@ -469,6 +469,52 @@ public class TraccarClientFactory {
* Modify the Device
* @param traccarDevice with DeviceName UniqueId, Status, Disabled LastUpdate, PositionId, GroupId
* Model, Contact, Category, fenceIds
* @throws TrackerManagementDAOException Failed while add Traccar Device the operation
public void modifyDevice(TraccarDevice traccarDevice,int tenantId) throws TrackerManagementDAOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
TrackerDeviceInfo trackerDeviceInfo = null;
try {
trackerDeviceInfo =trackerDAO.getTrackerDevice(traccarDevice.getId(),tenantId);
} catch(TrackerManagementDAOException e){
String msg = "Error occurred while mapping with deviceId .";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new TrackerManagementDAOException(msg, e);
catch (SQLException e) {
String msg = "Error occurred establishing the DB connection .";
log.error(msg, e);
throw new TrackerManagementDAOException(msg, e);
} finally {
if(trackerDeviceInfo != null){
log.info("Preparing to rename device ("+ traccarDevice.getId() +" to taccar server");
String url = defaultPort + "/api/devices/" + trackerDeviceInfo.getTraccarDeviceId();
JSONObject payload = TraccarUtil.TraccarDevicePayload(traccarDevice, trackerDeviceInfo.getTraccarDeviceId());
Future<String> res = executor.submit(new OkHttpClientThreadPool(url, payload, TraccarHandlerConstants.Methods.PUT,
authorizedKey(HttpReportingUtil.trackerUser(), HttpReportingUtil.trackerPassword()),
String result = res.get();
log.info("Device " + traccarDevice.getDeviceIdentifier() + " has been added to Traccar.");
if (res.isDone() && result.charAt(0) == '{') {
log.info("Succesfully renamed Traccar Device - " + traccarDevice.getId() + "in server" );
log.info("Failed to rename Traccar Device" + traccarDevice.getId() + "in server" );
}else {
// forward to add device
String msg = "Tracker device for device id " + traccarDevice.getId() + " not found in local database";
throw new TrackerManagementDAOException(msg);
* Add Device GPS Location operation.