Merge branch 'master' of into cloud-3.1.0
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
* WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.wso2.carbon.context.CarbonContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.context.PrivilegedCarbonContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.authorization.DeviceAccessAuthorizationException;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.authorization.DeviceAccessAuthorizationService;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.core.service.DeviceManagementProviderService;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException;
* This class provides utility functions used by REST-API.
public class APIUtil {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(APIUtil.class);
public static String getAuthenticatedUser() {
PrivilegedCarbonContext threadLocalCarbonContext = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext();
String username = threadLocalCarbonContext.getUsername();
String tenantDomain = threadLocalCarbonContext.getTenantDomain();
if (username.endsWith(tenantDomain)) {
return username.substring(0, username.lastIndexOf("@"));
return username;
public static int getAuthenticatedUserTenantDomainId() {
PrivilegedCarbonContext threadLocalCarbonContext = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext();
return threadLocalCarbonContext.getTenantId();
public static boolean isDeviceAdminUser() throws DeviceAccessAuthorizationException {
return getDeviceAccessAuthorizationService().isDeviceAdminUser();
private static DeviceAccessAuthorizationService getDeviceAccessAuthorizationService() {
PrivilegedCarbonContext ctx = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext();
DeviceAccessAuthorizationService deviceAccessAuthorizationService =
(DeviceAccessAuthorizationService) ctx.getOSGiService(DeviceAccessAuthorizationService.class, null);
if (deviceAccessAuthorizationService == null) {
String msg = "DeviceAccessAuthorization service has not initialized.";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
return deviceAccessAuthorizationService;
@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
package org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.service.api;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;
import io.swagger.annotations.Authorization;
import io.swagger.annotations.AuthorizationScope;
import io.swagger.annotations.Extension;
import io.swagger.annotations.ExtensionProperty;
import io.swagger.annotations.Info;
import io.swagger.annotations.ResponseHeader;
import io.swagger.annotations.SwaggerDefinition;
import io.swagger.annotations.Tag;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.annotations.api.Scope;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.annotations.api.Scopes;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.beans.DashboardGadgetDataWrapper;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.beans.DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.beans.ErrorResponse;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.util.Constants;
* Device Analytics Dashboard related REST-APIs. This can be used to obtain device related analytics.
info = @Info(
version = "1.0.0",
title = "",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "name", value = "DeviceAnalyticsDashboard"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "context", value = "/api/device-mgt/v1.0/dashboard"),
tags = {
@Tag(name = "device_management", description = "Device Analytics Dashboard related APIs.")
scopes = {
name = "Device Count Overview",
description = "Device Count Overview",
key = "perm:dashboard:count-overview",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Device Counts by Potential Vulnerabilities",
description = "Device Counts by Potential Vulnerabilities",
key = "perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a policy",
description = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a policy",
key = "perm:dashboard:non-compliant",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get the number of devices for a given device type, such as connectivity status, "
+ "potential vulnerability, platform, and ownership",
description = "Get the number of devices for a given device type, such as connectivity status, "
+ "potential vulnerability, platform, and ownership",
key = "perm:dashboard:by-groups",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy based on a particular",
description = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy based on a particular",
key = "perm:dashboard:device-counts",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy based on a particular"
+ " device type.",
description = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy based on a " +
"particular device type.",
key = "perm:dashboard:filtered-count",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy over the total"
+ " number of devices registered with WSO2 EMM.\n",
description = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy over the total"
+ " number of devices registered with WSO2 EMM.\n",
key = "perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get device details of devices based on a particular device type.",
description = "Get device details of devices based on a particular device type.",
key = "perm:dashboard:details",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
name = "Get device details of non-compliant devices which do not comply to a given policy.",
description = "Get device details of non-compliant devices which do not comply to a given policy.",
key = "perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant",
permissions = {"/device-mgt/dashboard/view"}
@Api(value = "Device Analytics Dashboard",
description = "Device Analytics Dashboard related information APIs are described here.")
