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inosh-perera 40ee310f42
returning auto incremented id
10 years ago
bin alert dialogs are invoked from the decleared once in dialog util 10 years ago
res alert dialogs are invoked from the decleared once in dialog util 10 years ago
src/org/wso2/cdm/agent returning auto incremented id 10 years ago
lint.xml alert dialogs are invoked from the decleared once in dialog util 10 years ago

WSO2 EMM Agent

Configure and build the Android client application

Follow the instructions below to configure and build the Android client application:

  1. Get a Git clone of the project.
  2. Download Android ADT plugin and configure it in your Eclipse.
  3. Open the project in your Eclipse IDE.
  4. Import the project as an Android project using "File-->Import-->Existing Android Code Into Workspace"
  5. Two projects will show, a library and the agent. Clean the Library first and build it.
  6. Open the file properties of the Agent project.
  7. Under "Android" scroll down (past the Build targets).
  8. The library project will show with a red "X" next to it. Remove it.
  9. Add the library project you just built in step 3
  10. Ensure the Library is also on your "Java Build Path" under Libraries.
  11. Clean and build.