@ -18,13 +18,9 @@
package org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.mobile.windows.api.services;
import io.swagger.annotations.SwaggerDefinition;
import io.swagger.annotations.Info;
import io.swagger.annotations.ExtensionProperty;
import io.swagger.annotations.Extension;
import io.swagger.annotations.Tag;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.*;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.annotations.api.Permission;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.operation.mgt.Activity;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.mobile.windows.api.common.exceptions.WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;
import javax.jws.WebService;
@ -68,31 +64,313 @@ public interface DeviceManagementAdminService {
@Permission(name = "Lock Device", permission = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/lock")
Response lock(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, List<String> deviceIds) throws
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "POST",
value = "Adding a Device Lock on Windows devices.",
notes = "Using this API you have the option of Device Windows device.",
response = Activity.class,
tags = "Windows Device Management Administrative Service",
authorizations = {
value = "permission",
scopes = {@AuthorizationScope(
scope = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/lock",
description = "Lock Device")}
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 201,
message = "Created. \n Successfully scheduled the device lock operation.",
response = Activity.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "URL of the activity instance that refers to the scheduled operation."),
name = "Content-Type",
description = "Content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource was last modified. \n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")}),
code = 303,
message = "See Other. \n The source can be retrieved from the URL specified in the location header.",
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "The Source URL of the document.")}),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error."),
code = 415,
message = "Unsupported media type. \n The format of the requested entity was not supported.\n"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
"Server error occurred while locking the device.")
Response lock(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, @ApiParam(
name = "deviceIDs",
value = "Provide the ID of the AWindows device. Multiple device IDs can be added by " +
"using comma separated values. ",
required = true) List<String> deviceIds) throws WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;
@Permission(name = "Disenroll Device", permission = "/device-mgt/devices/disenroll/windows")
Response disenroll(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, List<String> deviceIds) throws
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "POST",
value = "Dis-enrol the windows Devices",
notes = "Dis-enroll on Android devices",
response = Activity.class,
tags = "Windows Device Management Administrative Service.",
authorizations = {
value = "permission",
scopes = {@AuthorizationScope(
scope = "/device-mgt/devices/disenroll/windows",
description = "Dis-enroll the windows devices ")}
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 201,
message = "Created. \n Successfully scheduled the Dis-enroll operation.",
response = Activity.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "URL of the activity instance that refers to the scheduled operation."),
name = "Content-Type",
description = "Content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource was last modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")}),
code = 303,
message = "See Other. \n The source can be retrieved from the URL specified in the location header.\n",
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "The Source URL of the document.")}),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error."),
code = 415,
message = "Unsupported media type. \n The format of the requested entity was not supported."),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
"Server error occurred while adding a Dis-enroll operation.")
Response disenroll(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, @ApiParam(
name = "deviceIDs",
value = "Provide the ID of the A Windows device. Multiple device IDs can be added by " +
"using comma separated values. ",
required = true) List<String> deviceIds) throws WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;
@Permission(name = "Wipe Device", permission = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/wipe")
Response wipe(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, List<String> deviceIds) throws
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "POST",
value = "Factory Resetting an Windows Device",
notes = "Factory rest or erase all the data stored on the Windows devices" +
"to restore them back to the original system.",
response = Activity.class,
tags = "Windows Device Management Administrative Service",
authorizations = {
value = "permission",
scopes = {@AuthorizationScope(
scope = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/wipe",
description = "DeviceWipe")}
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 201,
message = "Created. \n Successfully scheduled the Data wipe operation.",
response = Activity.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "URL of the activity instance that refers to the scheduled operation."),
name = "Content-Type",
description = "Content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource was last modified." +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")}),
code = 303,
message = "See Other. \n The source can be retrieved from the URL specified in the location header.\n",
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "The Source URL of the document.")}),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error."),
code = 415,
message = "Unsupported media type. \n The format of the requested entity was not supported."),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
"Server error occurred while adding the Data wipe operation.")})
Response wipe(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, @ApiParam(
name = "deviceIDs",
value = "Provide the ID of the A Windows device. Multiple device IDs can be added by " +
"using comma separated values. ",
required = true) List<String> deviceIds) throws WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;
@Permission(name = "Ring Device", permission = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/ring")
Response ring(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, List<String> deviceIds) throws
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "POST",
value = "Ringing Windows Devices",
notes = "Ring Windows devices.",
response = Activity.class,
tags = "Windows Device Management Administrative Service",
authorizations = {
scopes = { @AuthorizationScope(
scope = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/ring",
description = "Ring Device") }
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 201,
message = "Created. \n Successfully scheduled the device ring operation.",
response = Activity.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "URL of the activity instance that refers to the scheduled operation."),
name = "Content-Type",
description = "Content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")}),
code = 303,
message = "See Other. \n The source can be retrieved from the URL specified in the location header.",
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "The Source URL of the document.")}),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error."),
code = 415,
message = "Unsupported media type. \n The format of the requested entity was not supported.\n"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
"Server error occurred while adding a new device ring operation.")
Response ring(@HeaderParam("Accept") String headerParam, @ApiParam(
name = "deviceIDs",
value = "Provide the ID of the A Windows device. Multiple device IDs can be added by " +
"using comma separated values. ",
required = true) List<String> deviceIds) throws WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;
@Permission(name = "Lock-Reset Device", permission = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/lock-reset")
Response lockReset(@HeaderParam("Accept") String acceptHeader, List<String> deviceIds)
throws WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "POST",
value = "Lock reset on Windows devices",
notes = "Lock reset on Windows devices.Its use to reset the device pass code",
response = Activity.class,
tags = "Windows Device Management Administrative Service",
authorizations = {
scopes = { @AuthorizationScope(
scope = "/device-mgt/devices/owning-device/operations/windows/lock-reset",
description = "Lock reset") }
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 201,
message = "Created. \n Successfully scheduled the lock-reset operation.",
response = Activity.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "URL of the activity instance that refers to the scheduled operation."),
name = "Content-Type",
description = "Content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource was last modified.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests.")}),
code = 303,
message = "See Other. \n The source can be retrieved from the URL specified in the location header.\n",
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Location",
description = "The Source URL of the document.")}),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error."),
code = 415,
message = "Unsupported media type. \n The format of the requested entity was not supported."),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n " +
"Server error occurred while adding adding a lock-reset operation.")
Response lockReset(@HeaderParam("Accept") String acceptHeader, @ApiParam(
name = "deviceIDs",
value = "Provide the ID of the A Windows device. Multiple device IDs can be added by " +
"using comma separated values. ",
required = true) List<String> deviceIds) throws WindowsDeviceEnrolmentException;