public interface Dashboard {
String CONNECTIVITY_STATUS = "connectivity-status";
String POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY = "potential-vulnerability";
String NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE = "non-compliant-feature-code";
String PLATFORM = "platform";
String OWNERSHIP = "ownership";
// Constants related to pagination
String PAGINATION_ENABLED = "pagination-enabled";
String START_INDEX = "start";
String RESULT_COUNT = "length";
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the details of registered devices in WSO2 IoT.",
notes = "Get the details of active, inactive, removed and total number of registered devices in"
+ " WSO2 IoT.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:count-overview")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getOverviewDeviceCounts();
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the number of unmonitored and non-compliant devices in WSO2 IoT.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:vulnerabilities")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n Invalid request or validation error.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n Server error occurred while fetching activity data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getDeviceCountsByPotentialVulnerabilities();
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a policy that was enforced on a "
+ "device.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:non-compliant")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request. \n",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found. \n",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getNonCompliantDeviceCountsByFeatures(
name = "start",
value = "Provide the starting pagination index. Example 10",
required = true)
@QueryParam(START_INDEX) int startIndex,
name = "length",
value = "Provide how many policy details you require from the starting pagination index."
+ " For example if you require the non-compliant policy details from the 10th "
+ "pagination index to the 15th, you must define 10 as the value for start and "
+ "5 as the value for length.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(RESULT_COUNT) int resultCount);
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the number of devices for a given device type, such as connectivity status, "
+ "potential vulnerability, platform, and ownership.\n",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:by-groups")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DeviceCountByGroup.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getDeviceCountsByGroups(
name = "connectivity-status",
value = "Provide the connectivity status of the device. The following values can be assigned:\n"
+ "active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT and are actively "
+ "communicating with the server.\n"
+ "inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT but unable to "
+ "actively communicate with the server.\n"
+ "removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 IoT",
required = true)
@QueryParam(CONNECTIVITY_STATUS) String connectivityStatus,
name = "potential-vulnerability",
value = "Provide details of the potential vulnerabilities of the device. The following "
+ "values can be assigned:\n"
+ "non-compliant: Devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on the "
+ "device by WSO2 IoT.\n"
+ "unmonitored: Devices that have no policy assigned to them.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY) String potentialVulnerability,
name = "platform",
value = "Provide the platform that the device is running on. The following values can "
+ "be assigned:\n"
+ "iOS\n" + "Android\n" + "Windows",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
name = "ownership",
value = "Provide the ownership status of the device. The following values can be assigned:\n"
+ "BYOD: Bring Your Own Device\n" + "COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled",
required = true)
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership);
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy based on a particular"
+ " device type.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:device-counts")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DeviceCountByGroup.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByGroups(
name = "non-compliant-feature-code",
value = "As the value for this parameter, the policy feature code or ID can be used. Some"
+ " examples for feature codes are: PASSCODE_POLICY,CAMERA and WIFI.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE) String nonCompliantFeatureCode,
name = "platform",
value = "Provide the platform that the device is running on. The following values can "
+ "be assigned:\n"
+ "iOS\n" + "Android\n" + "Windows",
required = false)
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
name = "ownership",
value = "Provide the ownership status of the device. The following values can be assigned:\n"
+ "BYOD: Bring Your Own Device\n" + "COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled",
required = false)
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership);
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the number of devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT filtered by one of the "
+ "following attributes:\n"
+ "Connectivity status of the device, such as active, inactive or removed.\n"
+ "The device ownership type, such as BYOD or COPE.\n" + "The device platform.\n"
+ "The potential vulnerabilities faced by the devices.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:filtered-count")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getFilteredDeviceCountOverTotal(
name = "connectivity-status",
value = "Provide the connectivity status of the device. You can assign any of the values "
+ "given below:\n"
+ "Total: All the devices that have registered with WSO2 IoT.\n"
+ "active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT and are actively "
+ "communicating with the server.\n"
+ "inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT but unable to actively"
+ " communicate with the server.\n"
+ "removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 IoT.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(CONNECTIVITY_STATUS) String connectivityStatus,
name = "potential-vulnerability",
value = "Provide details of the potential vulnerabilities of the device. You can assign"
+ " any of the values given below:\n"
+ "non-compliant: Devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on the "
+ "device by WSO2 IoT.\n"
+ "unmonitored: Devices that have no policy assigned to them.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY) String potentialVulnerability,
name = "platform",
value = "Provide the platform that the device is running on. You can assign any of the "
+ "values given below:\n"
+ "iOS\n" + "Android\n" + "Windows",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
name = "ownership",
value = "Provide the ownership status of the device. You can assign any of the values "
+ "given below:\n"
+ "BYOD: Bring Your Own Device\n" + "COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled",
required = true)
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership);
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy over the total"
+ " number of devices registered with WSO2 IoT.\n",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:non-compliant-count")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCountOverTotal(
name = "non-compliant-feature-code",
value = "Provide the feature code or ID of the policy. Some examples for feature codes "
required = true)
@QueryParam(NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE) String nonCompliantFeatureCode,
name = "platform",
value = "Provide the platform that the device is running on. You can assign the values "
+ "given below:\n"
+ "iOS\n" + "Android\n" + "Windows",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
name = "ownership",
value = "Provide the ownership status of the device. You can assign the values given below:\n"
+ "BYOD: Bring Your Own Device\n" + "COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled",
required = true)
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership);
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get device details of devices based on a particular device type.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:details")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getDevicesWithDetails(
name = "connectivity-status",
value = "Provide the connectivity status of the device. This can be one of the following:\n"
+ "Total: All the devices that have registered with WSO2 IoT.\n"
+ "active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT and are actively "
+ "communicating with the server.\n"
+ "inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 IoT but unable to actively"
+ " communicate with the server.\n"
+ "removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 IoT.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(CONNECTIVITY_STATUS) String connectivityStatus,
name = "potential-vulnerability",
value = "Provide details of the potential vulnerabilities of the device. This can be:\n"
+ "non-compliant: Devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on "
+ "the device by WSO2 IoT.\n"
+ "unmonitored: Devices that have no policy assigned to them. ",
required = true)
@QueryParam(POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY) String potentialVulnerability,
name = "platform",
value = "Provide the platform that the device is running on. This can be one of the following:\n"
+ "iOS\n" + "Android\n" + "Windows",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
name = "ownership",
value = "Provide the ownership status of the device. This can be one of the following:\n"
+ "BYOD: Bring Your Own Device\n" + "COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled",
required = true)
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership,
name = "pagination-enabled",
value = "To enable/disable pagination set the value as true or false",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PAGINATION_ENABLED) String paginationEnabled,
name = "start",
value = "Provide the starting pagination index.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(START_INDEX) int startIndex,
name = "length",
value = "Provide how many policy details you require from the starting pagination index.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(RESULT_COUNT) int resultCount);
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
httpMethod = "GET",
value = "Get device details of non-compliant devices which do not comply to a given policy.",
tags = "Dashboard",
extensions = {
@Extension(properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = Constants.SCOPE, value = "perm:dashboard:feature-non-compliant")
@ApiResponses(value = {
code = 200,
message = "OK.",
response = DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper.class,
responseHeaders = {
name = "Content-Type",
description = "The content type of the body"),
name = "ETag",
description = "Entity Tag of the response resource.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
name = "Last-Modified",
description = "Date and time the resource has been modified the last time.\n" +
"Used by caches, or in conditional requests."),
code = 304,
message = "Not Modified. \n Empty body because the client has already the latest version of " +
"the requested resource."),
code = 400,
message = "Bad Request.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 401,
message = "Unauthorized. \n Unauthorized request."),
code = 404,
message = "Not Found.",
response = ErrorResponse.class),
code = 406,
message = "Not Acceptable.\n The requested media type is not supported"),
code = 500,
message = "Internal Server Error. \n ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.",
response = ErrorResponse.class)
Response getFeatureNonCompliantDevicesWithDetails(
name = "non-compliant-feature-code",
value = "Provide the code specific to the feature "
+ "(examples for feature codes are: WIFI,PASSCODE_POLICY, CAMERA and ENCRYPT_STORAGE.)",
required = true)
@QueryParam(NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE) String nonCompliantFeatureCode,
name = "platform",
value = "Provide the platform that the device is running on. This can be one of the following:\n"
+ "iOS\n" + "Android\n" + "Windows",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
name = "ownership",
value = "Provide the ownership status of the device. This can be one of the following:\n"
+ "BYOD: Bring Your Own Device\n" + "COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled",
required = true)
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership,
name = "pagination-enabled",
value = "To enable/disable pagination set the value as true or false",
required = true)
@QueryParam(PAGINATION_ENABLED) String paginationEnabled,
name = "start",
value = "Provide the starting pagination index.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(START_INDEX) int startIndex,
name = "length",
value = "Provide how many policy details you require from the starting pagination index.",
required = true)
@QueryParam(RESULT_COUNT) int resultCount);
@ -1,688 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
* WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* you may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.service.impl;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.common.PaginationResult;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.util.DeviceMgtAPIUtils;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.beans.DashboardGadgetDataWrapper;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.beans.DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper;
import org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.jaxrs.service.api.Dashboard;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class consists of dashboard related REST APIs
* to be consumed by individual client gadgets such as
* [1] Overview of Devices,
* [2] Potential Vulnerabilities,
* [3] Non-compliant Devices by Features,
* [4] Device Groupings and etc.
public class DashboardImpl implements Dashboard {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DashboardImpl.class);
private static final String FLAG_TRUE = "true";
private static final String FLAG_FALSE = "false";
// Constants related to common error-response messages
private static final String INVALID_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY = "Received an invalid value for " +
"query parameter : " + POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY + ", Should be either NON_COMPLIANT or UNMONITORED.";
private static final String INVALID_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_START_INDEX = "Received an invalid value for " +
"query parameter : " + START_INDEX + ", Should not be lesser than 0.";
private static final String INVALID_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_RESULT_COUNT = "Received an invalid value for " +
"query parameter : " + RESULT_COUNT + ", Should not be lesser than 5.";
private static final String INVALID_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_PAGINATION_ENABLED = "Received an invalid value for " +
"query parameter : " + PAGINATION_ENABLED + ", Should be either true or false.";
private static final String REQUIRED_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE = "Missing required query " +
private static final String REQUIRED_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_PAGINATION_ENABLED = "Missing required query " +
"parameter : " + PAGINATION_ENABLED;
private static final String ERROR_IN_RETRIEVING_REQUESTED_DATA = "ErrorResponse in retrieving requested data.";
public Response getOverviewDeviceCounts() {
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper1 = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
// getting total device count
DeviceCountByGroup totalDeviceCount;
try {
totalDeviceCount = gadgetDataService.getTotalDeviceCount();
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve total device count.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
List<DeviceCountByGroup> totalDeviceCountInListEntry = new ArrayList<>();
// getting device counts by connectivity statuses
List<DeviceCountByGroup> deviceCountsByConnectivityStatuses;
try {
deviceCountsByConnectivityStatuses = gadgetDataService.getDeviceCountsByConnectivityStatuses();
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve device counts by connectivity statuses.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper2 = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getDeviceCountsByPotentialVulnerabilities() {
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
List<DeviceCountByGroup> deviceCountsByPotentialVulnerabilities;
try {
deviceCountsByPotentialVulnerabilities = gadgetDataService.getDeviceCountsByPotentialVulnerabilities();
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve device counts by potential vulnerabilities.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getNonCompliantDeviceCountsByFeatures(@QueryParam(START_INDEX) int startIndex,
@QueryParam(RESULT_COUNT) int resultCount) {
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
dashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper();
PaginationResult paginationResult;
try {
paginationResult = gadgetDataService.
