@ -60,14 +60,21 @@ public class APIRegistrationStartupObserver implements ServerStartupObserver {
List<APIConfig> apiConfigs = APIPublisherConfig.getInstance().getApiConfigs();
for (APIConfig apiConfig : apiConfigs) {
try {
/* API Config is initialized at this point in order to avoid OSGi declarative services which
the APIManagerComponent depend on, are deployed and initialized before invoking methods in
APIManagerFactory */
API api = DeviceManagerUtil.getAPI(apiConfig);
log.info("Successfully published API '" + apiConfig.getName() + "' with the context '" +
apiConfig.getContext() + "' and version '" + apiConfig.getVersion() + "'");
} catch (APIManagementException e) {
log.error("Error occurred while publishing API '" + apiConfig.getName() + "' with the context '" +
apiConfig.getContext() + "' and version '" + apiConfig.getVersion() + "'");
} catch (Throwable e) {
/* Throwable is caught as none of the RuntimeExceptions that can potentially occur at this point
does not seem to be logged anywhere else within the framework */
log.error("Error occurred while publishing API '" + apiConfig.getName() + "' with the context '" +
apiConfig.getContext() + "' and version '" + apiConfig.getVersion() + "'", e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {