREFIX = "http://";
public static final String HTTPS_PREFIX = "https://";
public static final String HTTP_PROTOCOL = "HTTP";
public static final String MQTT_PROTOCOL = "MQTT";
public static final String XMPP_PROTOCOL = "XMPP";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MQTT Connection specific information
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final int DEFAULT_MQTT_RECONNECTION_INTERVAL = 2; // time in seconds
public static final int DEFAULT_MQTT_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE = 0;
public static final String MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC = "%s/" + DEVICE_TYPE + "/%s";
public static final String MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC = "%s/" + DEVICE_TYPE + "/%s/publisher";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Device/Agent specific properties to be read from the 'deviceConfig.properties' file
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String AGENT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "deviceConfig.properties";
public static final String TENANT_DOMAIN = "tenantDomain";
public static final String DEVICE_OWNER_PROPERTY = "owner";
public static final String DEVICE_ID_PROPERTY = "deviceId";
public static final String DEVICE_NAME_PROPERTY = "device-name";
public static final String DEVICE_CONTROLLER_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "controller-context";
public static final String DEVICE_SCEP_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "scep-context";
public static final String SERVER_HTTPS_EP_PROPERTY = "https-ep";
public static final String SERVER_HTTP_EP_PROPERTY = "http-ep";
public static final String APIM_GATEWAY_EP_PROPERTY = "apim-ep";
public static final String MQTT_BROKER_EP_PROPERTY = "mqtt-ep";
public static final String XMPP_SERVER_EP_PROPERTY = "xmpp-ep";
public static final String XMPP_SERVER_NAME_PROPERTY = "xmpp-server-name";
public static final String API_APPLICATION_KEY = "application-key";
public static final String AUTH_METHOD_PROPERTY = "auth-method";
public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_PROPERTY = "auth-token";
public static final String REFRESH_TOKEN_PROPERTY = "refresh-token";
public static final String NETWORK_INTERFACE_PROPERTY = "network-interface";
public static final String PUSH_INTERVAL_PROPERTY = "push-interval";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Default values for the Device/Agent specific configurations listed above
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String DEFAULT_NETWORK_INTERFACE = "en0";
public static final int DEFAULT_DATA_PUBLISH_INTERVAL = 15; // seconds
public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "MQTT";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Control Signal specific constants to match the request context
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String BULB_CONTROL = "BULB";
public static final String TEMPERATURE_CONTROL = "TEMPERATURE";
public static final String POLICY_SIGNAL = "POLICY";
public static final String HUMIDITY_CONTROL = "HUMIDITY";
public static final String CONTROL_ON = "ON";
public static final String CONTROL_OFF = "OFF";
public static final String AUDIO_FILE_NAME = "fireAlarmSound.mid";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Communication protocol specific Strings
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public static final String TCP_PREFIX = "tcp://";
public static final String HTTP_PREFIX = "http://";
public static final String HTTPS_PREFIX = "https://";
public static final String HTTP_PROTOCOL = "HTTP";
public static final String MQTT_PROTOCOL = "MQTT";
public static final String XMPP_PROTOCOL = "XMPP";