getNonCompliantDeviceCountsByFeatures(startIndex, resultCount);
} catch (InvalidStartIndexValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a non-compliant set " +
"of device counts by features.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).entity(INVALID_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_START_INDEX).build();
} catch (InvalidResultCountValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a non-compliant set " +
"of device counts by features.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).entity(INVALID_QUERY_PARAM_VALUE_RESULT_COUNT).build();
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a non-compliant set of device counts by features.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
List<DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getDeviceCountsByGroups(@QueryParam(CONNECTIVITY_STATUS) String connectivityStatus,
@QueryParam(POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY) String potentialVulnerability,
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
ExtendedFilterSet filterSet = new ExtendedFilterSet();
// creating device-Counts-by-platforms Data Wrapper
List<DeviceCountByGroup> deviceCountsByPlatforms;
try {
deviceCountsByPlatforms = gadgetDataService.getDeviceCountsByPlatforms(filterSet);
} catch (InvalidPotentialVulnerabilityValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of device counts by platforms.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of device counts by platforms.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper1 = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
// creating device-Counts-by-ownership-types Data Wrapper
List<DeviceCountByGroup> deviceCountsByOwnerships;
try {
deviceCountsByOwnerships = gadgetDataService.getDeviceCountsByOwnershipTypes(filterSet);
} catch (InvalidPotentialVulnerabilityValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of device counts by ownerships.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of device counts by ownerships.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper2 = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByGroups(@QueryParam(NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE) String nonCompliantFeatureCode,
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
BasicFilterSet filterSet = new BasicFilterSet();
// creating feature-non-compliant-device-Counts-by-platforms Data Wrapper
List<DeviceCountByGroup> featureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByPlatforms;
try {
featureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByPlatforms = gadgetDataService.
getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByPlatforms(nonCompliantFeatureCode, filterSet);
} catch (InvalidFeatureCodeValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of feature " +
"non-compliant device counts by platforms.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of feature non-compliant " +
"device counts by platforms.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper1 = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
// creating feature-non-compliant-device-Counts-by-ownership-types Data Wrapper
List<DeviceCountByGroup> featureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByOwnerships;
try {
featureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByOwnerships = gadgetDataService.
getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCountsByOwnershipTypes(nonCompliantFeatureCode, filterSet);
} catch (InvalidFeatureCodeValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of feature " +
"non-compliant device counts by ownerships.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of feature non-compliant " +
"device counts by ownerships.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper2 = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getFilteredDeviceCountOverTotal(@QueryParam(CONNECTIVITY_STATUS) String connectivityStatus,
@QueryParam(POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY) String potentialVulnerability,
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
ExtendedFilterSet filterSet = new ExtendedFilterSet();
// creating filteredDeviceCount Data Wrapper
DeviceCountByGroup filteredDeviceCount;
try {
filteredDeviceCount = gadgetDataService.getDeviceCount(filterSet);
} catch (InvalidPotentialVulnerabilityValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered device count over the total.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered device count over the total.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
// creating TotalDeviceCount Data Wrapper
DeviceCountByGroup totalDeviceCount;
try {
totalDeviceCount = gadgetDataService.getTotalDeviceCount();
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve the total device count over filtered.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
List<Object> filteredDeviceCountOverTotalDataWrapper = new ArrayList<>();
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCountOverTotal(@QueryParam(NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE) String nonCompliantFeatureCode,
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
BasicFilterSet filterSet = new BasicFilterSet();
// creating featureNonCompliantDeviceCount Data Wrapper
DeviceCountByGroup featureNonCompliantDeviceCount;
try {
featureNonCompliantDeviceCount = gadgetDataService.
getFeatureNonCompliantDeviceCount(nonCompliantFeatureCode, filterSet);
} catch (InvalidFeatureCodeValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a feature non-compliant device count over the total.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a feature non-compliant device count over the total.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
// creating TotalDeviceCount Data Wrapper
DeviceCountByGroup totalDeviceCount;
try {
totalDeviceCount = gadgetDataService.getTotalDeviceCount();
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve the total device count over filtered feature non-compliant.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
List<Object> featureNonCompliantDeviceCountOverTotalDataWrapper = new ArrayList<>();
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
public Response getDevicesWithDetails(@QueryParam(CONNECTIVITY_STATUS) String connectivityStatus,
@QueryParam(POTENTIAL_VULNERABILITY) String potentialVulnerability,
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership,
@QueryParam(PAGINATION_ENABLED) String paginationEnabled,
@QueryParam(START_INDEX) int startIndex,
@QueryParam(RESULT_COUNT) int resultCount) {
if (paginationEnabled == null) {
log.error("Bad request on retrieving a filtered set of devices with details @ " +
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} else if (FLAG_TRUE.equals(paginationEnabled)) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
ExtendedFilterSet filterSet = new ExtendedFilterSet();
PaginationResult paginationResult;
try {
paginationResult = gadgetDataService.
getDevicesWithDetails(filterSet, startIndex, resultCount);
} catch (InvalidPotentialVulnerabilityValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (InvalidStartIndexValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (InvalidResultCountValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
dashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
} else if (FLAG_FALSE.equals(paginationEnabled)) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
ExtendedFilterSet filterSet = new ExtendedFilterSet();
List<DeviceWithDetails> devicesWithDetails;
try {
devicesWithDetails = gadgetDataService.getDevicesWithDetails(filterSet);
} catch (InvalidPotentialVulnerabilityValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
} else {
log.error("Bad request on retrieving a filtered set of devices with details @ " +
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
public Response getFeatureNonCompliantDevicesWithDetails(@QueryParam(NON_COMPLIANT_FEATURE_CODE) String nonCompliantFeatureCode,
@QueryParam(PLATFORM) String platform,
@QueryParam(OWNERSHIP) String ownership,
@QueryParam(PAGINATION_ENABLED) String paginationEnabled,
@QueryParam(START_INDEX) int startIndex,
@QueryParam(RESULT_COUNT) int resultCount) {
if (paginationEnabled == null) {
log.error("Bad request on retrieving a filtered set of feature non-compliant devices with " +
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} else if (FLAG_TRUE.equals(paginationEnabled)) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
BasicFilterSet filterSet = new BasicFilterSet();
PaginationResult paginationResult;
try {
paginationResult = gadgetDataService.
filterSet, startIndex, resultCount);
} catch (InvalidFeatureCodeValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of " +
"feature non-compliant devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (InvalidStartIndexValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of " +
"feature non-compliant devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (InvalidResultCountValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of " +
"feature non-compliant devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of feature " +
"non-compliant devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
dashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardPaginationGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
} else if (FLAG_FALSE.equals(paginationEnabled)) {
// getting gadget data service
GadgetDataService gadgetDataService = DeviceMgtAPIUtils.getGadgetDataService();
// constructing filter set
BasicFilterSet filterSet = new BasicFilterSet();
List<DeviceWithDetails> featureNonCompliantDevicesWithDetails;
try {
featureNonCompliantDevicesWithDetails = gadgetDataService.
getFeatureNonCompliantDevicesWithDetails(nonCompliantFeatureCode, filterSet);
} catch (InvalidFeatureCodeValueException e) {
log.error("Bad request and error occurred @ Gadget Data Service layer due to " +
"invalid (query) parameter value. This was while trying to execute relevant data service " +
"function @ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of " +
"feature non-compliant devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
} catch (DataAccessLayerException e) {
log.error("An internal error occurred while trying to execute relevant data service function " +
"@ Dashboard API layer to retrieve a filtered set of feature " +
"non-compliant devices with details.", e);
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).
DashboardGadgetDataWrapper dashboardGadgetDataWrapper = new DashboardGadgetDataWrapper();
List<DashboardGadgetDataWrapper> responsePayload = new ArrayList<>();
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_OK).entity(responsePayload).build();
} else {
log.error("Bad request on retrieving a filtered set of feature non-compliant devices with " +
return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST).
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
* WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
function onRequest(context) {
var constants = require("/app/modules/constants.js");
var user = context.user;
var isSuperTenant = false;
if (user.tenantId == -1234){
isSuperTenant = true;
var viewModal = {};
viewModal.isSuperTenant = isSuperTenant;
viewModal.USER_SESSION_KEY = session.get(constants["USER_SESSION_KEY"]);
return viewModal;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
components/device-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.ui/src/main/resources/jaggeryapps/devicemgt/app/units/cdmf.unit.ui.header.user-menu/public/js/user-menu.js → components/device-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.ui/src/main/resources/jaggeryapps/devicemgt/app/units/cdmf.unit.ui.header.default.user-menu/public/js/user-menu.js
components/device-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.ui/src/main/resources/jaggeryapps/devicemgt/app/units/cdmf.unit.ui.header.user-menu/public/js/user-menu.js → components/device-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.device.mgt.ui/src/main/resources/jaggeryapps/devicemgt/app/units/cdmf.unit.ui.header.default.user-menu/public/js/user-menu.js
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
Copyright (c) 2016, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
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<i class="fw fw-user fw-lg fw-helper fw-helper-inverse fw-helper-circle"></i>
<span class="hidden-xs add-padding-left-1x">
{{#if isSuperTenant }}
{{@user.username}} "SERVER" <span class="caret"></span>
{{@user.username}}@{{@user.domain}} <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right slideInDown"
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="change-password">Change Password</a>
<!--suppress HtmlUnknownTarget -->
<a href="{{@app.context}}/logout">Sign out</a>
<div id="change-password-window" class="hide">
<input type="hidden" id="user" value=" {{@user.username}} ">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="pull-left modal-title">
<span class="fw-stack">
<i class="fw fw-user fw-stack-2x"></i>
<span class="fw-stack fw-move-right fw-move-bottom">
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<i class="fw fw-circle fw-stack-2x fw-stroke text-info"></i>
<i class="fw fw-edit fw-stack-1x fw-inverse"></i>
Change password is not a option
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><i
class="fw fw-cancel"></i></button>
<div class="modal-body add-margin-top-2x add-margin-bottom-2x">
<div id="change-password-error-msg" class="alert alert-danger hidden" role="alert">
<i class="icon fw fw-error"></i><span></span>
Type your current password *
<input id="current-password" type="password" autocomplete="off" class="form-control modal-input"/>
Type a new password *
<input id="new-password" type="password" autocomplete="off" class="form-control modal-input"
placeholder="[ Password should be in minimum 5 characters long and should not include any whitespaces ]"/>
Reconfirm your new password *
<input id="retyped-new-password" type="password" autocomplete="off" class="form-control modal-input"/>
<div class="modal-footer">
<div class="buttons">
<a href="#" id="change-password-yes-link" class="btn-operations">Change</a>
<a href="#" id="change-password-cancel-link" class="btn-operations">Cancel</a>
<div id="change-password-success-content" class="hide">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="pull-left modal-title">
<span class="fw-stack fw-move-right fw-move-bottom">
<i class="fw fw-circle fw-stack-2x fw-stroke text-success"></i>
<i class="fw fw-check fw-stack-1x fw-inverse"></i>
Password has been successfully updated
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><i
class="fw fw-cancel"></i></button>
<div class="modal-body add-margin-top-2x add-margin-bottom-2x">
<h5 class="text-center">
You can now try to login using your new password.
<div class="modal-footer">
<div class="buttons">
<a href="#" id="change-password-success-link" class="btn-operations">Ok</a>
{{#zone "bottomJs"}}
{{js "/js/user-menu.js"}}
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
* WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
function onRequest(context) {
var constants = require("/app/modules/constants.js");
var user = context.user;
var isSuperTenant = false;
if (user.tenantId == -1234){
isSuperTenant = true;
var viewModal = {};
viewModal.isSuperTenant = isSuperTenant;
viewModal.USER_SESSION_KEY = session.get(constants["USER_SESSION_KEY"]);
return viewModal;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
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